two ghosts vocab Flashcards
aginavi quemadmodum ad illam pervenirem
I hastened in which way I might reach [out] to that one
amare coepi uxorem Terentii coponis
I began to love the wife of Terentius, the innkeeper
attonitis admiratione universis
with everyone astonished with admiration
audimus gemitum
we heard a groan
cum adhuc servirem
when I was still a slave
cum ergo illum mater misella plangeret
when therefore his wretched mother was mourning that one
deinde accessi, ut vestimenta eius tollerem
then I approached so that I might pick up his clothes
deinde ut respexi ad comitem
then, as I looked back at my companion
donec ad villam amicae meae pervenirem
until I arrived at the villa of my girlfriend
ego primitus nesciebam ubi essem
at first I did not know where I was
erat autem miles, fortis tanquam Orcus
however, he was a brave soldier, brave as Hell
forte dominus Capuae exierat ad scruta scita expedienda
By chance the master had gone out to Capua for the purpose of setting free/ disposing of nice junk
gladium tamen strinxi et umbras cecidi
I however drew my sword and I killed the ghosts
haec ubi dicta dedit
when he had given these words
hic audacter stricto gladio extra ostium procucurrit
this one boldly, with his sword having been drawn, ran forward outside of the door
huius contubernalis ad villam supremum diem obiit
this one’s mate met his final day at the villa
illa autem lapidea facta sunt
those however had been made of stone
ille exuit se et omnia vestimenta secundum viam posuit
that one undressed himself and placed all of his clothing next to the road
in angustiis amici apparent
in narrow [spaces], friends appear
introversus se proiecit in lectum
having turned inside, he threw himself forward onto the bed
itaque per scutum per ocream egi
and so, through shield [or] through greave I acted
luna lucebat tanquam meridie
the moon was shing, just as midday
mirari coepit, quod tam sero ambularem
began to wonder why I was walking so late
mulierem tanquam hoc loco mediam traiecit
he transfixed the middle woman, just as in this place
nactus ego occasionem
I, having obtained an opportunity
nam, ut aiunt
for, as they say
nec unquam fefellitus sum
nor have I ever been cheated
nolite me iocari putare
don’t think that I am joking
nostrum plures in tristimonio essemus
several of us were in sorrow
persuadeo hospitem nostrum, ut mecum ad quintum miliarium veniat
I persuade our guest so that he might come with me to the fifth milestone
plane non mentiar
plainly I wouldn’t lie
poterat bovem iratum tollere
he was able to lift up an angry bull
putares canem leporem persequi
you would have thought that a dog was following a hare
qui mori timore nisi ego
who has been dead by fear except I
quid enim mihi aufert, qui ridet
for what does he who laughs take away from me
quidquid habui in illius sinum demandavi
whatever I had I entrusted into that one’s lap
quomodo dii volunt
in which way the gods want
salvum sit, quod tango!
let it be safe that which I touch!
satius est rideri quam derideri
it is more preferable to be laughed at than derided
sed, quod coeperam dicere
but, that which I had begun to say
si ante, inquit, venisses, saltem nobis adiutasses
if you had come before, you would have at least helped us
si quid ab illa petii, nunquam mihi negatum
if I sought something from her, never was [something] denied from me
subito lupus factus est
suddenly he had been made a wolf
talem fabulam exorsus est
he began such a story
ululare coepit et in silvas fugit
he began to howl and he fled into the woods
valde audaculum et qui valebat
very bold, and who was very strong
viderint: narrabo tamen
let them see: I will tell however
vix unquam refectus sum
I had scarcely ever been repaired