pyramus & thisbe vocab Flashcards
aut hoc si nimium est
or if this is too much
captis mentibus
with minds having been taken
contiguas tenuere domos
they held adjoining homes
cruor emicat alte
blood leaps out high
cumque domo exierint
and when they have left from
the home
demisit ferrum
he sent down the iron
ex aequo ardebant ambo
both were burning equally
fallere custodes foribusque
to deceive the guards and to go
fero morsu
with the wild bite
fervent moriens e vulnere traxit
dying, he dragged it out of the
burning wound
in alto pulvere
in the deep dust
in loca plena metus
into places full of fear
invide paries
envious wall
iuvenum pulcherrimus alter
one, the most handsome of
young men
lateantque sub umbra aboris
and they should hide under the
shade of the tree
longa dignissima vita
the most deserving of a long life
multa prius questi
having complained of many things beforehand
nec prior huc veni
nor did i come here first
neve sit errandum lato
spatiantibus arvo
or lest the walking ones must
wander in the wide field
nocte silenti
in the silent night
nostra nocens anima est
our soul is guilty
nostrum divellite corpus
tear apart our body
notitiam primosque gradus
vicinia fecit
proximity made notice and first
praelata puellis
having been preferred more
than the girls
quantum erat ut sineres
how much was it that you might
qui iussi nocte venires
i who ordered so that you might come at night
quid amantibus obstas
why do you stand in the way of lovers
quod non potuere vetare
that which they were not able to forbid
quoque erat accinctus
also that which he had girded
quoque magis tegitur
also, the more it is concealed
scelerata viscera
the wicked entrails
sed vetuere patres
but the fathers forbade
serius egressus
having gone out later
statuunt ut temptent
they decided that they woud committ
sub hac rupe
under this cliff
taedae quoque iure coissent
torches also would have joined
them in law
tectus magis aestuat ignis
having been concealed the more
the fire burns
tempore crevit amor
love increased with time
tibi nos debere fatemur
we confess to owe to you
totoque expalluit ore
and he grew pale with his whole face
una duos nox perdet amantes
one night will destroy two lovers
urbis quoque tecta relinquant
they would also leave the roofs
of the city
ut iacuit resupinus humo
as he lay supine on the ground
vel ad oscula danda pateres
or that you might lie open
vestem sanguine tinctam
he uncovered the clothing
having been stained with blood
vestigia vita certa ferae
he saw the certain footprints of a
wild animal