Twisting Flashcards
Pinwheel twist
seated with legs bent off to one side as twist opposite way
Parivritta Marichyasana
(Par-ee-vree-ta Ma-ree-chee-ah-sa-nah)
Twist dedicated to sage Marichi
seated, rt leg bent over bent lt leg (lt foot near rt hip), Lt elbow on outside of Rt knee and twist right
Ardha Mastyendrasana
(Ard-hah Maht-see-en-drah-sa-nah)
Half lord of the fishes twist
seated, lt leg long, rt leg bent, wrap lt arm around rt knee, twist to right
Jathara Parivrittanasana
(Jot-harah Par-ee-vree-tawn-ah-sa-nah)
Reclined twist
-legs bent to one side and twist opposite
Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana
(Par-ee-vree-tah Ard-ha Chan-drah-sa-nah)
Revolved half moon posture
Parivritta Prasarita Padottanasana
(Par-ee-vree-tah Prah-sar-ee-tah Pah-dote-tawn-ah-sa-nah)
Revolved standing wide leg forward fold
Parivritta Paschimottasana
(Par-ee-vree-tah Paw-schee-mote-tawn-ah-sa-nah)
Revolved seated forward fold
Definition of twisting postures
-rotation of spine w/stable foundation
-navel draws in and up to support sacrum
Benefits of twisting
- Physical
-stretch/strengthen all back muscles (esp spinal)
-improve circulation to intervertebral discs & all abd organs
-neutralizing & balancing - Energetic
-cooling, neutralizing/balancing
-helps samana vayu
Key Actions of Twisting
- Lengthening of spine
- Activation of foundation
- Coordination of lots of muscle groups (asymmetrical)
- Expansion of chest
- Even and open on both sides
Prepare for Twisting
- Spinal extensions
- Abd awareness & activation
- Opening of chest and stabilizing of shoulders
- Awakening/awareness in foundation of twist
- Simpler twists (standing), FF and upper BB
Recovery for Twisting
Simpler FF