Twelfth Night-Act 1 Quiz Flashcards
Explain the metaphor Orsino uses to describe his love for Olivia in lines 18-23.
The metaphor Orsino uses to describe his love for Olivia in lines 18-23 is “like fell and cruel hounds.” This means the Duke’s love for Olivia has only left him feeling in danger and it is not a good kind of love. The Duke feels like loving Olivia is is like fell and cruel hounds constantly following him.
Why will Olivia hide her face and cry for seven years? Do you find this overdramatic? Why?
Olivia will hide her face and cry for seven years to commemorate her love for her dead brother and mourn him. I find this overdramatic because seven years is along period of time and when someone passes away the best thing thing to do grieve for only a couple of days and then move on. When Duke learns that Olivia is mourning for 7 years and has sworn off men, he becomes distraught.
Why is Orsino impressed with Olivia’s behavior?
Orsino is impressed with Olivia’s behavior because he believes if she could love a dead man so passionately, she would love him with great measures and the Duke regains hope for their romance.
What happened to Viola’s brother?
After the ship they were on split, Viola’s brother was supposedly lost at sea or he may have drown.
How does the Captain try to reassure Viola?
The Captain tries to reassure Viola by assuring her that her brother tied himself to a mast from the split shit and rode the waves to safety. The captain relates Viola’s brother’s situation to a reference from Greek mythology. He says he saw Viola’s brother stay afloat on the waves like Arion on the dolphin’s back
What is Orsino asking for in the first few lines?
In the first few line Orsino is asking to become sick of love because he is not having a lot of luck in the romance department and he is having trouble wooing Olivia.
Why does the name Orsino sound familiar to Viola?
The name Orsino seems familiar to Viola because her father has spoken of him before. Her father had mentioned Orsino to be a bachelor.
What does the Captain tell us about Olivia?
The Captain tells us that Olivia is a virtuous young lady, the daughter of a count who died 12 months ago leaving her under the protection of her brother who also passed away, provoking Olivia to renounce the company and sight of men.
Why does Viola want to serve Olivia?
Viola wants to serve Olivia because she wants to avoid publicity until she figures out what her situation is. Also, Viola feels compassion for her because they both are dealing with a loss of their brother.
What does Viola ask of the captain? Why does Viola want to be presented as a eunuch?
Viola asks of the Captain to introduce her to the Duke as a eunuch. Viola wants to be presented as a eunuch because she wants to spend time with the Duke, she feels safer and less vulnerable as a man in this new town and while being close to the Duke she can get to know morse new people.
What is Sir Toby’s complaint about Olivia?
Sir Toby’s complaint about Olivia is that worrying about her brother isn’t good for health. Also, he believes it is very extreme to swear off men for seven years.
Why does Maria reprimand Toby?
Maria reprimands Toby because she believes his his tippling and drinking will be the ruin of him. She also warned him about his recent behavior of coming into late and drinking too much and that Olivia is becoming annoyed about it.
What do we learn about Andrew Aguechek?
We learned that Andrew is quite dumb. He has trouble understanding what they’re Toby said to him. Also, we find out Andrew likes to fence, dance and he enjoys bear – baiting, Andrew is also trying to woo Olivia.
Why is Sir Andrew going to stay a month longer? How does Sir Toby convince him to stay?
Sir Andrew is going to stay a month longer in order to woo Olivia. Sir Toby convinces him to stay by telling him that Olivia is not interested in the Duke and Andrew still has a chance. Sir Andrew is very easily persuaded
What is the purpose of this subplot in the play?
I think the purpose of the subplot in the play is for a comedic aspect.
How do the Duke and viola get along?
The Duke and viola get along very well. The Duke favors viola and valentine explains she is likely to be promoted. She has only known Orsino for three days and is already well accepted.
Who is Cesario?
Cesario is Viola’s name when she is in disguise as a eunuch.
Where does Orsino want viola to go?
Orsino wants viola to go to Olivia’s home and stand at the door until she is granted an audience.
According to Orsino, why is Viola a better candidate to go see Olivia?
According to Orsino, viola is a better candidate to go see Olivia because she has a high pitch voice that is shrill and firm, therefore she would pass for a woman and having woman like features and a soft voice and gentle nature is a more effective way of wooing Olivia.
Why is Viola’s duty a barful strife? What is the dramatic irony in this scene?
Viola’s duty is a bar full strife because by Ola secretly wants to move Duke but she sent to Olivia on Dukes behalf. You Germanic irony in this scene is the love triangle that is beginning to form. Duke likes Olivia, Olivia likes Cesario and Cesario/Viola likes Duke. We find out that viola likes Duke in the aside at the end of the scene.
Why doesn’t Orsino go see Olivia himself?
Orsino doesn’t go see Olivia himself because he believes she will take more notice of the message coming from our youth such as Cesario. He believes Cesario will deliver the message in a more soft and gentle approach.
Why will Olivia be angry with Feste?
Olivia will be angry with Feste because he went missing and he just returned after a really long absence.
What does Olivia challenge Feste to do? How does he do it?
Olivia challenges Feste to prove why she is the real fool. He does this by saying morning person who is in heaven, such as Olivia’s brother, is foolish because they are in a better place.
What is ironic about Malvolio’s description of Viola/Cesario?
It is ironic that Malvolio describe Viola/Cesario as in between a boy and a man because she is neithe. It is also ironic that he calls Ceasario handsome.
Why does Olivia take off her veil?
Olivia takes off her veil to show that she’s the owner of the house so Cesario will. Olivia also wants to show confidence in herself and her appearance.
Why do you think viola speaks in verse and Olivia speaks in prose?
I think Viola speaks in verse because she wants to appear as a soft gentleman with power of language so her speech will be a more effective and spark Olivia’s attention
Why does Olivia ask Cesario you what his parentage is?
Olivia asks Ceario what his parentage is because she is curious and wants to find more about this mysterious new sophisticated man that has arrived in Illyria
What message does Olivia send back to Orsino.?
Olivia sends back to Orsino to not send anymore messengers that she can never love him she’s not changing her mind and she has sworn off men for the next seven years.
Why does Olivia give Malvolio a ring to give to Cesario?
Olivia gives Malvolio the ring to give to Cesario because she wants to see Cesario once again. The catch is that Cesario never gave her a ring and the ringn was just a ploy to see cesario again
What kind of person is Malvolio? What do you notice about the way he speaks?
Malvolio is a very loyal and sophisticated man. He’s always willing to help Olivia and does anything she says therefore loyal towards her. I can tell by the way Malvolio speaks that he is also very sophisticated . He is a very good vocabulary and speaks in almost a poetic way
Castaway, disguised as a man called Cesario, in service to Orsin
Duke of Illyria wooing Olivia.
Countess, resisting Orsino’s wooing
Steward to Olivia
A lady in waiting in Olivia’s household
Sir Andrew Aguecheek
A simple minded companion of Sir Toby’s, wooing Olivia
Olivia’s jester
Castaway, twin brother to viola, thought dead
Gentlemen attending on Duke Orsino
I gentleman attending on Duke Orsino
I servant and friend to Sir Toby
A Captain and friend to Sebastian
I sea captain
Friend to Viola