Tuttle-base Flashcards
What are modalities that cause deep heating?
What are modalitites that cause superficial heating?
Hydrocolator IR UV Parrifin Whirlpool LVG
What modalities are non-heat producing?
Sine wave stim. Pulsed US therapy Pulsed SWD IF HVG EMS TENS MENS
List the tissues from best conductor to worse conductor
Muscle - 72-75% water Fat -14% water Nerves - 5-16% water Bones - 5-16% Skin - 5-16%
What are the physiological effects of heat?
Increased metabolic rate (BMR) Increased capillary flow & filtration Increased nutrient supply to tissue Increased WBC & phagocytic activity Increased local perspiration rate Increased lymph flow along w/ blood flow
What are specific local effects of heat?
Increased threshold to pain receptors (analgesia)
Superficial BT(?) increase doesn’t mean deep BT(?) increase
Increased pain threshold of peripheral nerves
Decrease muscle spindle response to stress-relaxes myospasm
What are systemic effects of heat?
General increased perspiration via hypothalamus mechanism
Increased cardiac output & blood flow
Increased plasma volume
Decreased diastole blood pressure
Increased renal filtration –> increased urine loss
What advantage does moist heat have over dry heat?
More penetration
Low skin resistence
What are the 4 types of energy transfer?
Type of energy transfer that requires physical contact, i.e. one warm body next to a cool body. Hot moist pack, ice pack, paraffin, etc.
Type of energy transfer that requires a medium for transfer (air, water, etc.). Paraffin, whirlpool, etc.
Type of energy transfer that transforms one form of energy into another form of energy. US
Type of energy transfer that uses heat through space w/o aid of media. UV, IR
What are four types of hydrotherapy?
Regular whirlpool
Hubbard tanks - whole body immersion
Sitz bath
Contrast bath - residual bath (start w/ heat & end w/ heat)
What temp range is considered cold?
What temp range is considered cool?
What temp range is considered tepid?
What temp range is considered warm?
What temp range is considered hot?
What temp range is considered very hot?
What temp range is considered scalding?
> 120f
What are contraindications for whirlpool?
Heart disease
Past cerebral vascular accident
Acute circulatory disease
Bladder & bowel dysfunction
What are methods of cooling?
What are contraindications of cryotherapy?
Hypersensitive to cold
Frost bite
What are the physiological effects of cryotherapy?
Decrease blood flow & muscle spasm
If you tx w/ cryotherapy for longer than 20 mins what happens?
Hunting Reflex
What is the tx protocol for ice massage?
Time - 3-5mins
Speed 4” per second
What is the order of sensation felt w/ cryotherapy?
CBAN Cool Burn Aching Numbness
What are the two types of vapocoolant spray?
Flourimethane (tuttle’s spelling) - nonflammable, nontoxic, nonexplosive, not a general anesthetic
Ethyl Chloride - Flammable, toxic, explosive, can cause temporary blindness, local anesthetic
What are the 3 general effects of US?
Where in the body is US felt?
Interface b/w tissue (muscle & bone)
What are the types of crystals used in the transducer head of US?
Quartz (stable & best to use)
Barium Titanite (M/C)
What is the penetration range for US?
2.5cm - 8cm
How fast should you move the US head during tx?
2.5cm/1” per sec
What are potential problems w/ US?
Tissue cavitation
Soften bone
Periosteal burning
What are contraindications for US?
Epiphyseal growth plate open Reproductive organs Pregnant uterus Malignancy Acute infection Metallic implant
What is the tx time for US on acute conditions? chronic?
Acute - 5 mins
Chronic - 10 mins
What are the type of conducting media used w/ US?
Water (best)
Aquasonic gel
Polysonic Cream
Mineral oil (not to be used w/ ems)
What US settings do you use for Acute thin skin?
0.5-1.0 W/sq cm
What US settings do you use for Acute thick skin?
1.0-1.5 w/sq cm
What US settings do you use for chronic thin skin?
1.0-1.5 w/sq cm
What US settings do you use for chronic thick skin?
1.5-2.0 w/sq cm
When tx under water w/ US, how do you adjust the wattage & where do you place the sound head?
Raise the wattage by 0.5 per sq cm & hold sound head .5-1” away from tx area
What is the mixture in a paraffin bath?
1lb paraffin to 1oz mineral oil (7:1 ratio - straight from tuttle’s notes, doesn’t make sense b/c there are 16ozs in 1lb)