Tutorials combined Flashcards
What is game theory?
to study people’s behaviour in economic interactions
play economic “games” with partners
See if they act as predicted.
Since been used by psychologists to explain certain unexpected behaviours, like altruism, cooperation and punishment.
Name the four conditions we used in the dictator game.
concealed and face to face
revealed and face to face
revealed and online
concealed and online
What is the rule of thumb for skewness and kurtosis?
e.g. divide skewness by std error and range should be between -2 and +2.
What is the ultimatum game?
- Same as the dictator game EXCEPT the recipient can choose to accept or reject the offer
- If accept, the money is split as proposed
- If reject, both get NOTHING
What should hypotheses in the intro of a report look like?
Specific: don’t say generosity, say amount given.
Directional: as x increases y increases for instance.
Positive: we don’t want the null hypothesis; you want to explain the presence of a phenomenon.
Testable: can be measured/operationalized
Logical: flows clearly from the theory, not tangential from theory.
Refutable: can be proven false. : it must be possible to obtain results contrary to the prediction
Distinguish between experimental designs and quasi-experimental?
Experimental method: attempt to infer causality by randomly allocating ppl.
Quasi-experimental: non equivalent groups are compared, when you are effectively giving a prediction but are trying to lean a little in explanation (regression is usually the craft youre doing here).
Distinguish btn describing events and explaining events.
Describe events: what is happening, describing what relationships exist, prediction, does x predict y? VS Explaining events (why is it happening) Attempting to infer causality, does x cause y
Give me a step by step overview of the research process.
i) Finding a research idea
ii) From theory to hypotheses
iii) Defining & operationalising variables
iv) Identifying participants
v) Research strategies (types of research)
vi) Research designs (between/within subject etc)
Distinguish btn hypothesis and research hypothesis
Hypothesis: a statement that describes or explains a relationship b/w or among variables
A proposal to be tested & evaluated
eg. There is a positive relationship b/w shame & narcissism
Research hypothesis: specific testable prediction
Refers to specific measures, situations or event that can be directly observed
eg. Scores on Shame scale X will positively predict scores on Narcissism scale Y
When designing items for a survey, what 4 things should you consider?
Items should be easy to understand
Should avoid ambiguous & vague items
Should be culturally appropriate
Should consider ethical issues
Potential problems with this item question in survey?
“Would you take drugs which may have strange or dangerous effects?”
An issue here because double barrel question
Should be first person “I”.
May: is subjective→certainly or not at all, introduces ambiguity for things.
Problems with item question:
“I tend to vote for liberal political candidates”
“tend to” is subjective.
What does liberal mean (culturally charged).
Past tense behavioural tendency question e.g. what if you’re 18 and don’t have a pre-existing voting tendency. Makes assumptions.
Problems with…
“I am usually not highly curious”
3 modifers in a row before subject. Don’t put in a spectrum into something you already have a likert for. Even saying I am usually curious, is confusing. Because someone who is really curious will have to answer no.
I would like to kill myself
-Beck Depression inventory
too jovial perhaps ‘like’ not the best word. E.g. I plan to kill myself
You have an ethical obligation /duty of care to intervene if you get the answer yes.
What is an attitude and what is it a key part of studying?
An attitude is a feeling; a like or dislike; approval or disapproval; trust or distrust & so on
Attitude statements involve a value judgment of some kind.
Key part of social psychology
When one creates items, its good to cover three types of domains. Give one example for each.
Hint: lets get a cab
Cognitive, behavioural, affective items
e.g., I believe organ transplantation is unethical (cognitive)
I would donate my organs after my death (behavioural)
I feel uncomfortable about organ transplantation (affective)
What are the different scales you could used for your survey?
- dichotomic scale (true/false)
- Likert scale ( 1 to 5) Decide if you want odd (forced choice) or even.
- Semantic anchors e.g. 1 = Strongly disagree … 4 = Strongly agree
3 areas when qualitative research would be imp?
1) theory development
2) New/limited cases
3) understanding subjective experience
What does this refer to:
Non-numerical data collection
refers to qualitative research where you have to make a judgement as to whether somehthing is counted
Are there hypothesis in qualitative research?
NO. not really. cos not quantifying something just describing something
Note week 6 tute on axial coding etc, i remember doing it in mid sem flashcards.
so wont continue here.