Tutorial 5: User-Generated Content on the Internet Flashcards
application programming interface (API)
A means of communication with an operating system or some other program that is written by a programmer or developer with a specific goal in mind, such as displaying content on a screen or accessing a file system. WEB 255
A message posted in a newsgroup. WEB 248
A feed format that is used to syndicate (distribute) published content from one site to another. WEB 249
A frequently updated Web site that expresses the opinions of the author(s), with frequently updated content that is focused on a specific topic or category of information. Also called a Weblog or Web log. WEB 189, WEB 262
A general term for real-time communication that occurs over the Internet using a Web site or a chat program. Chats can include text, voice, or video, depending on the type of chat and the equipment used. WEB 262
chat room
The area of a chatting Web site where users could send text-only messages in real time with their Web browsers to other users in the chat room. WEB 264
closed list
A mailing list in which the list’s administrator approves requests for membership. WEB 247
Using Internet communication such as email, text and instant messages, blogs, microblogs, or social networks to harass, threaten, or intimidate someone. WEB 283
distributed database
A database that is stored in multiple physical locations, with portions of the database replicated in different locations. WEB 247
A group of keyboard characters that when viewed together represent a human expression; used in email and other electronic correspondence to convey emotions. WEB 82, WEB 266
Technology that sends subscribed users frequently updated content from a news sources, blog, podcast, or other network on a schedule that the user specifies. Also called a newsfeed or a Web feed. WEB 244, WEB 249
In microblogging, the term given to a person or an organization who is receiving updates from a microblogger. WEB 280
In a microblogging site, the name given to a user-defined keyword that creates the topical categories that link messages together across the network. A hashtag begins with a pound sign (#) and includes one to several words, which are typed without any space characters. WEB 281
Short for “I seek you,” the first instant messaging program on the Internet, which later became AOL Instant Messenger and later, AIM. WEB 264
instant message
A message sent in real time between users who are chatting over a network and using network-connected devices. Instant messaging usually occurs over an Internet connection using computers or over a cellular network using mobile devices. WEB 262
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
A multiuser program that allows users to exchange short messages over the Internet. WEB 264
Internet security software
Software that detects and eradicates viruses and other common security threats on the Internet. WEB 288
list moderator
The person or group that monitors messages sent to a moderated mailing list and discards inappropriate content. WEB 247
list server
A server that runs email list software to manage the functions of a mailing list. WEB 247
The practice of reading messages posted to a chat room, mailing list, or newsgroup and not contributing to the discussion. WEB 264
mailing list
A list of names and email addresses for a group of people who share a common interest in a specific or broad subject or topic and exchange information by subscribing to the list. WEB 244, WEB A11
A Web site that combines the data from different Web resources to create a new Web site that is updated by these resources. WEB 245
A form of blogging in which users send short messages (usually 140 characters or less) on a very frequent schedule. WEB 262
moderated list
A mailing list that has a list moderator who is responsible for discarding inappropriate content. WEB 247