Tutorial 3 Flashcards
A process of systematic stereotyping and discrimination against people just because they are old.
Homeostatic reserve
The ability of an organism to stabilise its normal internal environment
2050 % of over 60s
2050 - % in low and middle income countries
What is austerity in terms of life expectancy?
confounding factors
starting to slow life expectancy rise
life expectancy males and females
- 5 - males
83. 1 - females
life expectancy and health expectancy can vary depending on socio-economic status
number of carers in UK
6.5 million
Tasks carers can help with
dressing meals prep keep company keep an eye take the person out financial matters personal care
Who do most people care for?
parents or parents in law
multi morbidity
the co-existence of two or more long term conditions in an individual
What adds complexity to management?
older patients have more than one chronic health conditions
may worsen conditions
what happens to old patients after discharge?
home with care package nursing home home with family support sheltered housing residential home specialist unit their wishes? family wishes?
Anticipatory care plans
Advance and anticipatory care planning, as a philosophy, promotes discussion in which individuals, their care providers and often those close to them, make decisions with respect to their future health or personal and practical aspects of care
When are anticipatory care plans done and info on them
any time/continuous by anyone with appropriate relationship think ahead and make plans write it down communication
Legal ACP
welfare of power of attorney and financial power
Personal ACP
next of kin consent preference and priorities preferred place of death religious and cultural current level of support
Medical ACP
potential problems wishes eg DNACPR palliative care home care package current aids and appliances communication with other professionals