Tutorial 2 What is Health? Flashcards
what are the expectations of professional values and behaviours?
professional and ethical responsibilities
legal responsibilities
patient safety and quaality improvement
dealing with complexity and uncertainty
safeguarding vulnerable patients
leadership and team working
what are the expectations of professional skills?
communication and interpersonal skills
diagnosis and medical management
prescribing medication safely
using information effectively and safely
what are the expectations of professional knowledge?
the health service and healthcare systems in the four countries
applying biomedical scientific principles
applying social science principles
health promotion and illness prevention
clinical research and scholarship
whats the definition of health?
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
what are the different kinds of normality
what are some examples of good dress code practice?
Wear soft-soled, closed toe shoes.
Provide sufficient uniforms for the recommended laundry practice (more uniforms may be needed where the trust carries out the laundry).
Change into a clean uniform at the start of each shift in order to avoid overloading wash uniforms separately from other clothes.
Cover tattoos where these are extensive or may be deemed offensive.
Use posters or other aide-memoires to show what each uniform means.
give some examples of poor dress code practice?
Wear numerous badges or other adornments.
Wear neck-ties (other than bow-ties) when providing patient care.
Carry pens/scissors etc in outside breast pockets.
Wear uniform sloppily
Wear excessive jewellery (necklaces, visible piercings and multiple earrings). Where earrings are worn, they should be plain studs).
how long should consultations last?
10 mins
and how many consultations should surgeries have in a row?
what are the two categories of defining health?
official or professional definitions
popular or lay definitions
give examples of professional definitions?
So called bio-medical or scientific view of health.
Health as the absence of disease.
Health as the absence of illness.
give 5 examples of positive/holistic views on health?
Health as an ideal state
Health as physical and mental fitness
Health as a commodity
Health as personal strength or ability
Health as the basis for personal potential.
what are lay beleiefs when it comes to age?
older perople cincentrated on functional ability
younger people tend to speak of health in terms of physical strength and fitness
what are lay health beliefs coming from a social class point of view?
People living in difficult economic and social circumstances regard health as functional – the ability to be productive, to cope and take care of others. Blaxter & Paterson (1982)
Women of higher social class or educational qualifications have a more multidimensional view of health.
what are the lay health beliefs in regards to gender?
Men and women appear to think about health differently
Women may find the concept of health more interesting
Women include a social aspect to health.
what are the cultural differences in terms of health?
Caucasian and Afro-Caribbean patients attached different meanings to “High blood pressure”
Afro-Caribbean patients
Tended to regard it as more“normal” and not as an increased risk of stroke/heart attack
were less likely to take their medication
some learning points…
Health is conceived differently depending on whether you are a professional or not, where you live, what circumstances you find yourself living in, how old you are and whether you are a man or a woman.
There are a variety of “models” of health which have sprung from social scientists attempting to define what health is.
Until you establish what ‘health’ and ‘normality’ means for your patient (as well as yourself), you will struggle to help them achieve their goals.