Tut 1 Completly done !! Flashcards
What is bottom up processing ?
- It is data based processing
- A Stimuli reaching receptor which does not evaluate
- Sensation
- Information from enviorment to brain
What is top down processing ?
- Prior knowledge memories, and expectations are involved
- Receptors or Brain evaluate the picture u face or see
- Perception
Name all the receptors
The receptors are
- visuell receptor
- auditory receptor
- touch receptors
- smell and taste receptors
Visual receptor respond to ?
- light-sensitive chemical (responds to light)
Auditory receptor respond to ?
- pressure changes in the air (tiny vibrating hairs to sense)
Touch receptors respond to ?
- sense stimuli on the skin (’pressure detectors under the skin)
smell and taste receptors respond to?
two types of ‘’chemical detectors’’ to detect gases that are inhaled liquids that are ingested (entering mouth and nose)
The Perceptual Process:
- Exposed to a distal stimuli in the Environment
1.2. Making a stimulus the center of attention (attendance stimulus) - Reflection of light
- Receptor processing: What we perceive is transferred to an image on retina (proximal stimulus)
3.2. Transduction: (light into electricity) - Neurol processing = Transmission/ electrical signals activate other neurons TILL HERE IT IS TOP DOWN
(From eye to the visual cortex) - Perception: Conscious awareness of stimuli
- Recognition: Categorise object based on knowledge
- Take action (looking closer or move close )
What is the principle of representation?
Everything a person perceives is based not on direct contact with stimuli but on representations of stimuli that are formed on the receptors and on activity in the person’s nervous system.
Explain transduction (Step 4):
Transduction: visual pigment (reacts to light) ->gets transformt in electrical energy
Which brain regions are involved regarding senses:
- vision -> occipital lobe
- hearing -> temporal lobe
- skin senses -> parietal lobe
- Frontal lobe: Involve the coordination of information received through two or more senses.
What kind of function does knowledge have regarding the perceptual process?
- Involved in all steps
- Knowledge is any information that the perceiver brings to a situation.
- most valued in step 5,6,7
What is agnosia ?
Inability to recognize objects (do to brain tumor)
Name the methods of figuring out the absolute threshold by Fechner!
All of them want to determine the smallest intensity needed to still realize a different!
- That can be determined by:
- Method of limits
- Method of adjustment
- Method of constant stimuli
- Adaptive testing
Name the limitations of the absolute threshold:
Perception can be variable. Each person has different senitvitys