Turnstile Justice (Gido, & Alleman, 2002) Flashcards
What is a “corrections turnstile” or “revolving door” in corrections?
It is the idea that corrections is like a turnstile – inmate enter and re-enter corrections. Essentially, in and out, repeatedly.
What is the Report of the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1967)?
Essentially said, crime and delinquency were symptoms of failures and disorganization of the community as well as of individual offenders. Wanted to emphasize building and rebuilding offender ties to the community. Does not focus solely on the offender but also changing the communities.
What are the six trends that attribute to the shift in American society affecting American communities (ie: cities, suburbs)?
- Shrinking Cities/Expanding Suburbs
- Increased Racial Segregation
- Increased Concentration of Poverty
- Strain on Urban Institutions
- Effects on the Inner Ring
- Sprawl to Outer Ring and Rural Areas
Describe the concept of “shrinking cities/expanding suburbs”
The idea that cities started to decrease in population while the surrounding suburbs grew exponentially.
Describe the concept of “increased racial segregation”
As the white population moved from the inner city to the surrounding suburbs it left non-white (minorities) to occupy the city. As the population of nonwhites dramatically increased in the city the population of the suburbs stayed relatively the same. [Think: “White-Flight”]
Describe the concept of “increasing concentration of poverty in cities”
As the minority population increased so did the poverty level. As the poverty gap between city and suburban grew so did the segregation between whites and nonwhites. [Think: “White-Flight”]
Describe the concept of “strain on urban institutions”
The best example of an effected institution is public education. Many urban schools seem to be failing because there is an overwhelming amount of poverty.
Describe the concept of “spread of effects to inner ring”
Originally, the area known as the inner suburban ring was the area just a few miles out from the city. Businesses in these areas have continued to grow outward leaving the inner ring to decay and face its own rising amount of poverty.
Describe the concept of “sprawl to outer ring and rural areas”
Communities continue to grow outward, meaning the community is using the space to grow moving outward, not inward. Furthermore, the population is not increasing as fast as we are using land.
What is “offensible space?”
The space in which the crime rates are high enough to justify concentrating police resources in that area.
Define “corrections”
The communities official way of responding to a convicted offender
What are the three philosophies of corrections [way to treat offenders]?
- Rehabilitation: The concern of reforming the criminal
- Justice: Emphasizes the fairness and restitution
- Utilitarian Punishment: The concept of swift and certain retaliation.