Bertozzi’s experiment was designed to test the relationship between the kinetic energy of an electron and its speed as predicted by the theory of special relativity.
Describe Bertozzi’s experiment.
Your answer should include:
- a diagram of the experimental arrangement
- details of how the kinetic energy and the speed were measured.
lvl 5-6: Candidate will draw a useful diagram, and give a coherent well-structured attempt at explaining how energy and velocity are measured with some equations and the use made of the measurements
The following statements could be present:
- useful diagram
- pulses of electrons produced in an accelerator
- electron beam detected as it passes A and B
- time of flight measured with oscilloscope
- velocity = AB / time
- each pulse of electrons raises temperature of aluminium plate
- temperature rise of plate measured (process of finding energy from heat is calorimetry)
- energy landing on plate mcΔθ
- energy of electron = mcΔθ/n (n = number of electrons hitting the plate)
- e and v measured for different electron energies
- compared with prediction from relativity.
Label a transmission electron microscope
- condenser lens forms a wide parallel beam of electrons
- objective lens magnifies and forms an image of the sample
- projector lens magnifies and focuses the image (projecting it)
A typical TEM can accelerate electrons to very high speeds and form high resolution images.
- the process of image formation, and
- the factors that affect the quality of, and the level of detail in, the image.
6 marks: At least six of the likely statements will be covered to a good standard including at least three from image formation and at least three from quality and detail.
Process of Image formation:
- Electrons through the middle of the lenses are undeviated
- Electrons on the edges are deflected by magnetic fields toward the axis of the TEM
- The condenser lens deflects the electrons into a wide parallel beam incident uniformly on the sample.
- The objective lens then forms an image of the sample.
- The projector lens then casts a second image onto the fluorescent screen.
The screen’s atoms are energised and then emit photons so we can see the image
Factors affecting the quality and level of detail:
- Wavelength depends on speed of the electrons
- Lower the wavelength gives greater the detail.
- Emitted electrons come from a heated cathode and therefore have a speed distribution dependent on temperature.
- The speed of the electrons is not always the same which causes different pathways through the lens and so aberration.
- The sample thickness reduces the speed of the electrons increasing the wavelength and decreasing the detail.
TEMs operate using wavelengths of about 0.1 nm.
Explain why operation at such wavelengths makes the instrument such an important research tool. (2)
The resolution is improved for shorter wavelengths or shorter wavelengths enable more detailed images.
0.1 nm is the same order of magnitude as the diameter of an atom.
State and explain two factors that limit the detail in the image produce by a TEM.
Image not accurately focused / blurred
Due to electrons not all having the same speeds so focused to different points by the magnetic lenses.
Electrons slowed down passing through the sample.
Wavelength changes by different amounts as they pass through the sample so each wavelength diffracted differently.
In the figure below, a beam of monoenergetic electrons is produced by thermionic emission from a wire filament in an evacuated tube. The beam is directed at a thin metal sample at normal incidence and it emerges from the sample in certain directions only, including its initial direction.
Name the physical process occurring at the thin metal sample in the figure above which shows the electrons behaving as waves. (1)
In the figure below, a beam of monoenergetic electrons is produced by thermionic emission from a wire filament in an evacuated tube. The beam is directed at a thin metal sample at normal incidence and it emerges from the sample in certain directions only, including its initial direction.
Explain why the electrons need to be monoenergetic in order for them to emerge in certain directions only.
the electrons in the beam must have the same wavelength
otherwise electrons of different wavelengths (or speeds/velocities/energies/momenta) would diffract by different amounts (for the same order)
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) operating at an anode potential of 25kV is used to observe an image of a thin sample.
Describe and explain how the resolution of the image would change if the anode potential were increased.
any two of the first three mark points
increase of pd increases the speed (or velocity/energy/
momentum) of the electrons
(so) the electron wavelength would be smaller
(and) the electrons would diffract less (when they pass through the lenses)
the image would show greater resolution (or be more detailed)
Figure 1 shows a diagram of the Michelson-Morley interferometer that was used to try to detect the absolute motion of the Earth through the ether (æther).
Light from the monochromatic source passes through the semi-silvered glass block and takes two different paths to the viewing telescope. The two paths, PM1 and PM2, are the same length. Interference fringes are observed through the viewing telescope.
Explain how the experiment provided a means of testing the idea that the Earth had an absolute motion relative to the ether.
Your answer should include:
- an explanation of why a shift of the fringe pattern was predicted
- a comparison of the results of the experiment to the prediction
- the conclusion about the Earth’s absolute motion through the ether. (6)
6 marks: A thorough and well communicated discussion using most of the statements in bullets 1,2, and 3
Bullet point 1 in question (Explanation of how shift expected)
- PM2 lies in the direction of the Earth’s velocity
- Speed of light different in the two directions
- The time taken for light to travel from P to M2 and back to P would be greater than the time taken from P to M1 and back to P
- If the speed of light depends on the Earth’s velocity through the ether
- Rotating the apparatus through 90° would cause the time difference to reverse/change
- When rotated there would be a change in the phase difference between the waves (at each point in the fringe pattern)
Bullet point 2 in the question (Results compared with prediction)
- The apparatus was capable of detecting shifts of 0.05 fringe
- No shift was detected then or in later experiments when apparatus rotated
Bullet point 3 in the question (Conclusions)
- The experiment showed that there is no absolute motion
- Ether did not exist so light travels without the need for a material medium
- The Earth was dragging the ether with it
Many responses fail to demonstrate an understanding that the shift pattern is there in the first place and the shift occurs due to rotation of the apparatus
They often imply that the shift is due to differences in the distance travelled
Describe how Newton used the corpuscular theory to explain the refraction of light as it passes from one substance into a substance of higher optical density.
Appreciation that one component changes speed while the other component at right angles does not
When entering a denser medium a corpuscle / light accelerates or its velocity / momentum increases perpendicular to the interface
There is a (short range) attractive force between light corpuscle and the (denser) material
- Not allowed:*
- Attraction due to opposite charges*
- Force making them move faster is not enough*
- Accelerate in medium*
- Not gains energy*
Huygens used a wave theory to explain refraction.
Explain why the corpuscular theory was rejected in favour of a wave theory to explain refraction. (2)
Light (was shown by experiment to) travel slower in (optically) denser medium OWTTE
Condone ‘waves..’ instead of ‘light’
OWTTE e.g. speed in vacuum higher than speed in other medium
Newton’s theory required light to travel faster, wave theory suggested slower speed
Newton’s theory could not explain the slower speed
Huygens theory could explain the slower speed
- Not allowed:*
- Reference to Young’s two slit- question asks them about refraction*
Describe and explain the difference in the appearance of the fringes in Young’s double-slit experiment that are predicted by the corpuscular theory and by the wave theory for light.
A corpuscular theory predicts only two (bright) lines / high intensity patches of light whereas a wave theory predicts many fringes
Corpuscles can only travel in straight lines
waves can produce fringes because (diffract and) interfere / superpose / arrive in and out of phase / have different path differences
Need to describe the patterns ie not just interference fringes are seen for the first mark
The magnetic flux density is adjusted until the beam passes through the two fields without deflection. Show that the speed v of the electrons when this occurs is given by
v = E/B
where E is the electric field strength and B is the magnetic flux density. (3)
magnetic force = Bev (1)
electric force = eE (1)
Bev = eE (gives v = E/B) (1)
Badly written but balance electric and magnetic force
Cathode ray experiment : Describe how the charged particles responsible for conduction in the gas are produced.
electrons pulled out of (gas) atoms so (gas) atoms become (+) ions
ionisation by collision (also) occurs
(+) ions (that) hit cathode causing it to release electrons
conduction due to electrons and positive ions
; Allow ‘electrons ionise atoms’ as compensation mark
(if no marks elsewhere)
Cathode ray experiment: Explain why the gas emits light and why it must be at low pressure. (3)
ions and electrons (moving in opposite directions) collide (with each other) and recombine and emit photons ✓
electrons excite gas atoms (by collision )
and photons are emitted when de-excitation occurs ✓
If light not photons given in 1st 2 mark points, 1 max for 1st two mark points
gas needs to be at sufficiently low pressure in order that the particles (or uncharged gas atoms / ions / electrons) in the gas are widely spaced ✓
otherwise (+) ions and / or electrons / particles would be stopped by gas atoms OR so that ions / electrons are accelerated (or gain enough ke) to cause excitation ✓