Turbine Engine Performance Flashcards
What components of a turbine engine contribute to forward acting propulsive forces?
The compressor, diffuser, combustion chamber and exhaust section all contribute to forward acting propulsive forces.
What components of a turbine engine contribute to rearward acting forces?
The turbine section and the propelling nozzle (if fitted) contribute to rearward acting forces.
What factors will increase the thrust/torque output of a turbine engine?
- An increase in air intake pressure/density (mass).
2. An increase in fuel flow to the combustors (acceleration).
How does RAM effect vary a turbine engine’s thrust output?
Initially as airspeed increases RAM drag reduces thrust, but at higher airspeeds RAM rise (RAM effect) overcomes this and thrust increases.
What is the result of RAM effect?
The kinetic energy of the intake air is converted into pressure (potential) energy, thereby increasing the mass flow of air into the engine.
Why does an increase in fuel flow increase thrust output?
Because the temperature of the combustion gases increases leading directly to an increase in turbine rpm and exhaust gas velocity.
What is the effect of increasing the thrust levers of a turbofan aircraft on takeoff?
Fuel flow increases causing an increase in the EGT and engine rpms (and EPR if fitted).
What is the effect of air temperature on static (gross) thrust?
Increased ambient air temperature reduces static (gross) thrust.
What is the effect of air pressure on static (gross) thrust?
Increased air pressure increases static (gross) thrust.
How can the thrust output performance of a turbine engine be increased?
By increasing the maximum operating temperature, thereby increasing the maximum rpm.
What limits the output of a turbine engine?
Temperature and rpm.
Where is design rpm?
Slightly less than the maximum rpm.
What is the effect of operating a turbine engine at design rpm?
SFC is minimised.
How does an increase in altitude affect the maximum thrust output performance of a turbofan?
The maximum thrust output performance progressively reduces up to the tropopause, then because the ambient temperature remains constant, the rate of thrust reduction increases as the aircraft climbs through the tropopause.
At a constant flight level, how does the maximum thrust output performance of a turbofan engine vary between 180 knots and 450 knots TAS?
The maximum thrust output performance initially reduces slightly due to RAM drag and then recovers to progressively increase due to RAM rise (RAM effect).
How does an increased pressure altitude affect a turbofan engined aircraft’s takeoff distance required (TODR)?
TODR increases.
How does the use of bleed air services, such as anti-icing or air-conditioning, affect the performance of a turbofan engine during a take-off?
For a given set of takeoff performance requirements, the required EPR and/or N1 will be increased and the EGT will be higher.
What is the effect of an increase in the relative humidity of the intake air on engine thrust?
Thrust will decrease because the density of the air will decrease.
How does thrust and fuel flow vary, at a constant engine rpm, if the air temperature increases?
Thrust and fuel flow will decrease because density reduces.
When is the thrust output from a turbojet or turbofan engine maximum?
The thrust output from a turbojet or turbofan engine is maximum at full power stationary on the ground.
How much power is a turbojet or turbofan engine generating at maximum thrust?
The maximum thrust a turbojet or turbofan engine is generating no power at all, as it is stationary it is doing no work.
What is equivalent horsepower?
Shaft horsepower plus the effect of any residual jet thrust. Used in turboprops.
What is power?
Power is the rate of doing work, which effectively equated to thrust times TAS.
What is thrust horsepower (THP)?
A force, equating to mass x acceleration.
How is the power/thrust output of a turbine engine controlled?
The power/ thrust output of a turbine engine is controlled by varying the fuel flow to the combustion chamber.
What is normal power lever limit during a take-off in a turboprop aircraft?
Either the Ng; turbine temperature or torque limit, whichever occurs first.
How do thrust and fuel flow vary in the climb at a constant engine rpm and IAS?
Thrust/torque and fuel flow decrease.
How does N1 vary in the climb at constant thrust?
N1 increases
Why does range increase at high ( up to optimum) altitude?
Because the engine operates at its design rpm at the most efficient angle of attack.
What is specific fuel consumption (SFC)?
SFC is the fuel flow divided by the thrust output of an engine. That is, units of fuel used per unit of thrust per hour.
What does a low SFC mean?
A low SFC means that less fuel is being used for a given thrust output, so the engine’s efficiency is high.
What is the specific fuel consumption (SFC) if an engine in the cruise produces 5000lb of thrust and burns 2000lb of fuel over a 30 minute period?
2000 x 2 = 4000 lb/hr, divided by 5000 lb of thrust = a SFC of 0.8.
What is the effect on Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) if the compression ratio increases?
Specific thrust increases and SFC decreases.
What are the two factors which determine a turbine engine’s propulsive efficiency?
Temperature and rpm
What type of turbine engine is preferred for operating at cruise speeds above about 350 knots TAS, and why?
Turbofan engines, because turboprop engines lose efficiency at higher airspeeds.
Which type of turbine engine has the highest propulsive efficiency in the medium to high subsonic speed ranges ( >350 knots) ?
A high bypass turbofan.
Why can a ducted fan operate at high speed more efficiently than a propeller?
Because the ducting reduces tip losses and more blades means more power can be developed with a smller diameter.
Why does the propulsive efficiency of a turboprop reduce with increasing airspeed?
Because of increasing compressibility effects on the propeller blades.
Why is turboprop is more efficient at low airspeed than and turbojet of equal thrust?
Because turboprop accelerates a higher air mass to a lower velocity.
Why can a turboprop not operate at the high airspeeds of a turbofan?
Because shockwaves from at the propeller blade tips at higher Mach numbers.
What operating parameters best suit a turboprop engined aircraft?
Relatively shorter routes flown at relatively lower altitudes and airspeeds.
What environmental conditions are most likely to require the use of thrust augmentation (water/methanol)?
High DA - i.e. high pressure altitude and high ambient temperature.
What is the effect of injecting water/methanol into the combustion chamber?
It cools the air, thereby increasing the weight (mass) of the gas flow through the engine.
Why is methanol mixed with injected water?
To resist the water freezing at altitude.