Tumor Type By Histology Flashcards
Poorly defined infiltrative tumor
Increased glial cellularity with nuclear pleomorphism and fibrillary appearance
Diffuse infiltrative astrocytoma
Densely cellular glial tumor with high pleomorphism and mitotic figures
Anaplastic astrocytoma
Highly cellular glioma with high pleomorphism and mitotic figures coupled with pseudopallisading necrosis and/or vascularity/tuft like glomeruloid bodies.
Glioblastoma (multiforme)
Solid or cystic with nodule and microscopic long, hair-like processes and Rosenthal fibers
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Circumscribed mass with bizarre and pleomorphic cells without necrosis , sometimes lipidized astrocytic in the temporal lobe. Reticulin deposits present
Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
Well circumscribed with multiple cysts, calcification and focal hemorrhage. Spherical nuclei with lots of granular chromatin with clear halo of cytoplasm. If infiltrative, exhibits perineuronal satellite cells
Well demarcated with regular and round/oval chromatin filled nuclei forming canals or glandular structures. Often have perivascular pseudorosettes that extend thin processes toward the vessel wall. Hint: Often arise in 4th ventricle
Cuboidal cells with clear cytoplasm forming papillae in background of neutral to acidic polysaccharides
Myxopapillary ependymoma
Tends toward spinal cord
Irregularly clustered ganglion cells, including binucleate forms. Surrounding glia have increased pleomorphism and cellularity but not necrosis or mitotic figures
Discrete intracortical nodules of small round cells that cluster around neurons in a much polysaccharide background
Evenly spaced round nuclei with neuronal markers
Central neurocytoma
Midline tumor that is extremely cellular with sheets of anaplastic cells that include scant cytoplasm, hyper chromatic nuclei that are elongated or crescent shaped. Abundant mitosis and high proliferation and can express neuronal or glial stating. Homer right rosettes are also a hallmark.
Rhabdoid cells including Eosinophilic cytoplasm with sharp so borders and eccentrically located nuclei. Can also have you located cytoplasm that looks like a rhabdomyosarcoma. Can also have islands of tumor of next small cell morphology. Lots of mitosis.
Atypical teratogenic/rhabdoid tumor (ATRT)