Tuesday (Feria III) Compline Flashcards
Salvum me fac, Dómine, quóniam defécit sanctus: *
quóniam diminútæ sunt veritátes a fíliis hóminum.
My salvation make, Lord, b/c deficit of saints
b/c diminished are truths of the sons of man
fac = make = manu-FAC-ture = FAC-tory
Vana locúti sunt unusquísque ad próximum suum: *
lábia dolósa, in corde et corde locúti sunt.
vainly they speak each-unique-one to those proximate to him (neighbor)
lips deceitful, in heart of hearts they locute
11:4 Dispérdat Dóminus univérsa lábia dolósa, *
et linguam magníloquam.
disperse Lord….universally-all lips deceitful
and tongues malignant
11:5 Qui dixérunt: Linguam nostram magnificábimus, lábia nostra a nobis sunt, *
quis noster Dóminus est?
who say….our tongues we will magnify…our lips to us are (our own)
who is our Lord (who is Lord over us)?
11:6 Propter misériam ínopum, et gémitum páuperum, *
nunc exsúrgam, dicit Dóminus.
because the misery of the in-opulent….and groanings of paupers
now I surge…says the Lord
11:6 Ponam in salutári: *
fiduciáliter agam in eo.
I put him in salvation
as fiduciary (faithfully)….I will do it (be an agent) to him
11:7 Elóquia Dómini, elóquia casta: *
argéntum igne examinátum, probátum terræ purgátum séptuplum.
loquations of the Lord, loquations chaste (pure)….
silver by fire examined….probing to earth (think flowing stream of silver)…purgated sevenfold
11:8 Tu, Dómine, servábis nos: et custódies nos *
a generatióne hac in ætérnum.
You, Lord, serve (sAve) us, and (keep) custody us
from generation this into eternity
hac/haec/hoc = this
11:9 In circúitu ímpii ámbulant: *
secúndum altitúdinem tuam multiplicásti fílios hóminum.
in circles the impious ambulate (aimlessly)
according to the altitude of you….you have multiplied sons of men
Úsquequo, Dómine, obliviscéris me in finem? * Úsquequo avértis fáciem tuam a me?
how long, Lord, oblivious to me infinitely….
how long avert your face from me
12:2 Quámdiu ponam consília in ánima mea, * dolórem in corde meo per diem?
how many days will I put counsel in my soul
sorrow in my heart every day.
12:3 Úsquequo exaltábitur inimícus meus super me? * réspice, et exáudi me, Dómine
how long exalt my enemies over me
respect and hear me, Lord
12:4 Illúmina óculos meos ne umquam obdórmiam in morte: * nequándo dicat inimícus meus: Præválui advérsus eum.
illumine my eyes…not at any-time (um-quam) to-sleep in death
not-ever say my enemies: I PREVAILED ADVERSE HIM!
12:5 Qui tríbulant me, exsultábunt si motus fúero: * ego autem in misericórdia tua sperávi.
who tribulate me….they exult if (si-tuation) moved I am…
I am (however/but) in your mercy hoping
12:6 Exsultábit cor meum in salutári tuo:
cantábo Dómino qui bona tríbuit mihi: *
et psallam nómini Dómini altíssimi.
exsult my heart in your salvation.
i sing to Lord who good tributes to me….
and psalms to name Lord on high.
15:1 Consérva me, Dómine, quóniam sperávi in te. Dixi Dómino: Deus meus es tu, * quóniam bonórum meórum non eges.
conserve me, Lord, b/c I hope in you
I said to the Lord….My God are you….b/c goods of mine not needed by you. (lego my eggo?)
verb endings
-o -am -i = I
-s -isti = you
-t = he/she/it
-mus = we
- nt = they
15:3 Sanctis, qui sunt in terra eius, * mirificávit omnes voluntátes meas in eis.
saints….who are in his land…he-made-miraculous all my volunteerings (desires) in them
since God has no need of my goods….he uses them to work miracles
15:4 Multiplicátæ sunt infirmitátes eórum: * póstea acceleravérunt.
multiplied are their infirmities….post (after) they accelerated
after forgiveness…run in holiness
15:4 Non congregábo conventícula eórum de sanguínibus, * nec memor ero nóminum eórum per lábia mea.
not will I congregate at conventions of theirs of blood….nor remember (will I) names of them per lips of mine.
15:5 Dóminus pars hereditátis meæ, et cálicis mei: * tu es, qui restítues hereditátem meam mihi.
Dominus portion heredity of mine….and chalice of mine…..you are…who restore heredity of mine to me
15:6 Funes cecidérunt mihi in præcláris: * étenim heréditas mea præclára est mihi.
lines (funneled into line) have cascaded to me in (predestined) clear places….and-indeed heredity of mine is clear to me.
I get good lines when the properties are drawn up
15:7 Benedícam Dóminum, qui tríbuit mihi intelléctum: * ínsuper et usque ad noctem increpuérunt me renes mei.
I bless the Lord, who tributes to me intellect…more-over and until to night they in-crepitus’d me (corrected/cracked me) reins my.
verb endings
-o -i -am = I
-s -isti = you
-t = he/she/it
-mus = we
- nt = they
15:8 Providébam Dóminum in conspéctu meo semper: * quóniam a dextris est mihi, ne commóvear.
I provided the Lord in sight of mine always….b/c at my right he is to me….I will not be moved.
15:9 Propter hoc lætátum est cor meum, et exsultávit lingua mea: * ínsuper et caro mea requiéscet in spe.
b/c of this elated is my heart…and exsulted my tongue….more-over, and my flesh rests in hope.
15:10 Quóniam non derelínques ánimam meam in inférno: * nec dabis sanctum tuum vidére corruptiónem.
b/c you won’t derelict my soul in hell….nor give (dab) saints of yours to see corruption.
15:11 Notas mihi fecísti vias vitæ, adimplébis me lætítia cum vultu tuo: * delectatiónes in déxtera tua usque in finem.
notes to me you made on the ways of life….to-implode (fill) me with elation with your countenance. delectations in your right hand even to infinity.