Tudors Flashcards
What age did King Henry the 8th become King?
At age 18.
Where did the Pope live and what church did he run?
Rome and The Catholic Church.
Who was Henry’s first wife and why did he want to divorce her?
Catherine of Aragon and he wanted a son but Catherine gave him a daughter.
Because the Pope disagreed that Henry should divorce Catherine, what did Henry do?
He made everyone in England agree he, not the Pope, was in charge of the church. His new church was called the church of England and the Reformation began in the church. Now Henry had the power to marry Anne.
Why was Anne Boleyn beheaded?
She gave birth to a daughter and Thomas Cromwell, the King’s advisor, decided Anne should be away with since she couldn’t provide a future king.
What was the name of Henry’s next wife and his son?
Queen Mary I and Edward.
Why did Queen Mary I take the throne?
Edward died at 16.
Why was Queen Mary I called Bloody Mary?
Edward had made England a Protestant country and she tried to introduce Catholicism back and burned anyone who still chose to be Protestant.