Tuberculolsis Flashcards
what two-subspecies cause tuberculosis?
- mycobacterium tuberculosis- common, human
- mycobacterium bovis- rare, humans, cattle, deer, elk
- bacillus
- do not show up on gram stain
- require a special stain: Acid fast stain; ziehl-neelsen stain
- grow on special media
mycobacterium tuberculosis
Risk factors for TB
HIV infection
- Markedly increases risk of acquiring TB
- risk of TB increases with degree of T-cell suppresion (lower CD4 count)
- with a known infectious case of TB
-Immigration from a country where TB is endemic
-injection drug users
-residents and employees of: prisons and jails, nursing homes, hospitals, HIV hospices, homeless shelters
Transmission of TB
- Small droplet particles
- air infectious even after person leaves
- close contact increases risk
- one case will infect 80% of susceptible contacts
- human crowding marked risk factors
clinical manifestations of TB?
Constitutional symptoms
- anorexia
- fatigue
- weight loss
- afternoon fever
- night sweats
Focal symptoms
- productive cough
- hemptysis
- chest pain
- hoarsness
physical exam findings in TB
- may be no findings despite extensive disase
- chest dullness to percussion
- rales
- tubular breath sounds
- whispered pectoriloquy
- distant hollow breath sounds (amphoric)
Radiographic manifestations of pulmonary TB?
- Patchy or nodular infiltrates in upper lobes
- cavity formation
- hilar adenopathy
- segmental or lobar infiltrate
- atelectasis
- pleural effusion
- miliary TB
extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis?
- Meningitis
- bone- osteomylitis (long bones, spine- “Pott’s disease”
- Gastrointestinal
- renal
- genital- esp. female GU tract
- scofula- isolated lymph node in neck
diagnosis of TB?
- tuberculin skin test
- interferon gamma release assays
- sputum smear
- culture
- HIV infected persons
- contacts of patients with TB disease
- other immunocompromise (>15 mg prednisone/day)
- fibrotic change on CXR- old TB
5mm of induration
High pretest probablility cutoff
- No known risk factors
- age 4 or greater
15mm of induration
Low pretest probability
- recent immigrants from high prevalence areas
- injection drug users
- children < 4 years
- children and adolescents exposed to high risk adults
- residents and employees of prisons/jails, nursing homes, hospitals, underlying medical conditions etc
10mm of induration
what could cause a false negative tuberculin skin test
- general illness
- steroid therapy
- immunosuppression
- long duration of infection
- malnutrition
what causes false positives in tuberculosis?
- non-tuberculosis mycobacteria
- BCG vaccine does not cause more than 10mm of induration and a positive ppd should not be attributed to the BCG vaccine
- whole blood assay
- measures immune response to M. tb antigens
- no response to non-tuberculosis mycobacteria or BCG
- less subjective than TST
- not standardized for children < 5
- may be falsely negative in active disease; expensive
Quantiferon Gold active TB disease