Tuber Flashcards
Arum Lilly/ Calla Lilly
They are the same but they are not true lilies
Outdoor plant Flowers April - June Well drained soil in sun or light shade Plant in august- September Propagate by dividing clumps or remove offset tubers, plant in autumn
Not all begonias are tubers. Ones that do not have tubers or rhizomes fall into the third general category of fibrous-rooted varieties. These have ordinary root systems and include many varieties commonly used as summer bedding plants. All begonias with glossy leaves are of this “wax leaf” begonia type.
Outdoor/indoor plants
Flowers June-September
Soil must be rich in organic matter, no lime. Thrives in light shade
Propagate buy dividing tubers when the shoots are small, but better to buy new tubers
Outdoor/indoor plant
Flowers Jan-April or Jul-Dec depending if it is a winter, spring or summer variety
Well drained humus rich soil, partial shade.
Plant July - September
They hate disturbance, do not divide
Eranthis (Winter aconite)
Outdoor/indoor Flowers Jan-Mar Well-drained soil, sun or partial shade Plant September Propagate by lifting and dividing clumps in early summer every few years. Replant immediately
Gloriosa (glory lily, fire lily, flame lily)
Gloh - ree - oh - sa
Indoor plant
Flowers June-September
Soil bases or soilless compost, a brightly lit spot but shade from hot summer sun
Plant Jan-March
Propagate by dividing and planting sprouting tubers in March - each piece must have a bud
Polianthes (tuberose)
Indoor plant
Flowers August-September
Soil bead or soilless compost, brightly lit spot
Doesn’t like propagation. Buy new bulbs
Sandersonia (Chinese Lantern Lily, golden lily of the valley)
Outdoor/indoor plant Flowers May-August We-drained soil & sheltered sunny spot Plant April Propagate by dividing tubers before reporting or replanting in spring