TTT Flashcards
WHy is THe TAS Tracker relevant?
An observed lack of TAS utilization in decision-making and PPM, thus diminishing the benefits of PPM.
No alignment tracking of TA and TAS was found
End goal of TTT?
Provide a systematic evidence-based decision-making process for better strategic alignment, and thus positively influence business success.
Practically, a standardized overview alongside recommendations that can show the alignment of TA and TAS and whether decisions fall within it or not. YOu can make these deicions, but it should be informed.
WHo should take on the TAS tracker proccess?
The PPM fucntion
How was the framework created?
- Based on the findings, litterature, and analysis from the case study, and elevated through design principals to form a generalizable and conceptual framework for improving TA and TAS alignment.
What is the argument for step one in the framework?
1) Was not clear who owned what actions and who was responsible for shaping the pipeline.
What is the argument for step two in the framework?
The strategies are currently not utilized and should be brought into the light. This will increase awareness and hopefully utilization and make decisions easier to understand.
Really important for step 3
What is the argument for step three in the framework?
Everyone agrees that strategy should be quanitfiable, even though this might be the hardest step in the process.
What is the argument for step four in the framework?
Important to get a clear understanding of the current portfolio to know what to change. Important to do a capability assessment to understand what methods can shape the analysis.
Really dependent on the PPM function and probably the step with the greatest variability.
What is the argument for step five in the framework?
Concordance analysis to discover the gaps and opportunities to enable recommendations and highlight these for decision-makers in step 6.
What is the argument for step six in the framework?
The tools should be embedded in day-to-day decision-making to ensure the best decision.
Recommendations/PPM should be sought-after as valuable advice (might be hard)
When should the framework be done again?
1) Feedback (from decision-makers)
2) Triggers (new projects)
3) New Strategy/TAS
Why does the TTT support better decisions?
Decisions made in teams, based on qualitative and quantitative factors, are superior compared to individual decision-making
successful organizations have an organization-level practice of selecting and prioritizing projects in line with strategy