Discussion Flashcards
What findings aligned with literature?
1) PPM and drug development is a good fit
2) Stage-gate work well
Which frameworks/theories does our framework fit into?
Archer, Meskendahl (still needs verification), Bayney, general objectives.
Other theorethical implications?
1) Sponsorship is super important
2) Capability lag between maturity and execution
What managerial implications did we find regarding strategy?
1) There is a need/it is important to utilize strategic documents in general and in decision-making!
2) The ownership and responsibility for implementation of different parts of the strategy should be clearly defined.
3) Strategy should be operationalized through embedment in day-to-day work and clear metrics.
4) There should be clear tracking of the strategy and its alignment with strategy
Failure to so leads to unused documents and the benefits from them, lost.
Managerial implications of TTT are?
1) Reduced power and opinion-based decision-making
2) Operationalizes TAS tracking
3) Modular
4) Global or several TAs
5) Group decisions based on quant + qual factors are superior to individual decision-making
Arguments for the generalizability of TTT are?
1) PPM maturity
2) TA siloes
3) Portfolio size and complexity
4) Modular
5) Step 4 will vary but could be beneficial for most PPM capability maturity levels
Limitations of TTT are?
1) Only part of the solution. Global TA framework/overview should also be included
2) Largely conceptual –> dependent on PPM function –> Could be more specific/outlined with a trade-off in generalizability. So this translation is up to the firms themselves.
3) Strategic metrics can be hard to materialize
4) Only as good as the buy-in from stakeholders
Other managerial implications are?
1) The most important thing for PPM is actually implementing it! Start now!
2) Optimizations can take many forms even if they are not financial
3) PPM is less tangible in R&ED (less tangible metrics/projects) - makes for selection of less clear cut metrics to optimize for (like unmet medical need)
What are limitations for the study?
1) Relies heavily on the case study. As such the characteristics will undoubtedly influence the findings.
2) TTT has not been teste or validated yet. Even if theoretical sound, it still needs testing in future research
What are generalizability for the study?
Generalizable to the extent of the generalizability of the case study and company. Generally considered as high though.
1) TA siloes
2) Stage-gate for decision-making
3) Similar PPM capability maturity
4) Similar portfolio size and complexity to many other firms
Future research includes?
1) Test in the case company
2) Validation in another study of a similar approach and case company
3) Prospectively - Implement this and document the effects. Would be hard to separate from confounding factors and serendipity. At least the alignment could be tracked and compared to see if its better.
4) Retrospectively - Historic data/strategy/interviews/analysis to show potential gaps and see if it could have impacted decision-making.
5) A cross TA/global portfolio strategy alignment framework.
The findings in the analysis are also colored by?
- The sampling of the interviews.
If we had identified other themes, and thus interviewed other people, the framework might have been completely different.
Think interviewing strategic finance people vs. researchers from R&ED and the focus in TAS thus might have been different.
What would you have done differently/could you have done differently in the study?
1) Analyze the decision-making further to investigate how the decision-making style is. Is it heavily influence by power or opinions etc.
2) Include change management as a theme as this was a big challenge for PPM and NN
3) Shorten other parts of the study to really complete the abductive cycle of testing TTT in the case company (as originally planned)
4) Record casual 2:1s to gain further insights earlier in the process
5) Schedule External PPM Consultant later to get the industry perspective on TTT
Can you give me an example of where you utilized the abductive approach?
1) Embedment in P&A –> Understanding of theory like MODA –> Framework from data (general to theory) –> Litterature (theory to general) –> Framework can solve these issues –> Data –> Framework iteration (General to building on the theory)