Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia, Trichomonas, Histomonas Flashcards
General morphology
- Monomorphic/ polymorphic
- Large nucleus, kinetoplast, flagellum
- Forms: TRYPOMASTIGOTE (infective form), epimastigote, promastigote, amastigote
Transmission of trypanosomas
- Cyclic: via arthropod vectors (biological vector) which is necessary for thier multiplication and getting into infective state
- Non cyclic: only mechanical transmission by arthropod vectors
Dourine - “Trypanosoma equiperdum”
(genetic variant of T. Brucei evansi + equiperdum)
- Eq, donkey - veneral disease
- Clinical signs: genital mucous membrane - inflammation. Skin- dollar spots (thorax+neck). Nerves- anesthesia, ascending motor paralysis
- Diagnosis: peripheral blood sample , genital mucous scraoing, puncture of dollar spots.
* Parasitaemia: motile trypanosomes (trypomastigotes) - centrifuge >Ht tube> btw buffy coat to plasma
* Giemsa
* Serology: test 2x with 3W interval
T. Vivax, Congolese, Brucei brucei
- Eq, cattle, camel - tropical parts in Africa
- Clinical signs: Lymphomegaly, splenomegaly , anemia (cattle)
* Eq: limbs+genitillia oedema
* Ca: anemia , myocarditis, ataxia - Diagnosis:Peripheral blood, dark ground/phase contrast microscopy (trypomastigotes detection)
* Parasitaemia: motile trypanosomas in blood (btw buffy coat to plasma)
T. Brucei evansi
- Camel, horse , dog, Ru
- Clinical signs: fever, lymphadenomegaly, abortion, odema. Eq: paralysis, dog; hemorrhages , ocular signs
- Diagnosis: Giemsa of blood smear detecting trypomastigotes
Zoonosis , mainly dog
2 forms: i Trophozoites (vegetative) intestine - KITE form pearl shape, symmetrical, 2 nuclei, 2 axostyles , 4 pairs of flagella
ii. Cyst (spore) - feces , oval, 4 nuclei
- Clinical signs: usually symptomless , young dogs- malabsorption , pancreatic insufficiency , poor growth, emaciation. Yellow, slimy diarrhrea , loss of appetite , vomiting , abdominal pain.
- Diagnosis: direct examination (x400) of fresh faecal sample mixed with saline and Lugal solution- MOVEMENT DETECTION. Giemsa , immunological methods - Ag detection - COPROANTIGEN TEST
Trichomonas foetus
THREE anterior flagella , 1 posterior.
1. Clinical signs: Bulls are reservoir , check bulls before insemination. Rarely causes preputial inflammation , urethral discharge
Cows are effected the most - vestibulitis , vagitinitis , ascending endometritis , anoestrus, early abortion (before 4th month) often undetected (small foetus)
- Diagnosis: i.washing preputium with saline , collecting genital discharges - centrifuge , direct examination, sedimentation. ii. Giemsa . iii. PCR iv. Serological
- Necroscopy: greyish yellow papules on the chorion of the foetus
Trichomonas Gallinae
FOUR anterior flagella , 1 posterior
Mainly young pigeons . Can also be turkey, chicken
- Clinic signs: foul odor from mouth and crop, Visible yellowish pseudombrane , necrotic lesions in the mouth+ pharynx , apathy , diarrhrea, suffocation , cachexy.
- Diagnosis: smear from the crop or esophageal lesions , dark ground/phase contrast microscope.
Fresh sample - vividly moving lemon shaped . - Necroscopy: yellowish diphtheric membrane in mouth , larynx , esophagus .
Hepatic form: necrotic lesions in liver
Generlized form- necrotic lesions in the liver , heart , aur saces
Histomonas meleagridis
“blackhead” , infectious enterohepatitis
Mostly young turkeys , chicken , guinea fowl
2 infection ways:
i. Flagellated form: (oviod , one flagellum) in caecum
ii. Amoeboid form: (round,no flagellum) in tissue , PLEOMORPHIC. Detection of parasites is difficult
- Clinical signs: loss of appetite, diarrhrea, yellow feces , “blackhead (head cyanosis)
- Diagnosis : smears from the edge of the lesion , dark ground/phase contrast microscope.
*In vitro breeding of parasites from fresh carcass!
PAS positivity and Gram negative . Flagellated anf amoeboid forms can be detected. - Necropsy: caecum: yellowish , necrotic , caseous material , thickened walls+ ulcers.
Liver: cut dry surface , sharp edges , deep circular necrotic foci.
*Generalized form of guinea fowl: Spleen , lung , kidney necrotic lesions with wet cut surface of liver.