Truth Project: 5,7,9 Flashcards
Who stated there was a lack of evidence of the estimated 50,000 changes required to transform from a sea creature to a land creature?
Who stated that “once you get rid of objective truth, one is able to live however they want”
Who said “the Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest deceit in the history of science”?
Who quoted Darwin himself in the book “Darwin’s Black Box” to question the validity of evolution?
Who has a theory that cells began on Earth by being placed here by aliens?
Who used the theory of instantaneous and immediate changes in species in order to state that the problem of the fossil record actually supports evolution?
Who used the theory of the watchmaker to provide an argument that the world was created by intelligent design?
Who used the theory of the blind watchmaker to provide an argument that the world has evolved without a clear purpose or plan of design?
Who said that “evolution is a fact amply demonstrated by the fossil record and contemporary molecular biology’?
Who said that Naturalism is all that is left for humans as they pursue pleasure without consequence?
Who said that “God is Dead”?
Who said that “humans either have a drive for power of pleasure”?
Who said that “if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications” then theory of evolution would break down?
In order to support one’s conclusions about the origins of life in the study of science, one is to use:
Observation & Experimentation
Which philosopher believed that you could understand the world through the study of the particulars?
Which philosopher believed that you could understand the world through the study of the universals?
What is stated purpose of the scientific process?
To reveal scientific truths and laws
The values of society will be found in:
Who society admires
Which of the following disproved Darwinian myth was once promoted by Haeckel?
Which of the following disproved Darwinian myth once promote by Huxley?
Apes becoming man
The theory that species went through immediate and instantaneous changes in order to account for the lack of evidence in the fossil record.
Punctuated equilibrium
The theory that species were placed on Earth by aliens.
Directed Panspermia
The concept of demonstrating that a complex organ exists by numerous, successive, slight modifications
Irreducible Complexity
Where in scripture is the warning from the past that “man chose created things rather than the Creator”?
Romans 1
Where in Scripture is the warning from the past about how a king would rule?
1 Samuel 8
Sociology is the study of…