Leadership: Intro, 1-4 Flashcards
the primary cause for someone to give up on living their life in the passionate pursuit of their dreams is:
they are afraid of disappointment
three-fold sphere of foundational values:
faith, character, service
three-fold sphere of personal leadership:
mission, vision, action
three-fold sphere of unique design:
strengths, passions, experiences
process of collecting and making sense of the events of our lives
life mapping
when you find patterns from the past that are occurring right now to help you prepare for what may happen
analyzing trends
the writings of other throughout history that provides insight and valuable lessons learned
the people in your life that are trusted counselor or teacher who will walk alongside you
the people in your life that you are around the most
the people in your life that are successful in the areas of work, family or service
the study of the ultimate meaning in the human experience
the study of human characteristics and dynamics that help you understand what kind of person you are
unplanned moments that form our experience
when you quietly contemplate the meaning of what you have learned
the skill of acting in a nonjudgmental manner rather than jumping to conclusions about what’s being said or already planning what you are going to say
thinking about what you have learned in a written from
what is the purple of taking this course?
it is intended to build unshakable confidence in your life choices
the belief that life and behavior is ruled by other people and circumstances that you believe is outside your control
external locus of control
the belief that life and behavior is ruled by ones own personal decisions and actions
internal locus of control
this is the act of focusing upon multiple areas of what you are good at, rather than just one
the act of focusing upon what you are good at
when you ask yourself or others to confirm if you are actually good at what you think you’re good at
individuals such as pastors, youth ministers and teacher who have trained people in life development
individuals who are trained to help you in the exploration process
individuals such as family members and friends who you can count on for good advice
a viewpoint that defines beauty as the God-created internal qualities of an individual
a viewpoint that defines beauty as the outward physical form and personality of an individual
when having a supernaturalist viewpoint about the origins of life, one believes that there is ___ creation
when having a supernaturalist viewpoint about the blueprint of life, one believes that there is a deliberate ___
when having a supernaturalist viewpoint about the guidance of life, one believes that everyone has a unique ___
when having a naturalist viewpoint about the results jun life, one believes that we will find a ___ niche
when having a naturalist viewpoint about the guidance of life, one believes that our possibilities are filled with ___