Trusts Flashcards
Support Trust
- Trustee is required to apply so much of the trust as is necessary for the beneficiary’s support
- Trustee does not have discretion to refuse
Discretionary Trust
- Trustee has discretion whether to apply or withold payment to beneficiary
- Beneficiary cannot interfere with the exercise of trustee’s discretion absent abuse of power (bad faith or dishonesty)
General Duties of a Trustee
- Fiduciary duties as trustee (manage, invest, safeguard, administer)
- Duty to preserve trust property and make it productive
- Duty to make sure the trust produces income for Daughter’s support
- Duty of loyalty to remaindermen
Terminating a Trust - Beneficiaries’ Rights
- All beneficiaries consent
- Modification will not interfere with a material purpose of the trust
- Spendthrift provision - can’t terminate unless Settlor joins in (inherently precludes interference with a material purpose)
Creating a Valid Trust
- Must be a Settlor who:
- Intending to create a trust for a
- Valid trust purpose
- Delivers the trust property to the trustee
- To hold for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries
Settlor’s Promise to Create a Trust in the Future is Valid Only If:
- Supported by consideration; or
- He manifests anew an intention to create the trust when the assets come into existence
Pour-Over Gift From Will to Trust
- Traditional View: Trust must exist (or be simultaneously executed) at the time the will is executed
- Prevailing View: Trust may be established after the will is executed but before the testator’s death
- Unfunded: Irrelevant
Revocability of Trust
- UTC: Revocable unless expressly made otherwise
- Common Law: Irrevocable unless expressly made otherwise
Can Trustee’s Duties Be Enlarged After Acceptance?
- No, unless provided for otherwise (revocable trust usually also means amendable)
Power of Appointment (and 3 kinds)
Authority created in a donee enabling the donee to designate, within the limits prescribed by the donor of the power, the persons who shall take certain property and the manner in which they shall take it
- General power of appointment: Exercisable in favor of the donee, her estate, her creditors, or the creditors of her estate
- Special power of appointment: Exercisable in favor of a specified class not including the donee etc.
- Testamentary power: exercisable only by the donee’s will because Settlor wishes to limit the class of objects to children and issue
What happens when a portion of a trust fails?
- Resulting trust in favor of Settlor or his successors in interest
How Specific to Beneficiaries Need to Be?
- Susceptible of identification by the time their interests are to come into enjoyment
- Class gift: Sufficiently/reasonably definite
Cy Pres Doctrine
- Settlor manifests a general charitable intent (presumed in UTC)
- The original specific charitable purpose is no longer possible or practical
Disclaiming an Interest in a Trust
- Express writing within a reasonable time
- Passes as though disclaimer predeceased the interest
UPIA Investment Duties of Trustee
- Prudent investor standard: reasonable care, skill, & caution
- Prudence measured by overall strategy
- Must diversity unless special circumstances
Beneficiaries Remedies When Trustee Personally Deals w/Trust
- Set aside the transaction
- Recover profit; or
- Ratify the transaction
Duty to Perform Trust Obligations Personally
- Traditional rule: No delegation
Modern Statutes: May delegate management and investment if prudent
- Must use care, skill, & caution to select agent, establish scope, and review actions
- Delegation of certain discretionary functions is not permitted
- Allowed: Investment functions
- Disallowed: Distribution functions
Equitable Deviation
- Common law doctrine
Can deviate the terms of a trust if:
- Settlor did not anticipate new circumstances; and
- Compliance with the terms would impair the trust purpose
UTC - Court Sanctioned Modification
- Trust could have been modified if all beneficiaries’ consented (and interests of nonconsenting parties would be protected); and
- Changed circumstances threaten the trust’s purpose
Invasion of Trust Principal for the Benefit of a Life Tenant
- Usually, doctrine of changed circumstances cannot be used’
- However, courts will try to find and implied power of invasion especially if the support of an income beneficiary was the primary purpose of the trust