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ABCD2 BP scores point, duration score pts, age?
60 min - 2 pt, 10-59 min - 1 pt
BP: >=140/90
2 pts if focal weakness
DM, age >60
DAPT if score 4, ASA only if score <4
MS drugs MOA
fingolimod-binds sphingosine 1 Phosphate receptors, blocks lymphs leaving lymph nodes
- Headache
- Elevated LFTs
- Cardiac conduction abnormalities
- **Macular vol
- Abdominal distress
- Leukopenia
- Increased risk of infection
natalizumab - Ab vs alpha-4 integrin - “very late antigen 4” - blocks integrin adhesion interactions, inhibits T lymph migration into CNS
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML-oligodendrocytes)
- Hepatotoxicity
- Fatigue
- Allergic reaction
glatiramer acetate - stimulates myelin basic protein (T suppressor cells)
- Injection site pain Hypersensitivity reaction, Nausea, Edema
-OK in pregnancy
dimethyl fumarate - Nrf2 pathway activation, anti inflammatory; downregulate cytokine
- Flushing
- Nausea and diarrhea
- Angioedema
- Lymphopenia
- Rare cases of PML
ocrelizmab anti CD 20
- Infusion reaction
- peripheral Edema
- Neutropenia
alemtuzumab - anti CD52 lymphocyte depletion
- Thyroid disease (Alementarium over or under eating)
- Headache
- Rash
- Abdominal distress
- Infusion reaction
- Fever
teriflunomide (pyrimidine synthesis inhibitor-T for thymine) -
- Teratogenic
- Hypersensitivity reactions
- Nausea
- Headache
- Hepatotoxicity
Pregnancy: can use steroids + IVIG for exacerbation
-interferons stop 1 month before conception
-glatiramer acetate ok during all of pregnancy
-interferons ok early pregnancy
Mollaret triangle
inferior olivary nuc and red nuc via central tegmental tract
contralateral dentate
dentate to contralateral red nucleus via superior cerebellar peduncle;
red nucleus to inferior olivary nucleus via central tegmental tract
inferior olive to contralateral dentate via inferior cerebellar peduncle
-palatal tremor/myoclonus if ANY lesion
-can Tx benzos
-pontine infarct
Pica-Wallenberg - damage central tegmental tract (no motor weakness; ipsilateral ataxia, ipsilateral face sensation loss; no taste sense; decrease pain temp contralateral)- lateral medulla + cerebellar hemisphere (AICA at level of pons-lateral)
-SCA - cerebellar peduncle, cerebellum (no brainstem Sx)
corticate above red nucleus: disinhibit red nuc, activate rubrospinal tract -> flexor in uppers
Hypersensitivity rxn allele carbamazepine
sacral sensation
cauda equina - saddle anesthesia, can have normal strength and Le tone
Onuf - sphincter motor nuc S2-S4- urinary
-MSA - cause of urinary incontinence - can be presenting sign
conduction block: prox CMAP amplitude decreased by greater than 50% of distal CMAP
(amplitude distal always > proximal unless supramax stim)
**temporal dispersion: >30% increase in CMAP duration **
from distal to prox stim sites b/c demyelination
-CMAP velocity <30% lower limit normal-block
prolonged distal motor latencies
PROLONGED F wave >20% normal
/ or no F wave+ CMAP amp>20% normal
-(F wave slowing out of proportion to amplitude loss)
-F waves long first change
vs amplitude decrement -> axonal
(AIDP first change ->lose F waves; H reflexes absent (stimulate tibial nerve-achilles reflex - demyelination at level of nerve ROOTs)
-check if IgA deficient before IVIG
Martin Gruber anastomosis
ulnar CMAP amplitude decreased by 50% from wrist to elbow
-stimulating median N at elbow + record from ADM abductor digiti minimi - median fibers cross over to innervate ulnar muscles
genitofemoral N, ilioinguinal N
genitofemoral N (L1-L2) - 2 branches:
-femoral (anterior medial thigh sense)
-genital /external spermatic N - through inguinal canal - cremaster, anterior scrotum sense
-genital N-inguinal canal with ilioinguinal N
ilioinguinal N + external spermatic N
ilioinguinal: from t12-L1 nerve roots - abdominal pain + medial thigh numbness - neuralgia during pregnancy - goes through superficial inguinal ring
(femoral N through fem triangle inferiorly)
Dx- D2 R antagonists
DA agonists paradoxically help
stimulants don’ts increase tics
kleine-Levin syndrome
aka recurrent hypersomnia; ideopathic
-cycles of hypersomnia + hyperphagia + hypersexuality, confusion, apathy, derealization as adolescent - 16 yrs
vs ideopathic hypersomnolence - not cyclical sleep for 11 hours, chronic daytime sleepiness, short sleep latency on MSLT
narcolepsy type 1 vs 2
Need 3 months excessive daytime sleepiness
type 1- narcolepsy + cataplexy
-low hypocretin-1 in CSF OR cataplexy
-sleep hallucinations
-HLA-DQB1*0602 gene
-loss orexin= hypocretin from lateral hypothalamus
type 2 - no cataplexy, normal hypocretin-1 in CSF
Dx: polysomnigram + multiple sleep latency test
-encephalitis, hydrophobia, seizures, N, V, agitation
-temporal lobes, limbic system
Negri body: dark oval large spot around perimetry of cell; can be ultiple
Herpes encephalitis
Cowdrey A
-intranuclear, solitary, surrounding halo - large pink blob
Hirano body
-aggregate actin proteins
from D2 R block
acute dystonia - IV diphenhydramine - 5 days drug exposure
Torticollis - Tx Botox (torticollis rotate to side vs laterocollis - head tilt)
Akathisia - inner FEELING-most common D2 EPS
switch to low potency - quetiapine
tardive dyskinesia - 3 months neuroleptic use - chorea = brief, unpredictable abrupt irregular movements
slow writhing - athetosis
slow twisting movements - tardive dystoni
NREM parasomnia
Night terrors - arousal, screaming, crying + tachy, diaphoretic; confused when woken up
vs nightmares - patients not confused
vs Panayiotopoulos syndrome - btw 3-6 yrs; +N, +V
ideamotor apraxia
localizes left hemisphere
back pain/radiculopathy w/u
Imaging not until 6 weeks of Sx
diagnosis: spinal imaging after 6 wks
EMG - confirms Dx
if C6 radic b/c can present like carpal tunnel so need if C6
Mitochondrial disease
Kearns Sayre
ragged red fibers on biopsy
-retinitis pigmentosa
-progressive external ophthalmoplegia
-DELETIONS of mitochondrial DNA or rearrangement
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy - point mutations mitochondrial dna
myoclonic epilepsy with RRF - common
Melas - very rare - transfer RNA point mutation
filum terminale causa equina conus medullaris
Conus medullaris tapered end of SC then cauda equina nerves
Filum terminale-sack of pia mater, threadlike structure at end of conus medullaris that anchors to cococyx
Mydriasis: Adie’s pupil + CNIII
Adie: no light reaction, intact near reaction - light-near dissociation
Mydriasis, tonic pupil, b/c parasympathetic denervation; (chronic)
sluggishly react to light, can accommodate with near response
-test: PILOCARPINE -cholinergic - Adie pupil constricts a lot b/c of denevation hypersensitivity
-normal pupil should not constrict with dilute pilocarpine
-little old Adie: pupil small with time
Idiopathic or ciliary ganglion lesions
-react poorly to light but
-after viral infection
CN III palsy - accommodation affected equally; affects E-W fibers in parasympathetics
-CN III palsy: concentrated pilocarpine: constricts CN III palsy
pallister hall syndrome
hypothalamic harmartomas
GLI3 gene
-gelastic seizuers - preserved awareness - last 30 sec -refractory to ASMs
Billing medicare/Medicaid
No level 1
2 - <30 min new; <20 min old
3-<45 min new; <30 min old
4-<1 hour new; <40 min old
CADASIL - NOTCH3 AD - subcortical white matter - strokes, dementia
Alexander - GFAP Chr 17 AD-rosenthal fiber deposits in astrocytic processes - involves U fibers, macrocephaly - BG + thalamus + frontoparietal atrophy
CAnAvAn – aspartoacylase ASPA AR - spongy degeneration includes spinal core involves U fibers, macrocephalic subcortical
Krabbe - AR galactocerebrosidase GALC Chr 14- globous cells (child/adult/adolescent form)-tripnormal early; later atrophy thalamus, splenium, brain stem, IC; vs metachromatic leukodystrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy - arylsulfatase A AR- ARSA - spares U fibers, thalamus, splenium, IC; Tigroid pattern, periventricular
Vanishing white matter: eIF-2B-related disorder - translation protein mutation - stressor like illness then hypotonia, ataxia, motor dysfunction - MRI: white matter radiating strips
X L adreno leukodystrophy - Posterior changes on MRI
Tx spasticity
-oral meds then intrathecal baclofen - generalized spasticity
GABA B R agonist - baclofen
(Etoh Gaba A)
-risk pump malfunction -> withdrawal/overdose
-withdrawal: seizures, hyperthermia, DIC, rhabdo
-Botox injections
-PT if only mild spasms
refractory - rhizotomy - ablation dorsal rami nerves
(tizanidine - alpha 2 agonist - presynaptic motor nerves; lower BP)
Guyon canal vs cubital tunnel
Cubital tunnel - elbow - wrist flexion + addiction weakness
Guyon canal - at wrist -
Palliative care
Dying discussion limited by physician not patient or family
-optimal to start palliative care at the time of life threatening or life limited illness
Fregoli vs cotard delusion vs pseudocyesis
Fregoli - believe everyone is actually 1 person in various disguises
Cotard - believe they are dead/dying
Pseudocyesis - believe you are pregnant
Benzo wean
Reduce by 25% every 2 weeks
Posterior cortical atrophy
Alzheimer variant with visual impairment, simultanagnosia, oculomotor apraxia
Pick body vs Lewy body
Pick: off center black spot
Lewy body: round spot +/- halo; in old person
-lewy body dementia - quetiapine ok (pimozide typical antipsychotic, don’t use)
Meiosis: Horner + Argyll-Robertson
Argyll-R: small pupils don’t react to light,+ react to accommodation
Horner: Dx - interruption sympathetic pathways from hypothalamus
-cocaine drops; inhibit NE reuptake, more NE= Mydriasis (in Horner’s, no Mydriasis; anisicoria more prominent b/c normal pupil larger)
-apraclonidine: Horner pupil larger b/c NE R activated, hypersensitivity in Horner’s causes pupil dilation (normal pupil doesn’t change)
Hydroxyamphetamine: preganglionic lesion dilates, post ganglionic lesion stays same
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia- GLDC, AMT; AR
Early myoclonic encephalopathy
Elevated glycine, NO ketones (vs organic acidemias)
Imaging pregnant vs postpartum
No iodine contrast or gad during pregnancy; can use gad if you have to; gad and iodine is ok for breastfeeding
Pregnant: no contrast
Papilledema- get MRV without (MRV+ if post partum even if breastfeeding)
Preeclampsia: get MRI without
PRES: MRI without if pregnant; with contrast post partum
with contemporary CT imaging, attributable risk of cancer to the radiation exposure low
gad ok in breastfeeding
VMAT inhibitor
Chorea in Huntington
Vs trihexyphenidyl- anticholinergic - Tx EPS side effects
Botox ONLY; not carbamazepine
Gelastic seizures
Refractory seizures lasting 30 sec
Pallister-Hall -GLI3 - hypothalamic hamartoma
Benign myoclonus early infancy
Before 1 yr, spasms self limited; awake + alert
AChe antagonist+ allosteric nicotinic modulator
Side effects GI
Respiratory patterns
Cheyne stokes - BL hemisphere, thalamus
-oscillate btw hyperventilation + hypoventilation
crescendo/decrescendo then apnea, see in sleep
Deep sighing breaths - Kussmaul - DKA
Irregular - ataxia - medulla
Irregular+ shallow - agonal - diffuse anoxic injury
Midbrain (ventral): Central neurogenic hyperventilation - Regular breaths >40 RR , continues during sleep-CNA lymphoma-medial pons
Pons tegmentum - apneustic - prolonged inspiration with 2-3 pause then expiration - SAME APNEAS
Lower Pons (dorsolateral) - cluster breathing - breaths with similar depths then VARIABLE APNEAS
-can see with MSA
Medulla - ataxic - dorsomedial - IRREGULAR in rate, rhythm, amplitude
Lateral medulla, high cervical cord - central neurogenic hypoventilation - loss of respiration during sleep
Vert dissection trauma vs spontaneous vs vert A stenosis
Trauma: V3- C1-C2
Spontaneous dissection: V4 - Wallenberg syndrome
Vert A stenosis - V1
storage diseases
Fabry - can present in adulthood - renal - amyloid deposition - A Gal who tries ceramics
alpha galactosidase , accumulate trihexyceramide
-pottery wheel splatter: heart + renal (lipid deposits) + angiokeratomas + small fiber neuropathy (hands + foot pedal) +strokes/CV disease (clay clogs)
histo; lipid accumulation in blood vessels
vs gaucher, krabbe - less likely to present as adult
Niemann Pick - foam cells
-A - severe, B; later onset - SMPD1 - sphingomyelin phophosdiesterase-1
type C - NPC1/2 mutations - cholesterol transport
neurocognitive testing - learning disability
isolated low memory score - Visual memory
-Stroop - disinhibition, executive fxn
finger tapping, symbol digit coding- psychomotor speed
(abnormal in concussion)
GPi vs DRG vs putamen damage toxicity and treatment
GPi - CO, manganese
putamen - methanol + optic nerve
DRG-B6 excess
methanol - Tx ethanol
ethylene glycol - Tx fomepizole in kids, ethanol in adults
trinucleotide repeat expansion
CAG - spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1-ATXN1 and on other genes); Huntington (Caudate has low ACh + GABA) - need 40 repeats for full penetrance
-spinocerebellar ataxia vs Friedreich - can be older, increase DTRs, no sensory loss
GAA-Friedrich’s ataxia - GAAit ataxic (present 5-15, low DTRs but + babinski, sensory loss)
CGG-fragile X - chin (protrudes), giant gonands
CTG-myotonic dystrophy - cataracts, toupee, gonadal atrophy
vascular malformations
dural av fistulas - don’t see on MRI -see on angio
patient-physician relations; transition ped to adult care
primary non adherence - medication never filled - non fulfillment adherence
secondary non adherence
-non-persistence - start med then stop
-non-conforming - taking med not as prescribed
Patient physician discordance - non adherence - misunderstand doc
Transition to adult care: Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire- can bill for; start at age 14; confidential to parents
cerebral contusion
-chronic hypodensity - looks like black cystic space
-contre-coup injury
chiari ii vs dandy walker
Chiari 0: syringomyelia with mild hernation <3 mm - NORMAL VARIANT
- chiari I - progressive suboccipital HA-syrinx: can resolve spontaneous with surgical fix in
-tonisal herniation >5 mm inferior to foramen magnum
-size of posterior cranial vault prediction of Sx severity, NOT degree of tonsillar herniation
-McRae line - line at base on foramen magnum - Chari crosses
chiari II: hydrocephalus + myelomeningocele
dandy walker: agenesis cerebellar vermis
iii, iv - no myelomeningocele, only II
chiari iii: cerebellar herniation into encephalocele +/- brainstem
chiari IV: cerebellar hypoplasia/aplasia with normal posterior fossa
split cord 1 vs 2
split cord 1: 2 hemicords with own dural sheath, separated by septum
split cord 2: 2 hemicords in 1 dural sheath
sx: tethered cord, gait disturbance, atrophy LE, spasticity
currarino triad
anterior sacral meningocele + presacral mass + anorectal abnormality
focal epilepsy on EEG + no structural lesion on MRI
cutaneous stigmata: hypertrichosis, hyperpigmentation, palpable lipoma
Bunina bodies vs hirano bodies
ALS - cytoplasm motor neurons
Hirano: rod shaped, pyramidal CA1 hippocampus
-normal aging or EtOH, Alzheimer’s, Pick’s
breath holding spell; shuddering attack
supplement with iron reduces attacks
reproduce: 10 second ocular pressure during EKG->bradycardia/asystole
-incontinence, clonus then sleepy
-no CTH emergent unless prolonged LOC ; can wait for MRI
shuddering attacks: rapid bursts of trembling, benign, normal EEG with myogenic artifact 20-100 Hz
-occur when excited
Parkinson’s management
Half life L dopa: 1.5 hours
L-dopa incude dyskinesias Tx:
-amantadine - risk hallucinations - NMDA antagonist
(Sx-constantly needing to move)
-mottled rash - STING RAY
-increase frequency decrease dose L dopa/continuous infusion; continuous apomorphine subcu infusion
-DBS- <75 yrs, **clear response to L Dopa **but dyskinesias or off state; cognitive intact, psych intact
-only partially affective for tremor
-no dementia
-GPi, STN (NOT VIM - for essential tremor)
urinary urgency - Tx mirabegron - beta 3 agonist (less cholinergic vs oxybutynin)
Hallucinations - (infectious w/u) first withdrawal anticholinergic then amantadine then DA agonist
PD psychosis -
Tx - pimavanserin. 5-HT2A R agonist
REM sleep behavior predates LBD + PD
+/- MSA
MRI: ABSENT swallow tail sign = loss of pigmentation in the substantia nigra
PD dementia: RIVASTIGMINE approved
PD drugs
pramipexole - DA agonist
Rasagiline - MAO-B inhibitor
Entacapone - COMT
amantadine - NMDA antagonist
-also hastens recovery in comatose pts 16-65 when given 4-16 wks pos-tinjury
L-Dopa side effects - GI upset, nightmares, hallucinations, dizziness
PTSD length Sx, kids; cyclothymic, panic disorder
1 month
Sx different in kids vs adolescents - can have disorganized/agitated behavior, not fear
-physical proximity to trauma doesn’t matter
cyclothymic: TWO YEARS Sx
panic disorder: 1 month and one attack, Tx= desensitization and exposure therapy
NCSE vs postictal
NCSE - positive symptoms: mydriasis, hiccups, nystagmus, eye deviation
sleep apnea
apneas: no respiratory for 10 sec; hypopnea = reduction air flow 30%
Apnea/Hypopnea index per hr sleep
mild 5-14
central: pontomedullary respiratory center problem
absence airflow+abdominal + thoracic movements - on polysomnogram
-heart failure (cheynes stokes)-> get ECHO
vs. obstructive - closed airway
-OSA; incidence the same in post menopausal women and men
sandy orange diapers, UTIs
Lesch Nyhan
HPRT mutation
dermal sinus tract
terminate in SAH, bone, etc - meningitis
split cord 1 vs 2
1 - 2 cords 2 sacs
2 - 2 cords 1 sac
curriano triad
anterior sacral meningocele + sacral mass + anorectal
-more common in women -urinary Sx
spina bifida occulta vs myelomeningocele
spina bifida occulta - folate deficiency - no vertebral body fusion (vs rickets - not vertebral column defect), see lucency in spine
-Depakote (neural tube defects)
myelomeningocele - chiari ii + hydrocephalus
Isaac syndrome
Autoimmune disorder - paraneoplastic ; -voltage gated potassium channelopathy
Sx: carpopedal spasm, sweating, myotonia
peripheral nerve hyperexcitability -
-EMG: neuromyotonia ( ping sound , high frequency 150-300 Hz decrementing repetitive discharges) + myokymia - bag of worms continuous muscle twitching
vs. myotonia - 20-100 hz - waxing/waning dive bomber sound
EMG: fibrillation potentials vs complex repetitive discharges vs positive sharp waves
denervation: fibrillation physiologic equivalent of positive sharp waves
-Fibrillation - negative component first then positive - denervation (denervation goes down)-“rain on roof” sound
-positive sharp waves - downward deflection waves - denervation
complex repetitive discharge - perfectly repetitive spikes machine like sound
-depolarization of single motor unit spreading to adjacent fibers; high frequency 5-100 Hz
end plate spikes - seashell sound on EMG, low amplitude potentials- up component first then down-normal on needle insertion
Postural orthostatic tachycardia vs neurogenic orthostatic hypotension vs vasovagal
POTS-head up increase HR by 30 or more over baseline or >120 per minute
-HR the same
Dx with tilt table
-tx: aerobic exercise, hydration, steroid, midodrine (alpha-1 agonist; causes urinary retention), beta blocker
neurogenic orthostatic hypotension= SBP drops 20 or DBP drops 10 when standing
= MSA, autoParkinson’s (and no increase HR)
Reflex syncope -includes vasovagal defecation/micturition/coughing/swallowing - need EKG
-heart causes exaggerated sympathetic response and brainstem withdrawals sympathetics causing vasodilation
orthostatic hypotension response - general visceral efferent
95% specific to seizure: lateral tongue bite
zero order kinetics = within therapeutic range, PHT half life increases and serum concentrations increase nonlinearly proportional to dose
-nystagmus, ataxia, confusion
-purple glove syndrome - after load, blistering skin
toxocity: gingival hypertrophy, ataxia, diplopia, slurred speech
weak CA inhibitor -> metabolic acidosis
sulfonamide related
blocks T type calcium channels
-can get kidney stones
OCP decrease lamotrigine-estrogen-progestin
-lamotrigine reduces effectiveness of ocps
lamotrigine + VPA = increase SJS risk
-VPA inhibits UGT-glucuronidation->raises LTG
arsenic - AIDP, sensory motor neuropathy, garlic breath (GI Sx acutely)
moonshine, pesticides, mining, glass
manganese - parkinsonism - HA, psychosis
GPi hyperintensity (+ CO)
-in liver disease pts, parkinsonism, wedling
Tx: chelation
cyanide - almond, HA, anxiety, vertigo, seizures, encephalopathy, skin flushed
-mining, electroplating, domestic fires fires
mercury - psychosis, gum inflammation, ataxia
organophosphates - cholingergic tox
-miosis vs botulism
tetanus vs tetany
toxin decrease interneuron transmission
-disrupts fusion synaptic vesicles
clostridium tetani-toxin targets presynaptic synaptobrevin in spinal anterior horn-> no glycine release->no inhibitory interneurons ->spasm
ANS dysfxn
EMG: high frequency discharges after single stimulus
vs. toxin completing with glycine at postsyn motor neuron - strychnine - drugs, herbal meds
TETANY: acute hypocalcemia - high frequency discharge after stimulus
(high frequency rep stim for botulism)
conduction velocity dependence factors + pacemaker
Low/slow CV: low temp, low diameter, low myelination, decreased internode length, tall person
High/fast CV: larger axon, warm, more myelinated, long internode length=faster, short person
Saltatory conduction: myelinated fibers CV 35-75 m/s vs (unmyelinated 0.2-1.5 m/s)
myelin decreases capacitance=less current lost
sodium channel density highest at nodes
pacemaker: can use but limit number electrodes and do not stimulate near device; stimulus shorter than 0.2 and frequency 1Hz
Spinal lesion
ependymoma - most common SC tumor- 40 years - intradural intramedullary - CERVICAL-central-bilateral arm weakness and loss of pain + temp
Lymphoma SC - intramedullary - CERVICAL mets
vs syringomyelia - CERVICOTHORACIC, signal in cord - HORNER syndrome b/c descending autonomics
-spares dorsal columns
-cervical spondylosis/hyperextension injuries, syringomyelia, intramedullary tumor-> central cord syndrome
meningioma - THORACIC spine-peak in females 70-80 yrs (in the MIDDLE)
epidural -hematoma - spontaneous in kids - THORACIC spine - T2 hyperintense, T1 iso-hypointense in epidural space, T2 bright in cord
-evacuate in 6 hours= better outcome
Thoracic radiculopathy - truncal radicular pain - diabetes risk
-DDx shingles
vs epidural abscess - LUMBAR, abscess, edema
myxopapillary ependymoma - 30s, M>F, LUMBAR
Neuroectodermal tumors - FILUM terminale, CAUDA equina - heterogenous enhancing - aggressive
vs transverse myelitis - edema; one spinal level
vs astrocytoma - intramedullary lesion, edema
spinal cord hemorrhage - hypointense on GRE, heterogenous signal on T1/T2 (vascular malformation) vs. compressive lesion - bright T2, dark T1
cryptococcus source
birds - pigeon poop on mummies
Acute hypocalcemia - high frequency discharge after single stimulus
-chovstek (contraction facial mulcles when tap facial nerve); trousseau - BP cuff inflate -> carpopedal spasm (caused by ischemia)
botulism vs MG vs single fiber
botulism: toxin inhibits presynaptic ACh release via cleave SNARE; autonomic dyxfsn
-ACh Presynaptic for the SNS + PNS system; (ACh post synaptic for PNS) = pupillary dilation and low DTRs
- NC: low CMAP with facilitation after exercise or HIGH frequency 20-50 Hz rep stim (like LEMS); jitter abnormal
-fermented seafood
-neonatal MG: intact DTRs
MG: EMG: low frequency stimulation 2-3 Hz, decrease response on rep stim
-no pupillary dilation vs botulism
-MG: post synaptic inhibition (Botulism pre synaptic inhibition)
vs tetanus - continuous motor activity
Single fiber: Jitter - variation in time interval btw 2 AP
-97% sensitivity for ocular MG
99% sensitivity for generalized MG
ACH R Ab: 50% sensitivity ocular MG, 85% sensitivity generalized MG (if seronegative, MUSK positive in 50%)
Primary Hyperhidrosis - ideopathic - axillae palms soles, face, scalp, inguina, etc; bilateral and symmatric
-get skin infections
+sweating during day only
+ family history
Dx: starch iodine test (different powder than thermoregulatory)
Tx: glycopyrrolate - oral -side effects vomiting, constipation
-aluminum salts - antiperspirants
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy - destroys sympathetic ganglia
Regional hyperhidrosis -bilateral axilla, feet, palms, face
secondary hyperhidrosis - night sweats- awake and asleep
syringomyelia - episodic sweating with some posture, autonomic dysreflexia
autonomic testing
Test Sympathetic Sudomotor cholinergic
sweat testing-
thermoregulatory testing - POWDER - changes color, shows pattern where someone sweats -
-ex autonomic neuropathy
Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex testing - stimulate nerves innervating sweat glands-postganglionic
Sympathetic cardiovascular adrenergic -*HR, BP with Valsalva, tilt table
HR response to deep breathing - PNS cardiovagal /Valsalva (impaired in diphtheria)
vitamin e deficiency
can happen with UC and crohn’s
mononeuritis multiplex
asymmetric stepwise progression cranial or peripheral neuropathy
VASCULITIC + systemic symptoms, weight loss
NC/EMG: axonal neuropathy, no demyelination. can biopsy
-vasculitis, autoimmune disease
spinal muscular atrophy
SMN1 - AR -mRNA processing gene - (Chr 5)
-loss of SMN1 compensated by SMN2 (more SMN2 the better)
- abdominen protrusion b/c diaphragm weak
-minipolymyoclonus - fine tremor of limbs
-spares facial muscles+ has fasciculations vs congenital myasthenia (ACh R delta subunit mutation) - ptosis, choking, Sx worse end of day
neonatal MG - maternal ACh R Ab transmitted to fetus - hypotonia, intact DTRs
SMA0: prenatal - no motor milestones, resp failure by 1 month - 1 copy SMN2
SMA1: unable to sit (Werdnig-Hoffman) - onset before 6 months
1-2 copies SMN2
II: unable to walk - onset after 6 months-3 copies SMN2
III: able to walk - onset>18 months- 3-4 copies SMN2
EMG-complex repetitive discharge
-SMA4-adult - proximal muscle weakness esp quads - more than 4 copies SMN2
Tx: nusinersin
onasemnogene abeparvovec - SMN1 transgene vector Tx <24 months
VMAT inhibitor: deplete DA in presyn vesicles -reserpine - tardive
cocaine: inhibits presynpatic DA and NE reuptake - NET DAT CAT - cuts net of fish
amphetamine: presynaptic RELEASE NE, 5HT, DA
(LSD - 5-HT)
-amphetamine toxicity - fluids, benzos, acitvated charcoal
chronic traumatic encephalopathy
TAUopathy - hyperphosphorylated tau widspread
-1 perivascular phosphorylated Tau lesion around blood vessel - in sulci of cortex
-multiple concussions -> apathy, aggression, personality change
cerebellar scarring, substantia nigra
-degeneration, atrophy, cavum septum pellucidum —»> temporal lobe, thalamus, hypothalamus, mammillary body atrophy
vs. Prion disease - spongiform degeneration - no inflammatory response, DWI cortical ribbon
Carnitine deficiency disorders -Lipid metabolism beta oxidation
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency-CPTII gene
- myopathic form: most common - pain and weakness high CK + myoglobinuria after exercise/stress only
-MCC hereditary rhabdomyolysis
-other types neonatal, severe infantile hepatocardiomuscular
-trigger: diazepam, VPA- high ammonia
EMG-normal; biopsy normal
-Dx: elevated long chain acylcarnitines, low free canitine
Tx: carbs, low fat
-CPT1A deficiency - fatty liver pregnancy if carrying infant with CPT1A - carnitine HIGH in serum
carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency - SLC25A20 - low free carnitine
-carnitine biosynthesis disorders
-carnitine transport disorders - primary carnitine deficiency (SLC22A5)
dialysis related carnitine disorder - fatigue, hypotension, anemia - free carnitine cleared more than acyl carnitine in dialysis
secondary carnitine deficiency - dialysis, drugs, inborn errors metabolism (increase excretion acylcarnitines), malnutrition
- less severe vs primary deficiency
Glycogen storage diseases
-McArdles myophosphorylase - SECOND WIND clenched fist, difficulty opening hand; contractures, rhabdomyolysis
-2nd wind b/c free fatty acids delivered
Tx: carbs
Lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase - acid maltase deficiency - Pompe
-adults: proximal muscle weakness, atrophy
Tx - alglucosidase alfa
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency - Von Gierke - hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, growth retardation; high lactate, uric acid
Galactose-1-P-uridyltransferase - galactosemia - cataracts, failure to thrive, aminoaciduria
liver/muscle debranching - Cori - hypoglycemia, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly
transient global amnesia
can be triggered by coitus or emotional/physical stress
Parkinson’s pathology and genes
eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions = Lewy bodies - pale halo
-dopaminergic denervation striatum
-pallor substantia nigra
-pallor locus coeruleus
Late onset; LRRK2
early onset - DJ1 - AR, PINK1 - AR
neurotransmitters basal forebrain, histamine
basal forebrain - ACh,
substantia innominata
nuc accumbens
myoclonus Tx
Keppra, VPA, benzos (clonazepam, midazolam), topamax
worsen myoclonus: carbamazepine, phenytoin, gabapentin, lamotrigine
Sydenham chorea
Tx - penicillin + DA antagonist
restless leg syndrome
augmentation: DA meds cause Sx early in day, more severe, other body parts (can happen after 1 month)
kids - check iron panel, can have comorbid ADHD, periodic limb movements of sleep
Tx iron deficiency ; first line gabapentin/pregabalin
Tx OSA improves Sx
Target fibers - succinate dehydrogenase staining - denervation
Cowdry A inclusions - herpes
Plasmodium - hemozoin - malarial pigment
toxoplasmosis - bradyzoites
schwanommas - Antoni A + B cells
metastatic adenocarcinoma - simple and tubular glandular cells, rim enhancing cystic mass
factitious vs malingering
factitious - want to be a patient , no secondary gain
malingering - needs secondary gain like money or disability or drugs
RNS DBS treatments
RNS: multifocal or focal and not a surgical candidate
-gives stimulus at seizure onset, closed loop system (vs DBS, VNS - open loop)
-side effects less common in RNS vs. VNS+DBS b/c give focal stimulus
DBS: 1st- approved for essential tremor - Ventral intermediate nuc thalamus
2nd- dystonia - GPi
3rd OCD
4th focal onset epilepsy - ant thalamus - 2008
5th - MDD treatment resistant - most recent
Brain tumors kids
Pilocytic astrocytoma - Cerebellar Hemispheres (medulloblastoma is midline and roof of 4th ventricle
-cyst with enhancing mural nodule
-if NF1 -> in optic tract
-presenting Sx MASS EFFECT
-bipolar neoplastic cells with hair like processes (Rosenthal fibers)+eosinophilic granular bodies (eosinophilic hyaline masses)
-fusion K-BRAF protein
Tx: surgery, BRAF inhibitor
Ependymoma - 4th ventricle FLOOR-perivascular pseudo rosettes
Medulloblastoma - MIDLINE vermis or ROOF fourth ventricle - Homer Wright Rosettes
(DROP things from the ROOF)
-age 2-6
4 subgroups: WNT, SHH, group 3, group 4
1. WNT - BEST prognosis - CTNNB1 mutation (kids, adults)
2. SHH - PTCH1 gene, MYCN, GLI2 - intermediate - infants, adults
3. group 3- worst prognosis - MYC amplification - infants, children
4. group 4- CKD6 (MYCN)- intermediate prognosis
-Homer-Wright pseudorosettes
-get spinal imaging b/c drop metastasis
-Turcot syndrome - gliomas, colon polyls, adenocarcinoma, medulloblastoma - APC
SEGA - 3rd or lateral ventricles
-TSC only
Histo: -calcifications
-candle gutterings
Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma - temporal lobes
-histo: intercellular reticulin deposit
Ganglioma - temporal lobe
hemangiopericytomas - staghorn vasculature
Supratentorial tumors
SATCHMOE - sarcoid, aneyrusm/adenoma, teratoma, craniopharyngioma, hypothalamic glioma, mets, opic nerve glioma, epidermoid
- Ganglioglioma - temporal - cyst with mural nodule - BRAFV600E
-neuronal + glial on histo - Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes - pseudostratified epithelium with central clear lumen - heterogenous contrast enhancement, diffusion restriction
-frontal, parietotemporal
-ages <5
-C19MC amplification on chromosome 19
if no C19M classification but has pseudostratefied neuroepithelium -> medulloepithelioma
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor - DNET - no contrast enhancement or diffusion restriction - glioneurla nodules, foci cortical dysplasia
Pleomorphic Xanthroastrocytoma
Craniopharyngioma - Rathke pouch - palisading epithelial cells; cystic component
-papillary craniopharyngioma - non keratinizing squamous epithelium + fibrovascular core
vs pituitary adenoma - hypercellular with same cell type
cyst with mural nodule DDx
pleomorphic xanthroastrocytoma
pilocytic astrocytoma
hemangioblastoma - cyst usually does not enhance
radiation plexopathy
MRI - enhancement - tram track appearance
FDG-PET - no uptake vs tumor
EMG-myokymia (worm like movements under skin) - sound like soldiers marching + fasiculations
not painful vs. tumor infiltrative plexus
confusional migraine
Rare Pediatric migraine
speech slurred, vomited, disoriented, agitated x 6-24 hours
Tx. topiramate (blocks VG NA and Ca channels + blocks CA, enhances Gaba
Moya moya
vasculopathy of narrowed distal ICA + branches
watershed strokes
puff of smoke
-limb shaking, chorea - disrupt BG circuit
-no inflammation or athero on biopsy -> not inflammatory
-intimal hyperplasia, interruption internal elastic lamina, proliferation sm muscle
Tx - ASA, no AC
one sutures or more closes early
primary - ossification problem
if 2 sutures close early -> increased ICP
-sattigal suture - scaphocephaly; coronal - anterior plagiocephaly - bilateral coronal - brachycephaly
lambdoid - posterior plagiocephaly; metopic - trigonocephaly
-Crouzon - fibroblast growth factor-2 gene. bicoronal craniosynostosis - brachicephaly, proptosis, midface bony hypoplasia - hands normal vs Aperts, Pfieffer
secondary -most common- small brain growth-> early fusion -MICROcephaly-
BL optic neuritis
aquaporin 4 channel - astrocytic foot processes, gray matter spinal cord
acute Tx - IVIG, steroids, PLEX
Interferon Beta can worsen disease b/c -B cell mediated disease (INF B T cell)
natalizumab, fingolimod worsens disease
reduce relapse - rituximab, azathioprine, eculizumab
ADAM Tx - steroids 1st line, then plasma exchange, IVIG
Cruciate paralysis
cervicomedullary junction
brachial diplegia -
bilateral arm weakness, spares legs SPARES SENSation + dysarthria/dysphagia (lower CN)
-CST with arms decussates one segment higher than legs, more anterior, more susceptible to injury
-vs. C spine - arms and legs and sensation affected
-odontoid fracture, atlantoaxial
B12 deficiency
no Methylmanonyl CoA to succinyl coA-> high MMA
dopamine precursors
phenylalanine, tyrosine
infantile spasm
ACTH first line
genes: STXBP1
vigabatrin if TSC - causes VF deficits
-inhibits GABA-T -> increases GABA
hypsarrythmia - best seen during quiet sleep - need 24 hrs EEG
ethosuxamide side effects
N, V, sleep problems, hyperactivity
Migraine neurostimulation + biofeedback
Vagal nerve stimulation - cluster + migraine
DBS not approved for cluster
migraine abortive + preventative: transcranial magnet-nTMS ,external trigeminal stimulation; vagal nerve stim, occipital stim
Cefaly - transcutaneous supraorbital neurostimulation - episodic migraine - forehead device - use once/day x 20 min - stimulate supraorbital N (trigeminal N branch)
Biofeedback: migraine prevention - control physical response to stress- body functions not under conscious control - (not Emotional responses)
essential vs physiologic tremor
physiologic = able to perform tasks
-risk with SSRI
essential tremor - asymmetric, worse with action
-don’t need to check serum copper
-postural tremor - worse in wing beating vs arms out
prognostic indicator: more severe Sx within first few days
-severity of concussion does not correlate with post concussive syndrome risk
Dx bipolar I
Manic episodes lasts 7 days
-increase in goal directed activities
-don’t need depression in bipolar I
(bipolar II-hypomanic + MDD)
cervical myelopathy
if >6 years: stimulants ; no increase dependence
if epilepsy - low dose methylphenidate
-if tic disorder/ASD aggress - alpha 2 agonists - clonidine - better if comorbidity
Perilymphatic fistuala
perilymph fluid leads from inner to middle ear
-vertigo, disequilibrium
-sensorineurla hearing loss, left beating nystagmus
Tulio phenomenon: disequilibrium triggered by loud noise or valsalva
cause: congenital abnormality temporal bone or trauma
vs Meniere - dilation endolymph - Sx better with salt restriction; diuresis to decrease endolymph
Tx - endolymphatic hydrops
refractory epilepsy neonates
pyridoxine dependent epilepsy
-deficiency alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase - antiquitin
-clonic seizures
Phantom limb pain vs residual limb pain
phantom limb: more common upper limb
peripheral + CNS hypersensitization
vs residual limb pain: associated with underlying cause
CVST w/u
-get bHCG
Foster Kennedy Syndrome
Mass compressing optic nerve, ipsilateral optic pallor/atrophy, contralateral papilledema, anosmia
ex: sphenoid wing meningioma
Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions and benign familial neonatal seizures vs benign familial infantile seizures
- Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsion
fifth day fits, seizure 4-6 days
-variant theta rhythm on EEG
-clonic seizures
-KCNQ2 - deletion (loss of function of 1 gene = 50% function)
Vs mis sense mutation KCNQ2 - gets incorporated into channel and even less function (less than 50%) - get DEE not fifth day fits
- Benign familial neonatal seizures
-EEG NORMAL, MRI normal, normal growth/dvelopment
Tx: no tx or oxcarb, carbamazepine
- benign familial infantile seizures; SCAN2A, SCAN8A - Autosomal dominant
-start at 6 months and seizures end at 2 years
-association with adult paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia in adolescence-PRRT2 gene - proline rich transmembrane protein 2 gene - Chr 16 p
febrile seizures-GEFS+. SCN1A
lateral - orexin
suprachiasmatic - insomnia, sleep wake
arcuate - > secretes stimulating and inhibitory releasing hormones - tuberohypophyseal tract
paraventricular nucleus - autonomic fibers
anterior hypothalamus - regulates hyperthermia
lesion = get hyperthermia
posterior - regulates hypothermia
lesion = get hypothermia
paraventricular (magnocellular), supraoptic - ADH, oxytocin - [subforniceal organ senses volume] ->secreted from posterior pituitary/neurohypophysis from neuroectoderm
Panayiotopoulos syndrome vs cyclic vomiting syndrome vs SELECTs
occipital epilepsy, see elemental shapes + nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, tachypnea
4-8 years
EEG: high voltage occipital spikes
Don’t need Tx but use carbamazepine
vs Gastaut-type epilepsy - last onset childhood occipital - usual present ~ 8 years, + post ictal migraine
SELECTS - facial parethesias, jerking face, hypersalivation- centrotemporal spikes - age 4-11 yrs
Radial neuropathies
Wartenberg - superficial radial nerve-sensory - compression watch/handcuffs - parthesias dorsolateral hand
-motor intact
posterior interosseus neuropathy - weakness ulnar wrist extension; radial wrist extension spared, sensory spare
vs. ischemic monomelic neuropathy - AV shunt placement; weakness/sense loss in multiple distributions, radial pulse still palpable
median neuropathies
pronator teres syndrome - median nerve - pain in forearm, sensory loss over thenar eminence (intact in Carpal tunnel);
[supinator is radial]
anterior interossei - weakness, sensory spared - DIPs 2 and 3, flexor pollicus LONGUS, pronator quadratus -“OK sign”
-neuralgic amyotrophy
CARPAL TUNNEL - flexor retinaculum (NC - prolonged distal latency + slow CV b/c focal demyelination( if axonal damage, reduces amplitude)
-tinel/phanel/hand raise test
-spares thenar eminence
-palmar mixed study significant different median + ulnar 0.4 ms
-combined sensory index of 1 or more - maximize sensitivity without reducing specificity -different tests anti-orthodromic
median hand - 1/2 LOAF-LBS (flexor pollicis longus+flexor pollicis brevis superficial head)
- lateral 2 lumbricals
opponens pollicis brevis, ABductor pollicis brevis APB, flexor pollicis longus (OK sign)+flexor policis brevis superficial head
NOT adductor pollicis (ulnar); flexor pollicis brevis deep head- ulnar
abductor pollicis longus - radial
Hartnup disease
SCL6A19 - chr 5
diarrhea, red flaky skin, agitation ~Niacin deficiency, sun induced rash
-AR, defective amino acid transporter - increase excretion nonpolar amino acids=tryptophan + phenylalanine in urine
-no tryptophan absoroption -> niacin precursor