Neuroimmunology Flashcards
tumifactive MS
open ring enhancing without edema
-can have prognosis ~RRMS
visual evoked potentials
Measure optic N integrity anterior to optic chiasm
N75-P100 AMPLITUDE are considered the marker of axonal integrity of optic nerve
-P100 LATENCY are considered to be related to demyelination of optic nerve
P100 latency prolonged+normal amplitude=demeylination
P100 low amplitude + normal latency = ischemic optic neuropathy
low amplitude+prolonged latency - optic N compression causing segmental demyelination and axonal loss
no muscle atrophy
CSF-can be normal
WBC up to 50, lymph
other w/u: B12, SLE, lyme
axon transection on histology
optic neuritis
demyelinating SSEP - latency prolonged, amplitude normal
NMO IgG binds Aq4 water channel in astrocytic foot process at BBB
-progresses with relapses, not btw relapses
-brain usually spared
-natalizumab contraindicated
acute: IV steroids, plasmapharesis
-steroids AZA, cyclophosphamide, ritux maintenance
monophasic post vaccine/illness
-BG involvement, encephlopathy
Tx: IV methylpred then plasmapharesis
form: hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy of Weston Hurst -temporal lobes
-can have RRMS, may have been misdiagnosed as ADEM as kid
Balo’s concentric sclerosis
progressive demyelinating disease
-concentric rings on MRI like onion skin
MS drugs
interferon - category C in pregnancy
glatiramer acetate - can use if pregnancy or lactating
Pill MS drugs
All need CBC, LFTs
- SP1 (sphingosine-1-phosphate R) immune suppressant spingolimod, fingolamod
No signal to get released-> lymph cells stay in lymph nodes, no lymph on CBC, risk infection
-EKG once b/c bradycardia, observe x6 hours, VZV infections
-macular edema, regular eye check up - Teraflunamide - inhibits pyramidine synthesis
-immunomodulator, CBC normal
-liver failure-regular monitoring,
hair thinning, category X pregnancy teratogen - Fumarates - immunomodulator, unknown MOA
-dimethyl fumarate - flushing, GI upset, diarrhea, improves after 3 months
-take with food, check CBC
Ab vs alpha-4 integrin, prevents WBC crossing BBB into CNS
1/1,000 risk PML, higher after 2 yrs and with other immunosuppressants, risk if positive JCV
-risk anaphylaxis ->discontinue if occurs
Contraindicated in NMO
PML Sx: aphasia, VF deficits, hemiparesis, cognitive dysfunction
if natalizumab; stop then JCV PCR then plasmapharesis
Transverse myelitis
Subacute myelopathy post viral illness, Mycoplasma infection, vaccination, or nothing
-bowel, bladder Sx
-very extensive cord lesion
-vs SLE myelitis - acute and other systemic Sx
Symptomatic Tx to improve walking in MS
-inhibitor of voltage sensitive K channels
On L gaze: Can’t adduct right eye, with L eye abduction nystagmus
-can be BL in MS
Useless hand of Oppenheim
In MS relapse, hand feels useless 2/2 sensory deafferentation with otherwise normal motor fxn
Pulfrich’s sign
Visual phenomenon - difficulty following moving objects visually
-lateral motion looks like it has a depth component
3rd line after broken through DMARDS
-Ab vs CD52, lysis B and T cells
-risk: hyperthyroidism, ITP (2/2 active B cell return after Tx)
maintenance IVIG, if fail satrilizumab
-no sex/race risk factors, equal prevalence
-ON, ADEM, myelitis, cranial neuropathies (trigeminal)
-monophasic or relapsing
-lesions disappear on MRI vs NMO, MS
Dx criteria: core clinical demyelinating event + positive MOG-IgG (clear positive titre>1:100) + supporting info: BL ON, perineural optic shealth, ON edema, >50% ON/MRI features
ON in MOG - steroid responsive, BL, optic disc edema,
they are mostly bilateral and long, although posterior in the former and anterior in the latter.
ON in MOG vs NMO vs MS
MS: short, anterior
NMO: long, BL, posterior
MOG: long, BL, anterior with optic disc edema
anti-idiotypic antibody
When one antibody binds to an idiotope of another antibody