True Learn Absite - 2020 Flashcards
Indications for ppx abx for SBP
GI HMHG, low protein ascites (< 15 g/L), hx of SBP
Tx desmoid tumor
Tx mesenteric cyst
Tx appendicitis
Perforated w/ abscess → drain and tx medically
Perforated w/out abscess → medical management or OR; no consensus
Non-perforated → lap appe
Indications for local excision of rectal cancer
< 3 cm, <30% circ, mobile, no nodes, SM only, no high risk histo
Tx with least incontinence for anal fissue
LATERAL, INTERNAL sphincterotomy
Treatment of anal melanoma
WLE (DO NOT respond to chemo-XRT)
Tx melanoma
resect w/ proper margin, avoid Mohs, resect palpable/SLN+
goal to resect nodes (not stage)
Tx of rectal abscess
supralevator- transrectally
all others- drain to the skin
Tx of HMHD
1-2: sclerotherapy, infrared coag
2-3: rubber band ligation
3-4: HDHD’ectomy (less recurrence), stapled HMHD’pexy (less painful)
HMHD grading
1- bleeding, 2- prolapse w/ spon reduction, 3- prolapse w/ manual reduction, 4- irreducible
condyloma types
acuminatum- HPV ( 6, 11- benign; 16, 18- Ca)
lata- syphilis
Anal verge
Anal margin
Anal canal
Anal verge: separates anal canal/anal margin. hair bearing to non hair-bearing; ext anal sph ends
Anal margin: below anal verge
Anal canal: above anal verge
Tx of High grade AIN/bowen’s disease of anal margin
lifetime surveillance even if tx!; excise if > 3cm, sxatic, atypical
Tx of SqCC of anal margin
tx like SqCC of the skin
Tx SqCC of anal canal
Nigro protocol- RTx (of Ca + inguinal/pelvic nodes) + 5FU + MitoC; Recurrence- APR
SqCC equivalents- large cell ker. (SqCC), transitional zone, LCl non-ker, basaloid, mucoepidermoid
Tx Melanome of anal canal
unresponsive to chemo-RT; 5y-S is 20% w/ R0; WLE = APR
Tx of Thrombosed external HMHD
w/in 48h- excision
after 48h- medically manage
Tx of rectal prolapse
rectopexy (presacral facia) + sigmoidectomy if const’n/slow transit
old/sick- perineal
Tx of anal fissure
itz/fiber; chronic- add nitro/dilt; failed medical- lateral internal sphincterotomy
Tx anal incontinence
1st line- fiber/bulking, exercises
refractory- overlapping sphincteroplasty
Tx of Pilonidal cyst
leave open!; midline- longer healing/lower recurrence; off midline- less comps (preferred)
Tx of CBD stone intraop
transcystic/transductal (larger stones) lap bile duct exploration; ERCP if unable
M; intra/extra hepatic; onion fibrosis; chain of lakes; a/w UC, cholangioca; tx- trx, cholesty., UDCA
F; intra hepatic; granulomas; +AMA; a/w Sjogren, RA; tx- trx, cholesty., UDCA
Tx for cholangiocarcinoma
Upper ⅓ (Klatskin): lobectomy and stenting of contra lobe; consider neoadj + trx if unresectable
Middle ⅓: hepaticojejunostomy
Lower ⅓: pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple)
Strasburg classification of bile duct injuries
A- leak B- ligation of aberrant R hepatic C- transection of aberrant R hepatic D- lateral injury to major duct E- complex injury with complete bile duct transection
Replaced hepatics
R hepatic: posterior to cystic duct; off of SMA
L hepatic: within hepatogastric ligament; off of L gastric; medial to portal triad
CBD exploration techniques
transcystic- small stones or large CD
transductal- large stones or small CD
Leave T-tube- avoid spasm and back pressure that could blow out your stump
Lap chole w/ intraop choledocho
- Saline flush, 2. Glucagon, 3. Lap CBD exploration (TC or TD)
Tx CO poison
1st 100% 02 NRB, then hyperbaric O2 (most effective); intubate if comatose, severe acidosis
Tx thoracic eschar
early intubation then escharotomy along ant. ax lines (b4 CT)
Burn degrees
1D: red without blisters
2D superficial: papi dermis; blisters; most painful; blanches +hair; no surg
2D deep: red/white; ret dermis; mild pain; no blanch; surg if not healed >3w
3D burn: white/waxy; leathery skin; insensate; early surg/graft
4D: fat/muscle/bone; surg
Tx of Hypothermia
Mild- <94: shivering, AMS; tx- passive ext (remove wets, blankets)
Moderate- <89: combative, mydriasis, afib; tx- active ext (warm blankets/air/bath)
Severe-<84/29: long QRS, osborne waves, VFib; coma; tx- active int (warm O2/IVF, bypass/lavage)
Profound-<70: loss of vital signs, cardiac activity, EEG; tx- ACLS, active internal
Tx of freezing
Frostnip: ice crystal on skin; pain, numbness; tx- rewarming
1D frostbite: frozen below skin; numbness/edema; firm plaque; tx- 1-2 wks to heal
2D frostbite: milky white blister; tx- 2-4 wks to heal
3D frostbite: hemorrhagic blister; tx- 3m to heal
4D frostbite: bone; black mummified tissue;
Parkland Formula
4 x TBSA x wt; ½ in 1st 8 hours; modified Brook’s formula: use 2 instead of 4
Rule of 9s
ant/post C/A-18 each; ant/post leg-9 each; ant/pos arm- 4.5 each; H/N- 9; genital-1
Indication for APR
w/in 2cm of anal verge (levators), baseline sphincter dysfxn, recurrent SqCC (s/p Nigro)
resect ALL (any size) w/ -MICRO margin
Imatinib post op if C-Kit+
neoadj if inoperable
TAC w/ IRA→ q1y scope post op → polyposis/high grade dysplasia @ stump → proctectomy +/- pouch
Elective UC Tx
TAC w/ IJP; indications- ANY dysplasia, refractory
incontinence is a c/i
Surgery reduces: erythema nodosum, arthritis; no effect on PSC!
1- pericolic abscess, 2- pelvic abscess, 3- purulent, 4- feculent; scope 6-8w post dc
Neoadjuvant therapy related to T stage
esophagus- t1b+, stomach- t2+, colon- t4b, rectum t3+
LN harvest/margin eso stomach colon rectum
eso- 15/7cm
stomach- 15/5cm
colon-12/5 cm
rectum- 12/5 cm
APC gene
chrom5; mc mutation in colon ca; 1st mutn in adenoma to carcinoma; a/w FAP
Lynch Syndrome
DNA mm repair- MLH1, MSH2/6, PMS2
scope @ 25 or 10yrs before relative
any ca → TAC IRA
monoclonal Ab to TNF
use- moderate crohns, recurrent perianal fistula!
COX/LOX inhibitor
suppress inflammation
quiescent crohn’s
inhibit DNA synthesis
immunosuppression by blocking Cyto T and NKC
RET gene
thyroidectomy b4 5 (age 2 for 2B)
Mucinous cystic neoplasm
malig potential; viscous, “string like”
high CEA, low Amylase
tx- resect
serous aspirate
low CEA, low Amylase
tx- resect if sxs
high CEA, high amylase
in communication w/ panc duct
main vs. branched
low CEA, high amylase
tx- wait 6 weeks then drain or resect
Von Hippel Lindau
VHL gene
upreg. of VEGF
CNS/retinal hemangioblastoma, clear cell RCC, pheo
Li Fraumeni S
breast cancer, soft tissue sarc
Esophagus blood supply
Cervical- inf thyroid
Thoracic- aortic branches
Abd- L gastric/inf phrenic
Heller myotomy margins
5cm proximal, 2cm distal
DeMeester score
pH <4 , changes in position, duration, # of episodes; > 14.7 is positive
Eso dysplasia tx
LGD- scope q6-12m lifetime (even if fundoplication) HGD- ablation + Q3m scope T1a- ablation t1b- esophagectomy *Fundop does not decrease cancer risk
dor- ant 200
toupet- post 180
belsey/mark IV- transthoracic ant 270
GERD alarm sxs
wt loss, early satiety, blood, dysphagia, odynophagia → EGD
Zenker’s tx
left C incision; cricopharyngeal myotomy + staple channel (large) or diverticulectomy (small)
Tx acute variceal HMHG
octreotide + antibiotics → endoscopic intervention (ligation/sclerotherapy) → TIPS
Transhiatal esophagectomy
C+A incision
gastric conduit supply- R gastroepiploic (off GDA/CHA)
DES tx
CCB (+TCA if chest pain) → botox; surgical management is last resort
Corrected Ca
[0.8 x (4 - patient’s albumin)] + serum Ca level
Metabolic alk
Cl responsive- temporary loss, replaceable
- vomiting
Cl resistant- hormonal, continuous loss
- conn’s, steroids, hyperaldosterone
Serum osmolarity
Osm = 2xNa + Glu/18 + urea/2.8
MC etiology of ESRD leading to kidney trx
- DM, 2. HTN, 3. PCKD
Na - (Cl+Bic)
NaCl = non-AG, metabolic acidosis
storage, intra/extra cellular
low in IDA/high in ACD (2/2 inflammation)
Tumor lysis syndrome
hyperU, K, Ph w/ hypoCa; CaPh crystal—> renal failure + hypoCa
Vit D vs. PTH
Vit D: increase Ca and Ph
PTH: increase Ca and decrease Ph
4-2-1 rule
4 cc/kg/hr for 1st 10 kg, then 2 for 10-20 kg, then 1 for everything above 20
Free water def
.5/.6 x kg x (Na - IdealNa)/(IdealNa)
Sodium def
.5/.6 x kg (Na ideal - Na)
Rectovaginal fistula tx
wait 3-6m; low- endorectal advancement flap; high- abdominal approach
Tx of cervical ca
conization/LEEP for 1a; primary chemoRT, brachytx B4 surg
pelvic/aortic LN’s
Tx of endometrial ca
TAH+BSO, peritoneal w/o (for cytology), LN sampling
DONOR Ab attacks recipient WBC
ADP antagonists
clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor (reversible)
TXA2 antagonist:
ASA (via Cox-1); irreversible
Reversible DTA:
tx VWD
tx- DDAVP (ineffective for t3), cryo
Tx ESRD PLT dysfxn
2/2 uremia; tx w/ desmo; cryo 2nd line; don’t use PLTs → become dysfxn
Consider bridging if
troke/TIA w/in 1 month, mechanical valve, high CHADS-VASC
Acute hemolytic trx reaction
rapid RBC destruction by host IgM/IgG
+direct coomb’s
lipid soluble- penetrates CNS
↑ s/e- hypoK/Mg, hepatotoxic, anemia, arrhythmia
HS reactions
1- IgE mediated; allergic rxn 2- aB mediated rxn 3- immune cx; ex- serum sickness 4- delated; t-cell mediated 5- auto-immune
NKC, macrophage activation
inhibits T-cell activation
Tx liver lesions
- Hemangioma
- Adenoma
- Hemangioma: resect if sxs
- FNH (+kuppfer): resect if sxs
- Adenoma (-kuppfer): <5cm- stop OCP, observe; > 5cm- resect
Functional Liver Remnant
minimum 20% if normal liver; pre-op chemo/some dysfxn = 30%; cirrhosis = 40%
Tx and dx of SBP
3GC abx AND albumin (survival benefits)
dx- ↑ascitic PMN and + culture;
TK inhibitor; tx of HCC
Tx of liver abscess:
- fungal:
- hydatid cyst:
- amoebic:
- pyogenic
- fungal: perc drain + micafungin (ampho is 2nd line)
- hydatid cyst: albendazole qwks then drain
- amoebic: metronidazole
- pyogenic:
Indications for trx
ALF- INR > 1.5
CLF- MELD >=15, INR > 1.5
Enterohepatic circulation
Liver → P BSalts → hepatocytes → conjugated BS → 80% active ileum absorbed
20% deconjugated by bacteria → passive colon absorbed; 5% out in stool
Kocher- lateral peritoneal attachment of D2
Maddox- white line from sig to splenic flex
Cattell- continuation of kocher; from D2 to sigmoid
Tx of GB polyps
surg if- any size w/ lithiasis, > 1cm
< 1 cm w/out stones can observe
Tx of pancreatic necrosis
ICU, fluid, pain meds → MRCP (no cholangitis) or ERCP (cholangitis) → delay OR
If evidence of fluid infection (w/out cholangitis): proceed with CT guided drain placement
S/e of trx meds
- Tacro
- Azathioprine
- Mycophenolate
- Sirolimus
- Tacro: neuro sxs (tremor), neph’tox, HTN, alopecia, hyperK, hypoMg, GI sxs
- Azathioprine: marrow suppression, leukopenia, hep’tox, pancreatitis, pulm fibrosis
- Mycophenolate: GI sxs, leukopenia
- Sirolimus: hypterTG, impaired wound healing,
Wt loss/surgery
lap band 50-55
sleeve 55
REY 60
Duo switch 70
Mineral def: Zn Sel Chromium Copper
Zn- wound heal/skin
Sel- cardiomyopathy
Chromium- hyperglycemia
Copper- micro anemia
B1 def:
cardiomyopathy, wernicke’s encephalopathy, p. Neuropathy
T1/2 albumin vs. pre-albumin
Albumin- 20 days, prealbumin- 2 day
N balance
(protein intake/6.25) - (protein in urine + 2); 6.25 = g of N/g of P
2 = insensible loss
Cori cycle
recycling of lactate and pyruvate for gluconeogenesis
provides 40% of glu when starving
Gluconeo precursors
lactate , pyruvate, AA
UE Injuries
supracondylar humerus- brachial a
DRF- median n
ant shoulder disloc’n- ax. n
post shoulder disloc’- ax. a