True Learn Flashcards
bOhr effect
bOhr Oxygen Offloading ( hgb decreased affinity for Oxygen when pH is low and Co2 in high at tissues)
nitrous oxide tank values
750 psig 1500 L
oxygen tank values
2200 psig. 660L
phosgene effects
gas used in WW2, colorless odorless, immidiately damages lung epithelium
Drugs that don’t cross placenta (He is going nowhere soon)
Heparin, Insulin, Glycopyrolate, non-depolarizing, succ
Risk factors for post dural puncture headache
women, < age 40, vaginal delivery, multiple attempts, cutting needle
action of nitrous oxide
increases cGMP levels in cells –> smooth muscle relaxation
St. Johns Wart _____P450
induces 3A4 and 2C9 , decreases levels of cyclosporine and warfarin
action of Ginkgo herbal supplement
inhibits platelets
blocks neuronal ganglion nicotinic receptors–blocks both sympathetic and parasympathetic transmission at ganglia
febrile post transfusion reactions
caused by pyrogenic cytokines released by donor leukocytes
TRALI cause
antibodies from donor blood attack HLA of recipient–> non cardiogenic pulmonary edema
prostaglandin, used for uterine atony, contraindication: asthma…carbOprOst –> brOnchOspasm
ergot, used for uterine atony, can cause HTN
metHYIERgometrine causes bp to go HYIER
drugs that can cause exacerbations of porphyria
barbituates, sulfonamides, ethyl alcohol, ergots, etomidate
respiratory centers in brainstem
DIVE—> dorsal medulla =inspiration, ventral medulla = expiration
changes to arterial wave form as you move peripherally
widening of pulse pressure, softening of dicrotic notch, MAP stays the same
propofol infusion syndrome
lactic acidosis, cardiac failure, renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hepatomegaly, and pancreatitis.
plasma osm equation
Posm = (2 * [Na]) + ([glucose] / 18) + ([BUN] / 2.8)
lambert-eaton syndrome
inhibits P-type calcium channels inhibiting release of Ach from nerve terminal
botulism toxin effect
inhibits SNARE proteins inhibiting binding of vesicles containing Ach at nerve terminal
drugs that inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Other vasodilating drugs such as nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Volatile gases > 1.5 MAC