True/False Flashcards
- Young adults are more likely to be the victims of serious violent crime
than the elderly.
A: True.
- Juveniles under age 18 commit the bulk of the major violent crime in the U.S.
A: False.
*Juveniles are overrepresented
- Suicide is a more frequent occurrence than murder in American society. A: True.
- Twice more than murder
- Most murder that is committed in the U.S. is cleared by arrest.
A: True.
- Clearance rate for murder is higher than for all other index crimes.
- The murder and serious assault rates in the U.S. are higher today than ever before.
* Murder rate peaked 1980 at 10.2/100,000, only time since WWII above 10; 23,040 killings.
* Highest volume of murders post WWII was 1991 at 24,703, rate 9.8/100,000.
* Major crime drop in murder beginning about 1994. Continued for two decades until 2014
- Most murder that occurs in the U.S. is classified as related to the use of narcotic drugs.
* Small portion of all murder is actually classified as related to narcotic drug laws or drug related brawls. UCR 2022: About 2.5%
- Children who are the victims of murder are killed more often by people they know.
o Jon Benet Ramsay
* Polly Klass
- Violent crime is more common and occurs at higher rates than property crime.
A: False
*Violent crime is a much smaller component of all crime than is property crime or even other forms of crime. *More than 4:5 crimes known to the police are property or vice crimes.
- All types of major violent crime are seldom if ever reported and/or known to the police.
A: False.
* About 42% of all NCVS serious violent victimizations combined were reported to the police in 2022 (AA, rape, robbery); about 46% in 2021. Decreased slightly.
* Alan Lizotte
- The death penalty is an effective deterrent for lowering the murder rate.perpetrate.
A: False.
*Since the 1960s, the murder rate in the U.S. has varied inconsistently with the number of executions, sometimes going up, down, or remaining steady.
*Jack Katz: People who kill often experience anger that builds to rage, or they feel “righteous” about the killings that they
- Most serious violent crime in the U.S. is committed by a small percentage of people.
* Marvin Wolfgang
* Terrie Moffit
- Most major violent crimes are committed by people with severe mental illness.
A: False
* Most serious violence aren’t committed by the mentally ill, usally not dangerous and more elikely to be victims of serious violence
- Serial murder is a predatory form of killing that occurs primarily in the U.S.
A: False.
* Documented in multiple countries
* Eric Hickey: Serial Killers and their Victims
- Women are more fearful of becoming the victims of serious violence than are men.
A: True.
* Kenneth Ferraro: Fear of Crime
- Less than half of all murder and non-negligent manslaughter is committed with a firearm.
A: False.
- UCR 2021 & 2022 combined: 3:4 murders occurred with a firearm. (55% of suicides in 2021).
- About 1:12 (8%) killings occurred with a knife, 1:25 (4%) hands/fists/feet, 1:50 (2%) a blunt object; killings by poison, fire, strangulation, asphyxiation, or drowning are rare.