Truck company Flashcards
Platforms are capable of ___lb load ratings and capabilities of flowing ___gpm
- 1000 lb- 2000 gpm
Engine companies extinguish fires, truck determine ___ they are extinguished
Flashover is capable of killing exposed human life within __ to __ seconds
3 to 5 seconds
Hydrogen cyanide is __ times more deadly than carbon monoxide
33 times more likely
Single family dwellings make up ___% to ___% of our fires
60% to 70%
6 basic operations at most structure fires
- Initial attack line- Backup line- Ventilation- Forceable entry- Search- Ladders
Suppression companies are classified as followed (4)
- Engine- Truck- Quint- Specialized
Truck personnel assignment priorities (3)
- 1st = Officer- 2nd = Driver- 3rd = Remaining personnel
3 considerations when assigning personnel to a truck company
- A desire to be assigned to a truck- Fireground experience- Fireground maturity
One of the most essential and valuable elements in developing and effective truck company
- Training (attitude)
Most important non-emergency function in the FD
Quint (5)
- Aerial device- Ground ladders- Water- Pump- Hose
Prime reason why quint apparatus are often ineffective as a multi purpose company
Lack of strong and knowledgable officers
Calls for a minimum staffing of 4 persons for a truck company assigned to a paid fire department
NFPA 1710
Minimum requirements (requiring a min of 8 - 10 FF) that should be accomplished at a routine single story, single family dwelling (5)
- Initial attack line- Backup line- Ventilation- Forceable entry- Search
Minimum and optimal staffing- Truck - Quint
- Truck = 4/6- Quint = 6/8
Fireground responsibility and and assignments are commonly determined for four basic viewpoints
- Primary/Secondary responsibilities- Inside/outside operations- Pre-designated assignments- Scene arrival
Fireground logistical operations can be categorized from two basic viewpoints; – primary responsibilities = – secondary responsibilities =
– primary = forcible entry/exit, ventilation, search, and ladders – secondary = utilities, salvage, overhaul, master streams
5 basic and most often performed truck company assignments
- Ladders- Forceable entry/exit- Search- Ventilation- Utilities
Each person will be equipped with the following equipment (8)
- SCBA- PASS- Pick head axe w/ scabbard - Radio- Flashlight- Search rope (200’ x 3/8 or 5/16)- Wire cutters - Door chocks
Common tools used by inside teams (6)
- TIC- 6’ pike- Search rope- Irons and or rabbit tool- Officer tool (A tool)- Inside ladder (12’ or 14’)
Tool and equipment list for inside ops focus on 3 primary areas
- Search- Forceable entry- Ability to check extension
Common tool and equipment needed by the outside team (9)
- Ladders- Irons- Through the lock tools- Rotary saw- Chain saw- Blowers- 6’ pike- Utility shut off tools- TIC
Apparatus needed at a single family dwelling (3)
- 2 engines- 1 truck- 1 chief
Apparatus needed at structures larger than a single family dwelling (3)
- 3 engines- 2 trucks- 1 chief
The recommended average companies has long been
1 truck per 2 engines
Fireground operations consists of two specific viewpoints (basic procedures)
- Fire attack- Logistical operation
5 basic rules of fireground safety
- Falling debris always has the right of way- Equipment in your apparatus in the street is unusable on the fireground- If the fire is in range, so are you- What you see may not be what you get- Your fireground time is slowly being minimized
10 Commandments of truck company operations
- Don’t forget your primary mission2. It’s the basics before arriving on scene3. Determine available fire ground time4. Prioritize fire ground considerations (most important)5. become a Tooltime expert6. Become a mental general contractor7. Use your protective equipment defensively not offensively 8. Continually evaluate your fire ground environment9. When in doubt ventilate10. Ensure the viability of your skate route inside outside and topside
First priority of truck company personnel
Support attack operations
Responsible for the delivery and safe operation of apparatus and personnel
Fire officer and driver
The ability to determine available fire ground time is derived from a combination of three factors
-Understanding building construction-Reading the environment-Evaluating the fire ground clock
Years:-Heavy style of construction-Moderate style of construction-Lightweight style of construction
-Heavy style of construction = up to 1935-Moderate style of construction = 1935 -60-Lightweight style of construction = 1960 until several years ago
If fire is exposing lightweight truss construction for more than ___ minutes or is exposing conventional construction for more than ___ minutes, reevaluate your intended operation
- 5 minutes- 20 minutes
Most important commandment of the 10 Commandments of truck operations
Prioritize fireground considerations
A priority it is a constant every incident
Firefighter safety
NFPA statistics indicate this is one of the top three fire ground problems encountered on the modern fire ground
Replacement for RECEO (4)
- Firefighter safety- Forceable entry/exit/ventilation- Fire attack/search- Other necessary priorities
Arizona State University test with Phoenix firefighters revealed it would take on average___ to ___ minutes to find and rescue a firefighter transmits Mayday
18 to 27 minutes
Priority list for the initial truck company (5)
- Firefighter safety2. Ladders3a. Forceable entry/exit3b. Ventilation4. Other logistical operations
When a firefighter begins to detect the temperature of the environment as warm or very warm, the temperature around is
400 to 450F
If the floor is at 400 to 450F then the temps at the ceiling level are likely
800F to 1000F
When ventilation is properly executed four major benefits normally result
- Visibility improves- Interior temps are reduced- Flashover conditions are minimized- Dangerous fire gases are released
3 forceable exit considerations
- Inside- Topside- Outside
The initial requirements for safe, timely, and competent operation of an apparatus is
A qualified operator with the right perspective
One of the most important attributes of an apparatus operator
Third-highest cause of death and injury to firefighters
Responding to an incident and driving back to the fire station
Since 1984 apparatus collisions have accounted for about ___% of all firefighter fatalities
NFPA standards that outlines minimum standards for driving apparatus (2)
- NFPA 1002- NFPA 1451
An excellent indicator of the level of pride of a driver
The readiness of an apparatus and equipment
Making certain you and your apparatus are ready begins with the careful check at least the following (6)
-PPE-Fuel and oil levels, air pressure gauge, emergency lights-Airbrakes and slack adjusters-Apparatus walk around-Power tools-Under the apparatus for any leaks
Total stopping distance is a combination of___and___distances
Perception and reaction distances
Air brakes have an inherent lag time of___to___second longer compared to hydraulic brakes
.5 to 1 second
The largest single factor in total stopping distance
If speed is doubled, perception reaction distance is double and braking distance is about___times as great
4 times
Total stopping distances:- 15 mph = - 30 mph = - 60 mph =
- 15 mph = 47’- 30 mph = 148’- 60 mph = 532’
Seven steps of visual awareness
- Know your blindspots2. Look ahead3. Get the total picture4. Constantly move your eyes5. Maximize your perimeter space6. Allow for sufficient following distance7. Make sure they know your intended actions
Your objective when looking ahead
- 1 or 2 city blocks- 1/4 to 1/2 mile on highways
Brake lag is___seconds under ideal conditions
1.9 seconds
Eight factors that will affect your efficiency and safety when responding
- Apparatus position- Passing vehicles- Intersections- Oneway streets, curves and hills- Road conditions- Sirens- Backing up- Tillering
___% of all civilian accidents occurred in intersections and ___% of vehicular deaths occurred in intersections
- 33%- 25%
Wet concrete requires approximately ___% to ___% more stopping distance than dry concrete
35% to 40%
Being a superior driver on any roadway is a matter of (2)
Good judgement and attitude
Doppler effect
Sirens frequency high on approach, then normal, then low as it moves away
Tall buildings, hills, winding roads, blind intersections, or heavy brush can reduce siren autibility by as much as
NFPA stats show that if nothing showing on arrival, the incident will be false ___% of the time
___% of fire service vehicular collisions happen when backing up
When backing an apparatus (6)
- Walk around- Not solely rely on cameras/alarms- Use predetermined hand signals- Person not visible, apparatus stop- Person at the rear is responsible for the area at the rear
Tillering techniques (9)
-Hands at 9 and 3 o’clock-Turn the steering well the opposite direction of the turn-When backing hands of the bottom of the wheel, push the steering wheel the direction you want to go-Oversteering is defined as allowing a trailer to move well past the incline position-Overtillering is defined as Tillerman turning the steering wheel unnecessarily-Overhang is the portion of the trailer that extends from the center of the trailer wheels (pivot point) to the rear of the trailer-Be familiar with the blind spots-Before mounting check the direction of the tiller wheels-A good Tillerman steers only as necessary
Firefighters and EMS personnel have been killed or injured on this type of Highway than any other type of roadway
Limited access highway
Four stages of temporary traffic control
- Advance warning stage2. Transition stage3. Activity stage4. Termination stage
The duration of a traffic incident is divided into three time constraints:- Minor- Intermediate- Major
- Minor = 1 to 30 min- Intermediate = 31 min to 2 hrs- Major = > 2hrs
The initial size up should include (5)
- Address- Observed conditions- Initial action- Instructions for incoming resources- Request for additional resources
Appratus placement is usually dictated by three factors
- Incident priorities- Initial priorities- Functional capabilities
Simple method to use in quickly determining initial priorities is the Rule of 4 approach
- Access- Ventilation- Search- Water
A residential building will have the highest hazard during this time range
9 pm to 7 am
2 Specific considerations that must be initially considered when an arial device will be raised
- Maneuverability- Reaching an objective
Key factors that affect the capability of an aerial device to effectively reach an objective (5)
-Heights of objective-Setback-Length of aerial device-Presence of hazardous-Apparatus constraints
A 75 foot aerial device can normally reach the roof of a___story building
Four story building
A 100 foot (or over) aerial device can normally reach the roof of a___to___story building
Six to Eight story building
General definitions:- Aerial ladder, tower ladder, ladder tower = - Aerial ladder only = - A platform attached to a telescoping boom with sideless escape ladder = - A platform attached to the end of an aerial ladder =
- Aerial ladder, tower ladder, ladder tower = Aerial device- Aerial ladder only = Aerial ladder- A platform attached to a telescoping boom with sideless escape ladder = Tower ladder- A platform attached to the end of an aerial ladder = Ladder tower
An aerial device is often only considered for use on structures of ___ or more floors
3 or more
The area that can be reached by aerial device
Target (scrub)
When spotting an apparatus this should take first priority
Proper personnel access/egress routs
Aerial apparatus should be no later than the___apparatus to arrive
The aerial apparatus should be positioned in this manner to an objective
Spotting for an aerial device operation, the following minimum considerations will affect stability (5)
-Angle of inclination-Apparatus limitation-Extension-Support-Ground surface
Concrete curbs can offer a superior footing surface as compared to
Asphalt roadway in the summer heat
When spotting to a structure with the target area blocked, stop next to a curb and raise the aerial device in this manner
Under the obstruction and alongside the structure
Placing apparatus under electrical wires
Not a recommended option
If it is necessary to place an aerial device in the vicinity of electrical wires keep it at least___feet away from the wires. This is about___feet more than most training materials advocate
- 15’- 5’
A tower ladder can be more effective than a___when placed in front of the building
Aerial ladder
Type of ladder more easily used for defensive operations
Tower ladder
Two basic modes of operating aerial devices from a turntable
- Individually- Simultaneously
Leave at least___feet and enough room alongside truck apparatus to allow space to open compartment doors and remove equipment
30 ft
Real devices offer maximum strength in this position
Vertical position
Elevated master streams on an arial device is capable of delivering___gallons per minute or more from a 1 1/2 inch nozzle
600 gpm
Two modes for elevated master streams
- Short duration- Extended duration
Weight of water
8.35 lbs/gal
Common collapse zones
Sides and ends of a building and at least the height of the wall, in some cases twice the height
Consider shutting down an elevated master stream at this location
At the base of the turntable
Apparatus placement considerations prior to spotting apparatus for aerial operations (4)
-SOP’s-Incident considerations-Apparatus capabilities and limitations-Expertise of the driver-operator
Aerial ladders must be positioned about 4 to 6 inches, 6 to 8 inches, or 8 to 10 inches about an objective for the following reasons (4)
-When placed on an objective it can aid in building collapse-Ladder of truss construction placed on objective will reverse the design criteria of the truss-Manufacturer requires it
Primary reason why all manufactures recommend that aerials should not be placed on objective
Ladder is hydraulically lowered which can create a significant hazard to the aerial ladder and objective
The definition of “close to the objective” is approximately
2” to 4”
NFPA 1904 requires that all new aerial ladders and elevating platforms have or exceed a rated capacity of ___ lbs supported at the tip, at full extension, and be able to operate at any angle while carrying this load
250 lbs
Generational dates of aerials:- First generation = - Second generation = - Third generation =
- First generation = Prior to 1980- Second generation = 1980 to 1992- Third generation = 1992 to present
A truck apparatus lasts
20 yrs
Platform mounted deck guns can safely deliver flows up to ___ gpm
2000 gpm
A pre-plumed waterway and monitor can add___dollars to the overall cost of apparatus and increase the overall length___feet
- $20,000- 3 ft
And an axle configuration can add about ___ to ___feet
2 to 4 feet
Truck apparatus can be purchased from three basic perspectives
-Buy the biggest-A truck apparatus to be the centerpiece for the next parade-Determine the truck that will be used for the majority of the time
Three ratings are necessary to determine the gross vehicle weight (GVW)
Platforms are required to have a minimum capacity of___pounds
750 lbs
NFPA requires a minimum of___cubic feet of enclosed compartment space
40 ft3
NFPA allows a minimum of___pounds for equipment on aerial devices
2,500 lbs
NFPA defines aerial fire apparatus as
An apparatus with a permanently mounted power operated elevating device
Distinct categories of aerial apparatus (4)
-Aerial ladders-Aerial ladder platforms-Telescoping aerial platforms-Articulating aerial platforms
For additional categories of aerial devices
-Mid mountain we announce-Tillered apparatus-Quints-Ladder tenders
Aerial devices are primarily used for
Firefighter access and egress
Rural dept limited to one apparatus
Quint, 75 ft, tandem axle
Rural dept, limited to one truck
Ladder tender or Quint, 75 ft, tandem axle
Urban dept, limited to one truck
Tillered quint, 100 ft, 250-500 lb tip
Urban dept, multiple trucks
- Mid mount, 100 ft platform and- Tillered, 100 ft, 250-500 lb tip
One of the most popular aerial devices
75 ft aerial ladder quint
Most injuries and deaths in the fire service occur
At structure fires
NFPA statistics indicate that injuries and deaths related to structural incidents are result of three primary factors
-Firefighter falling into it-It falling onto the firefighter-The firefighter involved in a flashover
During suppression operations there are three factors working against you
-Fire weakens of building-Gravity wants a building-Waterways 8.35 pounds per gallon
To assist in being able to read a building there are eight items of consideration
-Construction styles-Roof styles-Age-Method-Style-Access and egress-Name and utilities-Status
Conventional construction (≥2X6) derives its strength from
Dimensional width and height
Mill-timber structural members
≥ 8 x 8
Single light weight truss can span
Lightweight construction depends on this for strength
The sum of its members
The amount of time a building can be considered structurally viable depends on
-Type of construction-How long the fire has been burning-Severity of the fire-Proceed to load on structural members/floors-Extension-How long for extinguishment-Available resources- Status of protective barriers
On center spacing for trused rafters
Sawtooth roofs commonly constructed with rafters of this size
≥ 2 x8
An egg crate, geometric, or diamond pattern roof that commonly has a higher arch than the common bowstring roof
Total roof collapse of a lamella roof is expected if fire removes more than ___% of the roof structure
Three ways to form an arched roof
- Lamella- Bowstring- Tied truss
Trussed roof shapes ()
- Triangular (gable truss)- Arch (bowstring, tied truss)- Pyramidal (bridge truss)- Flat (parallel chord truss)
Timbered truss roofs (except tied truss) are capable of lasting___ min under heavy fire conditions
30 minutes
Major hazards associated with timber truss construction are a combination of the following three things
- Alterations that exceed the design- Age- Operations
Common on center spacing of wooden i joists
Glue will melt at between ___ and ___
250F and 300F
Flat roof (panelized) consists of four major components
- Beams- Purlins- 2” x 4” joists- 1/2” plywood or OSB
Corrugated steel is usually of ___ to ___ gauge thickness
18 to 20 guage
The age of a building is divided into four general classifications
- Pre 1935- 1935 - 1960 (best time for building construction)- Post 1960- 2007
A cheap roof has two characteristics
- Made of lightweight trusses- 2x4”s used as primary structural members
Less than 50% below grade w/ large windows
Over 50% below grade w/ small windows
Level below cellar
Sub cellar
Underground but can be entered from the exterior
Above ground cellar
Between the grade and the floor above
Crawl space
Most dangerous time of day for life safety in a single-family dwelling
10 pm - 6 am
Victorian type homes were built during the
1930s and 40s
Indicators of converted attics (3)
- Curtains- flower boxes- air conditioners
Common considerations for garden apts (4)
- Common attics- Easy access- Simplified operation- Age
Center hallway apartments common considerations
- Hallways- Age- Common attic- Lobby
3 basic types of walls in a ocular dwelling
- Division wall- Partition wall- Offset wall
Brownstones, railroad flats, row houses, and tenements all share common fireground priority
Where kitchens and bedrooms are located in railroad flats
Kitchens = backBedroom = front
Old law (3)
- Interior stairway from basement to interior of building - Stairways constructed of wood- Floor joists in basement are exposed
New law (3)
- Basements are not accessible to the interior- Stairways are not primarily made of wood- First floor joists are not exposed to the basement
Fireground challenges of tenements (8)
-Close proximity to other similar buildings-Adjoining buildings-Common attic-A high probability of renovation-Probable use of lightweight members-Attached basement-Light and air shafts-Tin ceilings
Taxpayers were built in the
1800s to early 1900s
Occupants in Taxpayers are usually non ambulatory between
10 pm - 7 am
Two common configurations in a mini-mall
- single story- Presence of fascias
3 primary differences between commercial buildings and residential
- Size- Fire load- Lack of standard floor plan
Height classification of High rise
75 ft
Good rule of thumb is to never step into an elevator if
The elevator can potentially go the the fire floor
Two types of hallways in a high rise
- Center- Circuit
Metal begins to fail between
800 and 1000F
Most roofs are rerooted every
15-20 yrs
Balloon frame years
Consider tis method of construction the most dangerous
When determining the roofline of a building with a parapet (6)
- Rafter tie plates- Windows- Equipment on the roof- Attic vents- Scuppers- Perimeter
Mortar consisted of only sand and lime, lack of rebar, exterior walls were 13” thick
Cement used in mortar, steel rebar used, exterior walls were 8” thick
Post 1935
4-6” concrete cap on top of parapet
Post 1959
Identification of URM (6)
- Rafter tie plates- Deeply recessed windows- Concrete bond beam cap on top of the exterior wall- King row (every 4-7 rows)- Lime mortar- Lintals over windows
Operational considerations for collapse zone (4)
- Front and rear walls are the greatest risk- Side walls pose a secondary risk- Safe areas, corners- Away from building at least the height of the walls
5 ways fire and its by-products can vertically spread in newer multi story buildings
- poke thru construction- Lapping- radiation- HVAC- Gap between the exterior panels and interior beams
Vinyl siding width
4 in.
Most firefighter dates occur as a result of
running out of air and smoke inhalation
Electrical and gas utilities that are considered not within the norm (3)
- Duplex (two wires)- Quadraplex (4 wires)- Large transformers
4 building occupancy categories
- Occupied- Unoccupied- Vacant- Abandoned
Smoke is a mixture of 3 basic elements
- Unburned solid particulate- Aerosols- Gassas
Hydrogen cyanide is ___ times more toxic than CO
30 times
Bodily organs that are vulnerable to cyanide pouncing are (3)
- Brain- Heart- Central nervous system
These types of materials burn with a great-brown smoke and that smoke would burn at around this temp (2)
- Wood, paper, wool, cotton- 1,123F
Fire can progress through 4 phases of progression
- Ignition2. Growth3. Fully developed4. Decay/Smoldering (oxy = 13-15%)
Volumetric expansion of gases can increase the atmospheric pressure up to ___ times the normal atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi
3 times
4 distinct trademarks of backdraft
- Unvented fire that is contained by a structure2. Smoke issuing from openings under pressure or that is visibly being drawn into the structure3. Doors and windows are hot to the touch4. Heavy dark turbulent smoke
If horizontal ventilation is the only option in a backdraft situation then the opening should be made here
At windows/doors located at the corner of a structure
Three heat zones within a room:- Moderate- High- Extreme
- Moderate = 300º - 450ºF- High = 500º - 600ºF- Extreme = 800º - 1000ºF
Flashover can create the following 4 conditions
- Sudden intense rise in temp from 800ºF to 1000)F to greater than 1800ºF- Sudden loss of visibility for interior personnel- Immediate drop in oxygen level from 21% to 4%- Immediate increase in CO level to 4000 ppm
Signs of flashover (5)
- Environment with inadequate ventilation- Sudden increase in temp for no apparent reason- Personnel forced to stay low- Visible tongs of flame or rollover- Smoke changing to thick turbulent smoke
2 primary considerations can minimize or eliminate a flashover
- Ventilation (any type)- Penciling
Time to escape in a flashover
3 to 5 seconds
Flash points:Conventional materials = Synthetic materials =
Conventional materials = 1123ºF Synthetic materials = 800º - 900ºF or less
Primary distinctions between backdraft and flashover (3)
- A room can flashover before reaching optimal conditions for backdraft- Backdraft is a true explosion; flashover is not- Backdraft is an air driven event; flashover is a temperature riven event
The importance of reading smoke can be viewed from 3 key perspectives
- Conditions- Personnel safety- Assignment
If the temperature is hot enough to be noticed by the FF
375º - 450ºF = (800º - 900ºF at the ceiling)
Actual working time of a 30 min air bottle
15 - 18 min (also stated as 14 to 18 min)
Ability to analyze fire, smoke, and interior conditions can provide valuable info that is necessary to asses the following conditions (4)
- Operations- Location and extension of fire- Fireground time available- Your involvement
Basic elements of reading smoke from 3 perspectives
- Extension of smoke - Interior smoke- Exterior smoke
One of the most dangerous fires that fireground personnel will encounter
Basement fire
5 attributes of smoke
- Color- Density- Amount- Pressure- Dynamics
Color of smoke can be divided into four categories
- White to light with little to no heat or direction- Smoke with some color, pressure, and heat- Smoke with significant color, pressure, and heat (black fire)- Fire
Graphic indicator of the potential flammability of the smoke
The amount of smoke is a graphic indicator of
The amount of fire
The pressure of smoke trumps ___
Reading pressure is 3 fold
- The greater the pressure the more fire- Consider the size of the building - Rate of curl or expansion of escaping smoke and gases is an indicator of a hot fire
3 dynamics of smoke
- Static- Pressurized- Negative (greatest hazard of the three)
Attic fires best suppressed by (2)
- Vertical vent- Piercing nozzle
Three strike rule - Strike one = - Strike two = - Strike three =
- Strike one = Smoke with heat- Strike two = Less than acceptable visibility- Strike three = Environment is not improving
Author’s fireground priorities to replace or in addition to RECEO (4)
- FF safety- Forcible entry/exit- Search- Extinguishment
Forcible entry operations generally consist of the following 3 methods
- Conventional forcible entry- Power-tool entry- Through-the-lock
Timely and safe forcible entry operations are enhanced by the following (4)
- Flexibility- Communications- Safety equipment- Tools
3 basic components of a window
- Frame- Sash- Glazing
Tempers glass is ___ times stronger than plate glass
5 times
Hurricane resistant glass is tested against
2”x4”x9’ lumber traveling at 30mph or a small object traveling at 90mph
Glass-coating films are commonly ___ mm thick
4 mm
4 basic types of windows
- Stationary- Sliding- Pivoting- Swinging
Before forcing any window evaluate the following (6)
- Safety- Purpose- Construction- Time- Position- Forces
Most effective and safe way to break window glass
Stand to the upwind side and strike the lower corner with the pick of an axe
Type of glass will break in smaller shard than plate or annealed glass
Heat strengthened glass
Type of glass will adhere to the wire, plastic laminate, or film and remain in sash when broken
Laminated glass
250 times stronger than safety glass
Polycarbonate (lexan)
Most difficult type of window to force open
Jalousie window
Known as HUD windows
2”x4” used to clamp a barricade to the structure
Major components of a door assembly (5)
- Door- Jamb- Strike- Stop- Lock
Types of locks (5)
- Key and knob lock- Rim lock- Tubular dead bolt- Mortise- Exit lock (panic hardware)
4 basic types of doors
- Swinging- Sliding- Overhead- Rotating
4 types of overhead doors
- Rolling- Sheet curtain- Sectional- Tilt-up
Before forcing any door evaluate the following (7)
- Safety- Preset conditions- Purpose- Construction- Direction of travel- Security- Involvement
Direction of travel when a door is:- Flush with the exterior wall- Recessed into the wall
- Flush = Outward swinging (hinges visible) - Recessed = Inward swinging (hinges not visible)
Most common type of lockset found on swinging doors
Key and knob lock
Most common key and knob lockset found in residential and light commercial structures
Kwikset locks
Rim lock recognized by
A cylinder that protrudes through the door about 1/4” to 3/8” (forced using an A-tool or sharp K-tool to pull the lock)
4 basic configuration of a tubular deadbolt
- Single-cylindar (thumb turn)- Double-cylindar (keyed from both sides)- High-security (unique pin config; hardened cylinder)- Handle set (deadbolt separate from handle; thumb knob)
One of the oldest types of locking mechanisms (installed into a cavity in the edge of the door)
Mortise lock
Procedure for activating a mortise lock after cylinder has been removed with an A-tool or K-tool
Insert key tool into lock cavity with the end over the 5 or 7 o’clock position; If the mechanism is sat the 5 o’clock position then move it to the 7 o’clock position or vise versa
Exposed hinges can be cut with a rotary saw in the following order
- Bottom2. Top3. Middle
A rotary saw that is primarily used for forcible entry should be carried with the blade in the ___ position so that the blade can be positioned and used in tight spaces
Outboard position
A quick size-up for a door (3)
- Determine door construction- Determine if thee are any visible locking mechanisms visible - Determine what tools are necessary
When cutting overhead doors an alternative cut method to the tepee cut is the
Kemper cut
Rotary saw cut depths:- 14” blade- 12” blade
- 14” blade = 5 1/2” deep- 12” blade = 3 1/2” deep
Two categories of sectional doors
- Ordinary- Wind resistant
Before breaching a wall evaluate the following (5)
- Type of wall- Stability- Time- Available resources- Safety
Masonry walls are most effectively breached with a
Battering ram
Two most common tools for cutting padlocks
- Bolt cutters- Rotary saw w/ multi use blade
Tank lock
Steel strap formed around a lock (use rotary saw or cutting torch)
Chain-link gates can easily be open by
Separating the hinges that are normally clamped on the poles
Mechanically operated gates can be open by
Cutting the drive chain
Decorative tilt up gates are recognized by a spring at either side and can be open by
Removing the bolt/nut that secures the arm to the top-center portion of the gate
Limitations in the length and diameter of the electric winding drum restricts this type of elevator to ___ ft lifts
150 foot
Hydraulic elevators are generally limited to __ story buildings
6 story
New hydraulic rams using a telescoping config allows an elevator to serve building about ___ to ___ stories tall
8 to 10 stories
The machine room of a hydraulic elevator contains two primary components
- Controller/relay panel- Hydraulic power unit
4 basic door types used on elevators
- Center-opening- Two-speed- Single-slide- Swing-hall
Other type of elevator door
Vertical bi-parting
Door restrictors
Prevent the cab door from opening more than 4” when elevator is not within landing zone (18” above/below floor landing)
Guards against overspending when an elevator travels in excess of 20% of its top speed
Centrifugal force governor
Fire service controls are required on elevators manufactured after
Phase 3
Linked to fire/smoke detector system; will prevent elevator from returning to the lobby if smoke/fire detectors are activated in that area
Traction and hydraulic elevators are used as
Passanger and freight elevators
Size and carrying capacity of freight elevators
- Up to 12’ x 14’- 3 tons
Elevator cab door are designed to move with ___ lbs of force
10 lbs
When shutting the power down to an elevator, turn it off for ___ seconds and repeat the process a total of ___ times
- 30 seconds- 3 times
___ volts supplies the motors in an elevator and ___ volts supplies the lights, ventilation, communication and alarm
- 480 volts- 110 volts
Method for forcing open center opening elevator doors
Using air bags
Elevator door lock zone
A few inches above the landing zone
After cutting the gib blocks at the bottom of the hoistway door and pushing the door into the elevator shaft, a good rule of thumb is
Do not push the door more than 18” into the elevator shaft as it may come dislodged
Access panels for blind elevator shafts are located
Every 3 stories or as far apart as 80’
Principal hazard for any fire within a elevator shaft
Most effective, versatile, and portable tool available to the fire service that can provide above-ground access
Ground ladders
Loss of life and/or inordinate dollar loss fires are a direct result of
Inadequate and ineffective ladder-use operations
NFPA 1904 6-1.1 recommends that truck companies carry a minimum of ___ feet of ground ladders
A ___ in. rung spacing gives more climbing power while a ___ in. rung spacing gives more freedom when using a leg-lock
- 12”- 14”
Metal ladders can suddenly fail when exposed to heat over ___ degrees and loss of annealing can begin at ___ degrees
- 300ºF- 200ºF
Most common ladders are constructed from
- Aluminum - Wood is next most common
Least common type of ladder
Characteristics that should be considered before purchasing a ladder (5)
- Style- Cost (wood is most expensive/ Aluminum least expensive)- Weight- Maintenance- Safety
How often NFPA 1932 recommends all ground ladder be visibly inspected
Every month and after each use
An occasional application of automative paste wax should be used on
- Aluminum ladders- Fiberglass ladders
The varnish on wooden ladders should be inspected at least every ___ months and redone at least ____
- Every 6 months- Annually
One manufacturer recommends ladder maintenance should be performed every ___ months unless the run frequency is more than ___ per month; in which case maintenance frequency should be increased to once ever ___ months
- 6 months- 100 per month- 3 months
Extension ladders require about a ___ lb pull to extend and section
75 lb pull
Fire service ladders are constructed to carry a __ lb load with a ___ safety factor
- 750 lb load- 4:1 safety factor
Industrial ladders are designed to support ___ lb load wit a safety factor of ____
- 300 lb load- 4:1 safety factor
Ladders can loose at least 25% of its load capacity when subjected to temps greater than
NFPA requires ___ heat sensors per ladder
Most electrocutions involving metal ladders involve
Extension ladders
Most residential electrical service (110/220 volts) is insulated with material rated for
600 volts
No other ladder are as effective for inside use
12 and 14 ft extension
Extension ladders used for an auditorium raise (4)
- 35’- 40’- 45’- 50’
Two reasons why timely and effective ladder placement should be an initial priority
- Lays th groundwork for a timely and coordinated attack- Only time an officer has the entire crew together
Wedges dimensions - Ladders- Doors
- Ladders = 18” x 3 1/2” - Doors = 3” - 4” x 1 1/2”
Large structures should be laddered in this fashion
All four corners
5 reasons placing a ladder at a corner is optimal
- No horizontal openings- Strength- Location- Access- Hips
Securing the base of a ladder is optimal than
Securing the top
When layering fire escapes the top of the ladder should extend a maximum of ___ above the railing
1 foot
Working height floor to floor:Residential = Commercial =
Residential = 9’ -10’Commercial = 10’ - 14’
The average windowsill height above a floor is
Manufactures recommend a ground ladder be positioned a ___ degrees to an object
75 1/2º
Firefighters and training materials prefer a ladders climbing angle of approximately ___ degrees
To achieve a 70º or 75º climbing angle position the ladder ___ of the working height of the ladder from the base of the objective
Ladders that have been placed to an objective can be moved in two ways
- Rolling the ladder- Sliding the ladder
Most passenger and freight ships will require a ___ ft ladder to reach the railings
When laddering a ship this must be done first
Secure the top to the ship before securing the bottom to a dolly
Ladder bridging techniques (4)
- Straight ladder and drop bag line or equipment line- Hand over hand at a horizontal angle (3 persons)- 2 ladders as a derrick- Extending an extension ladder
The most dangerous fireground operation
Average time a human can go without a minimum of 15% oxygen
4 to 6 minutes
Replacement priority list to RECEO (6)
- Firefighter safety2a. Forcible entry2b. Forcible exit2c. Ventilation3. Fire attack and/or search4. Other necessary priorities
Type of occupancy that presents the greatest need for search operations
Excellent indicator of the interior contents and layout of commercial occupancy
Name on building
High occupant loads in restaurants during this time range
6 am to 12 pm
High rise is defined as building over
If necessary, relocate high rise occupants from the fire floor and 2 floors above and below a fire to
A floor more than 2 floors below a fire
Excellent indicator of the complexity of a structure
Size of the occupancy
4 status designations that can be used to determine the risk and need for a search
- Occupied- Unoccupied- Vacant- Abandoned
Four growth stages of a fire
- Early- Advanced- Fully involved- Smoldering
Indicator of the time and amount of resources needed to conduct a search in a building
RIT is categorized as
A secondary search and rescue team
A tag/search line length and width
- 150’ - 300’- 5/16” with a snap carabiner at each end
Knot config on a search line:- one knot/two knots = - two knots/one knot =
- one knot/two knots = Going IN- two knots/one knot = Going OUT
A search team should not exceed
A RIT should check in with the search team every ___ min
5 min
When initiating a search attempt to search the high target areas in a priority manner as follows (4)
- Behind doors- Bedrooms- Bathrooms- Exit pathways
Advantages of breaking windows when conducting a search (5)
- More light- Improved visibility- Temps reduced- External personnel know where you are- Provide a mental uplift for search personnel
Doors that open inward are
- Bedrooms- Bathrooms
Doors that open outward
- Exit doors- Closets- Basements
3 factors usually determine the path of a search
- Info gathered from occupant - Attack line- Area
The focus of the search officer (5)
- Search- Environment- Time remaining- Safety- Exit path
4 methods that can be utilized by search personnel
- Standard- Team - Oriented (command and search)- Nozzle fan
Rescue methods (6)
- Cross arm- Mattress/rubbish carriers- Chairs- Down ladders- Over the shoulder- FF victim
Extinguishment is complete when
A post-fire investigation of the total fire area reveals that all of the fire has been extinguished
Main objectives of overhaul (5)
- Complete the extinguishment- Determine most probable cause- Leave insurance adjusters, owners, or occupants a means to determine the loss and determine probable cause- Leave the building in as a safe conditions as possible- Use the incident as a training opportunity
IC should survey the incident prior to overhaul for the following 4 reasons
- Determine the nature and extent of overhaul- Develop an overhaul strategy- To determine probable fire origin and cause- Ensure availability of appropriate resources
After the IC has surveyed the overhaul areas he will meet with appropriate officers to develop an overhaul strategy and consider the following (7)
- Safety- Fire cause- Assignments- Ventilation- Rehab- Utilities- Fire watch
Two bottle rule
If a firefighter is issued two 30 min bottles or has worked for 40 min they are a prime candidate for a minimum of 10 min rest
If CO levels are over ___ ppm, serious consideration should be given for the use of SCBA
50 ppm
Additional protective clothing that should be worn during overhaul (3)
- Hood- Eye protection- Respirator
Dimensions of- Mattress carrier- Rubbish carrier
- Mattress carrier = 6 1/2’ x 9 1/2’- Rubbish carrier = 4 1/2’ square
Wet-water proportioner
Variable-flow proportioner at a ratio of 1:6,000 to 1:10,000 water to wet-water
3 most common ladders used for inside operations
- Combination (6’)- 12-foot (two 7’ sections)- 14-foot (two 9’ sections; narrow tip and base)
Typical space between joists
16” to 24” (removal of one ceiling joist can increase the size of the working area)
4 types of wall typically used in building construction
- Party- Partition- Division- Exterior
Travels through the ceiling to project above the roof at least 18” to 24”
Division wall
Proven effective at soaking into fiberboard
Overhanging decking material that is unsupported by a rafter
3 areas that must be checked for fire
- Interior of the building- Attic- Fascia
When a fire occurs in a kitchen near a duct check 3 areas
- Inside the duct- Ensure the duct goes through the attic- The roof where the duct exits
Rooms more prone to collapse (2)
- Bathrooms- Kitchens
Keep interior overhaul piles at least ___ ft from walls
2 feet
Keep overhaul piles at least ___ ft from the structure and other combustibles
3 feet
This operation should be an integral part of fire suppression
Salvage operations
Primary focus of overhaul
Ensure that all fire has been extinguished
The total loss accruing from a structure fire is the direct result of two factors
- Direct loss- Indirect loss
Salvage hooks are available in 2 configurations
- S- 2
Floor runner size
6’ x 18’
Salvage cover size
12’ x 18’
Plastic sheeting size
10’ x 100’ x 6 mil
Size-up is simplified with a basic knowledge of several factors (4)
- Pre-fire planning- Contaminants- Building factors- Origin
2 primary construction styles
- Lightweight- Conventional
The contents of a building can be divided into 4 basic categories
- Water-reactive- Absorbant- Easily damaged- Personal
Determining the origin of the problem consists of 4 basic considerations
- Water- Quantity- Direction- Loss
Salvage operations should begin
Where the greatest loss is expected
Salvage priorities in commercial/industrial occupancies (3)
- Business records (accounts receivable most important)2. Machinery and finished product3. Unfinished stock and raw materials
2 main objectives in salvage operations
- Water removal- protection of the structure/contents
Master streams add between ___ and ___ tons of water per minute
2 and 4 tons
The measure of an effective engine company
Ability to extinguish a fire with little to no runoff
Water can be contained by various means (5)
- Sawdust- Wastebaskets- Basements- Utilities- Holding basins
Time it took to construct a chute on the second floor of a two story fire station
18 min
Type of fold that allows more covers to be carried by one firefighter
Accordion fold
Cycle rate of alternating current (AC)
60 cycles/sec
The quantity of electrons moving through a conductor in one second
Amperage (primary responsible for injury and death)
A negatively charged particle of an atom
High voltage
Over 600 volts (over 750 volts is identified with sign)
The property of electricity responsible for moving electrons through a conductor
A measure of consumed power
Voltages:- Transmission lines- Sub-transmission lines- Primary distribution lines- Secondary distribution lines
- Transmission lines = 115,000 - 1,000,000 volts- Sub-transmission lines = 34,500 volts- Primary distribution lines = 4,800 volts- Secondary distribution lines = 120/240/480 volts
4,800 volts can be more dangerous to a person than
34,500 volts
Transformer cooling methods (2)
- Air- Oil
Best method to determine the approximate voltage of a conductor
By the size of the insulator and the distance between parallel conductors
Length of insulators:- Transmission- Sub-transmission- Primary voltage- Secondary voltage
- Transmission = 4’ - 14’- Sub-transmission = 12” - 22”- Primary voltage = 4” - 6”- Secondary voltage = 2” - 3”
Primary input side of a transformer is either ___ or ___ volts
34,500 or 4,800 volts
Electric shock can cause devastating results in four specific areas
- Cardiac arrest- Ventricular fibrillation- Tissue destruction- Flesh burns
3 principal way to eliminate electricity from an involved structure
- Depend on the utility company - Shut off the service- Cut the drip loops (most effective method)
Minimum tool/PPE required when cutting loops (3)
- Turnout clothing, goggles, shield, or face piece - Rubber or leather gauntlet gloves- Mechanical axe, approved wire cutters, or ,hot stick, dry ground and boots
Do not cut wire that carry over
480 volts
Leave the wires at least ___ inches long
6 inches
2 and 3 line services usually come from
The lower crossarm of a power pole (configured in a drip loop)
3 types of main power disconnects
- Fused pullout- Circuit breaker- Lever
Voltages can range from __ to ___ voltes in commercial and industrial occupancies
120 to 34,500 volts
A commercial station receives
4,800 volts
An industrial station receives
34,500 volts
Pad mounted transformers that do not have a CS or IS preceding the identification number donates a
Commercial station
Incoming volts to large apartments and hotels can range from ___ to ___ volts
120/240 to 34,500 volts
Do not enter any room labeled
“High Voltage”
Rooms labeled “Electrical Meter Room”
Are safe to enter
Keep unauthorized people at least this far from a downed power line
1 pole span (100’)
If necessary, apply water in this pattern
Manhole covers weigh 300 lbs and have been blown ___ ft in the air and up to distances of ___ ft
- 75 ft- 125 ft
New street lights with a photoelectric call on top are fed by ___ volts and older street lights without a photo cell on top can be fed by up to ___ volts
- 240 volts- 6,800 volts
Traffic lights operate on ___ volts
240 volts
Telephone lines are located ___ on the pole and can vary from ___ to over ___ volts
- Lowest- 45 to over 100 volts
Voltage range for neon signs
120 to 20,000 volts
Hybrid vehicles have ___ volt DC batteries that supplies a motor operating on ___ volts AC
- 300 volt DC- 650 volt AC
National color code used to identify utilities:- Red- Orange- Green- Blue- Yellow
- Red = Power- Orange = Telecommunications- Green = Sewer and drain - Blue = Water- Yellow = Gas
Natural gas consists of ___ % methane and the remaining ___% consists of ethane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur, and helium (440 ppm)
- 97%- 3%
Ignition temp and flammable range of natural gas
- Ignition temp = 1,165- Flammable range = 5% and 15%(lighter than air)
Natural gas transmission lines maintain a pressure of ___ psi and are ___ to ___ inches in diameter
- 1000 psi- 12 to 36” diameter
Distribution mains are under medium pressure, ___ psi
60 psi
Newer polyethylene mains are either ___ or ___ in color
Pinkish or bright orange
Pressure inside a customer gas line
0.33 psi
Meter set assemblies MSA are found in three locations
- Outside sets- Underneath sets- Curb meter box
A MSA consists of (4)
- Shutoff valve- Regulator- Meter- Piping
A ring washer on the stopcock valve indicates
Service line is aplastic pipe inserted inside an older metal pipe
A ring on the stopcock valve indicates
A branch service
A band (normally green) on the riser near the stopcock valve indicates
Service line is plastic
In some commercial areas multiple structures in a building may be commonly serviced by a single service line called
Standard service
A stopcock consists of the following elements (5)
- Internal core- Casing- Washer- Backing nut- Circlip
To turn off the flow of bass with a stopcock turn the tang
Crosswise to the pipe (quarter turn)
Nordstrum Valve
Larger version of a residential stopcock (tang only turns 1/8 of a turn)
3 primary objectives at a gas leak emergency
- Safety of civilians and fireground personnel- Protection of property- Prompt and efficient control of the incident
2 person recon teams should be equipped with (7)
- SCBA- PPE- Intrinsically safe radios- PASS- Direct reading atmospheric monitors DRAM- Explosion proof flashlight- Appropriate tools
Natural gas emergencies can be divided into 4 categories
- Inside leak (greatest danger)- Outside leak- Leaks resulting in fires - Certified natural gas vehicle incident
Master valve that stops the flow to all tenants in the building on the supply line
Service entrance cock
Gas companies advice to customers who report a gas leak (3)
- Do not light matched and cigarettes- Do not tuen lights or anything electrical on or off- Stay away from the area or building
Only safe way to check areas of suspected gas leaks
Use a combustible gas indicator
Considerations at a natural gas fire should include the following (6)
- Protect exposures- Let the fire burn until the gas has been shut off- Control evacuation and maintain site security- Notify gas company- Small fires may be extinguished with dry chemical or CO2- Fog stream used to approach gas valves
CNG vehicles have a one-quarter turn fuel line shutoff valves that is labeled and located
In close proximity to the drivers seat
Water at a height of 100’ will create a pressure of ___ psi
43 psi (0.433 psi/ft of elevation)
Water pipes within a distribution (4)
- Trunk lines = 36” - 10’- Mains = 2” - 72”- Service lines = 1/2” - several inches- Customer lines = 1/2” - 12”
Types of water service configurations (3)
- Domestic water only- Domestic and fire protection through a single source- Domestic and fire protection from separate services
Compound meters are ___ in in diameter and normally directly adjacent to ___
- 4”- Shutoff valves
Types of sprinkler systems (4)
- Automatic wet- Automatic dry- Non-automatic (necessary for FD to pump into system)- Deluge
Standpipe systems (3)
- Dry- Wet- Combination
Type of valve has a nut on the bottom of the valve
Cone valve (ball valves do not)
If a valve has an arrow then
The arrow must be turned 180º so that it is pointed in the opposite direction
OS and Y valves are turned ____ to stop the flow of water
Ventilation can be divided into two categories
- Theoretical- Experiential
Fatalities from the inhalation of noxious gas as exceed deaths from
All other fireground causes combined
FF death rate from cancer doubled from ___% to ___ between 1950 and 1980
17% to 34%
Brain cancer as a cause of death was ___% higher kong FF than n the general public
A 30 year FF faces a 1 in ___ chance of saying from cancer compared to the 1 in ___ among the general public
- 1 in 3- 1 in 5
Ventilation should be considered on an equal priority as
Search and fire attack
BTUs produced:- Wood- Polyurethane - Polystyrene
- Wood = 7,000 BTUs- Polyurethane = 12,000 BTUs- Polystyrene = 18,000 BTUs
7 basic tools for how ventilation can assist firefighting operations
- People tool- Exposure protection tool- Consignment tool- Visibility tool- Backdraft and flashover tool- Overhaul and salvage tool- Safety tool
5 different TYPES of ventilation
- Natural (as fire burns through the structure)- Hydraulic - Horizontal- Pressurized- Vertical
PPV was introduced into the fire service in
3 different FORMS of ventilation
- Natural- Negative- Positive
PPV is at least ____ times as efficient at removing contaminants from a building
2 times
Regardless of the size of a blower, most are designed to be tilted ___ to ___ degrees
20 to 30 degrees
By placing blowers in line with one another the efficiency of the front blower is increased by ___%
When placing tow unequal sized blowers in a line
The smaller blower goes behind the larger one
When setting up PPV always
Make the exhaust opening first
PPV is most effective when the exhaust opening is ___ to ___ the size of the entrance opening
3/4 to 1 3/4
An 18” blower with a 2 to 3 hp engine is most effective with an exhaust opening of this size
3/4 to about the same size as the entrance
Required exhaust opening for an 18” to 24” blower with a 5 hp engine or greater
1 to 1 1/2 times the entrance opening
Required exhaust opening for 18” to 24” blowers in a series/stacked with a 5 hp engine or greater
1 3/4 times the size f the entrance
Temps, humidity, snow, rain don’t have any appreciable affect on
PPV has proven effective against winds of up to
25 mph
Removing a screen will improve exhaust through a window
When ventilating a multi story building always start
At the lowest level and ventilate toward the top
Positive pressure can be effective for distances over ___ ft if the airflow between the entrance and exhaust openings is controlled
1000 ft
Stair shafts can be categorized in 2 ways
- Those reached from the interior- Those reached from the exterior
Natural airflow in stair shafts that open to the interior are virtually static up to about the ___ floor
25th floor
Natural airflow in stair shafts that open to the exterior is usually upward with drafts of __ to ___ mph
3 to 6 mph
Cross ventilation is effective up to approximately ___ floors in high rises
25 floors
CO can easily rise to __ to ___ ppm during overhaul
500 to 1200 ppm
PPV can reduce CO levels of 1000 ppm to between ___ and ___ ppm
130 and 220 ppm
A single gasoline powered blower will introduce approximately ___ to ___ ppm of CO into the structure
140 to 160 ppm
Can be used as an initial suppression technique prior to introducing hoelines
Positive pressure attack
When using the positive pressure attack backdraft conditions must not be present and blowers capable of moving at least ___ to ___ cfm provide the most effective results
7,000 to 10,000 cfm
When using a blower on a dumpster or car fire place it this far away
8 to 10 ft
Using PPV on a 737 with the fore and aft doorways open the interior of the aircraft, cleared zero-visibility conditions in ___ seconds
45 seconds
Positive pressure can reduce the core temp of personnel by as much as ___ degrees during suppression operations
During fireground rehab, PPV can lower the ambient temps around firefighters by ___ degrees and by over ___ degrees when a light water mist is issued into the pressurized air
- 10º- 15º
If ventilations operations are necessary begins by identifying 3 necessary areas
- Direction smoke and heat must travel to exit- Method to move the smoke and heat- Type of vent openings used
In horizontal ventilation open the windows in this order
Leeward first then windward
2 basic methods used to ventilate structures
- Natural- Pressurized
Natural ventilation is limited by the following factors (3)
- Prevailing winds- Humidity- Temperaturs
When using a fog stream to ventilate a room maximum effectiveness is achieved by
Moving the nozzle in a clockwise motion 4 to 10 back from the window; results in over 2,000 cfm
4 basic types of openings are used for ventilation
- Natural (fire burns through the structure)- Natural construction (windows, doors, etc)- Heat (openings in close proximity to a fire; offensive)- Directional (openings opened ahead of a fire; defensive)
Areas of construction that offer good locations for ladders (5)
- Corners- Hips- Ridges- Valleys- Pilasters
Minimum tools required when performing vertical ventilation (7)
- PPE- Breathing apparatus - Pickhead axe- Pike pole- Rubbish hook- Power saw- Communications
Prior to committing personnel on an unknown roof, determine the following (2)
- Structurally sound- Adequate time to perform intended operations(accomplish by taking a plug)
Kerf cut/indicator hole/inspection hole
A small hole in roof deck to see if fire or smoke are below
3 things to determine whether or not ventilation operations are feasible
- Knowing type of roof- Location of fire- Roof personnel
A rectangular structure located on the ridge of a roof, usually found on commercial buildings, used to provide natural ventilation
Rotating attic vents are ___ % more efficient when the turbine is operational
30% more efficient
The uninterrupted or unsupported span of a roof or its structural member
Potential dangers associated with power saws (3)
- Kickback- Broken chains- Flying debris
When using a power saw position yourself ___ degrees away so that you face the work rather than straddle it
90 degrees
Common recommendation for roof ventilation sizes for residential and commercial
Residential = 4’ x 4’Commercial = 8’ x 8’
One of the most useful and dependable ventilation tools available
Axe (pick head more versatile than flathead)
Due to the grain in wooden handles the strongest axis when prying in
In line with the grain of the wood