Tropical Storms and Tornadoes: Hurricane Sandy, 2012 Flashcards
What happened?
- 5 days before the storm made landfall, it began developing in the Atlantic Ocean where sea surface temps were above the required 26 degrees.
- Moist air rose rapidly, creating huge clouds as it cooled.
- Made landfall in Jamaica/Haiti as a ‘category 2’ on 24th October, and Cuba on 25th.
- Hurricane then headed northwards towards Florida, up the coast.
- Then headed up to New York City, where 8.2 million people live.
- Hurricane lost fuel as the sea water cooled, however it then hit another storm 500-700 miles across which was heading up the east coast of the US.
- The two storms conjoined to create a ‘super storm’ with sustained high altitude winds and heavy precipitation.
- Superstorm Sandy made landfall in NYC on Monday 29th October.
Facts about the storm? (4)
- The factors causing the storm were described as a ‘freak event’ due to climate change and ‘hotter’ sea temperatures.
- Sandy was a ‘category 1’ hurricane on its approach to the USA, with wind speeds reaching 90mph.
- Had a total diameter of almost 2,000 miles.
- Largest Atlantic storm in history.
Why was the USA vulnerable to Hurricane Sandy? SOCIAL factors? (8)
- Half of the USA’s population lives within 50 miles of the coast, so vulnerable to coastal processes and flooding.
- Subway was closed, people were trapped and couldn’t evacuate.
- Therefore people tried to evacuate by cars - traffic jams and people were trapped in cars.
- Flights cancelled, many people stranded in airports with lack of food and drink available.
- Storm surge overcame power stations in NYC, causing power issues in the city.
- Impermeable surfaces causing surface run off, effects of flooding more severe.
- Coastal areas population majority elderly, more difficult to evacuate.
- Extremely unexpected - couldn’t monitor easily as it was different to any other storm.
Why was the USA vulnerable to Hurricane Sandy? ECONOMIC factors? (4)
- Coastal defences are not invested in and they haven’t been maintained after years of erosion and weakening so protection was limited.
- Govt. couldn’t fund the reallocation of valuable economic assets to higher ground - NYC consists of low land prone to floods.
- Sea wall around Manhattan is 1.5m - easily overcome by storm surge.
- As the city develops, the economic value of the buildings, construction and infrastructure increases - the cost of reparation to the area will be more.
Why was the USA vulnerable to Hurricane Sandy? ENVIRONMENTAL factors? (3)
- Hurricanes are more likely and stronger due to climate change.
- The lands of Brooklyn and Staten Island create a funnel shape from the sea so the storm surge was forced to increase before it reached the coast of Manhattan, heightening it even more making impacts worse.
- The area was low lying at only 5m above sea level - more vulnerable to flooding.
What were the SOCIO-ECONOMIC impacts in the USA? (13)
- 125 people died.
- People could remember Hurricane Irene, so didn’t expect Sandy to be that bad either - reluctant to leave.
- 1.3 million people in New York without power.
- Winds knocked down power lines.
- Subway tunnels swamped - salt water damaged electrical systems and pumping mechanisms, no power to operate pumps - took 4 days to empty water out.
- $10 to $20 billion estimated cost of storm in NYC.
- $72 billion estimated total economic loss.
- New York stock exchange closed = backlog.
- $3.1 billion damage to NYC homes, so many were sold for bargain prices - ‘Great Sandy sell off’ - flooded houses sold for less than 10% less than before, young buyers seized opportunity, loss of owners as incapable of fixing and loss due to lowered prices.
- Yellow cab parking lot flooded - large cost to company.
- Destroyed over 650,000 homes, 250,000 insured vehicles and 300,000 business properties.
- Affected 15 states in USA.
- 18,000 flights cancelled.
What were the ENVIRONMENTAL impacts in the USA? (2)
- Fire on Breezy Point - extreme damage caused.
- 11 billion gallons of raw sewage dumped into eastern US waterways, rivers, lakes by storm surge - human disease risk, damage to aquatic life.
What were the SOCIO-ECONOMIC impacts in Cuba? (10)
- 11 deaths.
- Over 188,000 homes damaged.
- Destroyed about 100,000 hectares of crops in eastern Cuba.
- Vulnerable were evacuated but everyone else stayed.
- No electricity for days after the storm.
- Government announced 50% price cut on construction materials and interest free loans to repair the damage, further subsidies for poorest and hardest hit.
- Soldiers and work force shipped in to help clear neighbourhoods.
- Food prices dramatically dropped.
- Around 800 schools shut due to extensive damage.
- Port continues to function for aid and construction materials.
What were the ENVIRONMENTAL impacts in Cuba?
- 2 metre storm surge and up to 9 metre waves caused extensive coastal flooding - rivers also over flowed.
- Trees uprooted or stripped of leaves.
When did Sandy make landfall in Jamaica/Haiti?
October 24th 2012
When did Sandy make landfall in Cuba?
October 25th 2012
How many people live in NYC?
8.2 million
When did Sandy make landfall in NYC?
October 29th 2012
What was the total diameter of the storm?
2,000 miles
Where do half the USA’s population live?
Within 50 miles from the coast.
How many people died in the USA?
How many people in NYC without power?
1.3 million
What was the estimated cost of the storm in NYC?
$10 to $20 billion
What was the total estimated cost of loss?
$72 billion
How much was the damage to homes in NYC?
$3.1 billion
Destroyed how many homes in NYC?
Destroyed how many insured vehicles in NYC?
Destroyed how many business properties in NYC?
How many flights were cancelled from NYC?
How many deaths were in Cuba?
11 deaths
How many houses damaged in Cuba?
Destroyed how many hectares of crops in eastern Cuba?
How many schools shut in Cuba?