Tropical Rainforests Flashcards
How do natural rainforests work with the water cycle?
Precipitation falls.
75% intercepted. 35% reaches ground and infiltrates, other 35% used by plants and returns to atmosphere (transpiration)
25% evaporates completely
How do deforested rainforests work with the water cycle?
Precipitation falls.
Most reaches ground immediately. Little vegetation. Increased runoff.
Less evapotranspiration, less humid, less rainfall
How to natural rainforests work with the carbon cycle?
Humid, warm environments promote photosynthesis.
Absorb large amounts of carbon (carbon sink).
Decomposition and respiration release CO2 back into atmosphere and soil
How do deforested rainforests work with the carbon cycle?
Photosynthesis reduced (lack of trees).
Fires to clear land to CO2 release.
Forests become carbon source.
Lack of life until new growth.
Low rates of decomposition
How does rainfall in deforested lands link the carbon and water cycle?
Causes soil erosion. If soil and ash flow into rivers, it increases carbon content in rivers. Water leaves by streamflow (reduced interception) and increased runoff. Could cause desertification. Reducing evapotranspiration and precipitation.
How does deforestation on peatlands link the carbon and water cycles?
Deforestation on peatlands and digging drainage basins reduce water storage.
Organic peat matter no longer preserved underwater and decomposes rapidly (release CO2). Weathering and erosion increased, which increased decomposition. Greater risk to wildfires
How does blocking drainage ditches in peatlands link the water and carbon cycles?
Helps restore natural environment by increases soil water storage and decreasing runoff.
Raise water table and decrease flood risk. More water storage annually.
Becomes more filled with wildlife, which respires. Carbon storage also increases as peat forms, made up of carbon and water.