A synoptic-scale cyclones develop over tropical and sub-tropical waters at any level with organized circulation.
Tropical Cyclone
North Atlantic, Eastern North Pacific, South Pacific: Termed
Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Western South Indian Ocean: Known as
Eastern Southern Indian Ocean: Referred to as
Western North Pacific Ocean: Named
Form over oceans world wide except in
South Atlantic Ocean and southeastern Pacific.
Spiral ________at the bottom level and spiral ________ at the top level.
tropical cyclone Form over oceans with sea surface temperature of _____
> 26°C.
Heat exchange mechanism of typhoon:
air conviction
Typically develop at latitudes greater than_____ from the equator.
tropical cyclone Reach maximum in tensity over
warm tropical waters.
Storms begin to weaken when
it moving inland
Tropical cyclone formation Forms over oceans worldwide except in the S
South Atlantic Ocean and southeastern Pacific.
along 0 degree, latitude cannot develop ___________
a tropical cyclone
area were tropical cyclone Reach maximum intensity over ____________
warm tropical waters.
an average number tropical cyclone visit in the ph yearly
Importance of knowledge about typhoon is to _____________
prepare and mitigate
a person study about typhoon
Origin of Tropical Cyclones
Cold air mass and tropical thunderstorms creates instability called tropical wave
Cold air mass and tropical thunderstorms create instability called
tropical wave
it has significant moisture
humid air
thunder cloud or umbrella shape cloud
the energy was absorbed by warm water and during condensation it is released
latent heat
lowest pressure is located at
When cyclonic circulation forms around the central low pressure area, and winds reach ___________(39 mi/hr), it becomes a tropical storm with a name.
62 km/hr
At wind speeds of __________ (74 mi/hr), it becomes a hurricane.
119 km/hr
Note that not all tropical waves, disturbances, or storms necessarily evolve into hurricanes.*
Warm ocean waters (of at least ______) throughout about the upper 50 m of the tropical ocean must be present:
The mid-troposphere (_______ altitude), must contain enough moisture to sustain the thunderstorms:
5 km
makikita ang weather related phenomena sa
diha sad makita ang airplane
can effect the rotation of storm
Coriolis force
In the Northern Hemisphere, it causes storms to turn to the
In the Southern Hemisphere, it causes storms to turn to the
Coriolis at equator is ___
Tropical cyclone distribution by region:
Atlantic Ocean: Approximately ____ of all tropical cyclones.
“Cape Verde” hurricanes often form near the coast of _______
Eastern Pacific Ocean: ____ of all tropical cyclones.
Western Pacific Ocean: ____of all tropical cyclones.
Indian Ocean (north and south of the equator): ___ of all tropical cyclones.
Southern Pacific Ocean: ___ of all tropical cyclones.
highest velocity is on the __________
The largest recorded tropical cyclone.
Typhoon Tip,
extending 1100 km
northwest pacific
smallest recorded, Cyclone
50 km
Darwin, Australia, in 1974.
Tropical Depression (TD)
61 km/h OR LESS
Tropical Storm (TS)
62-88 km/h
Severe Tropical Storm (STS)
89-117 km/h
Typhoon (TY)
118-184 km/h
Super Typhoon (STY)
185 km/h or higher
Relationship between storm category and damage:
higher category = higher damage
Factors affecting damage:
The extent of damage is directly related to the storm’s_________________
intensity, duration (storm-center velocity), approach angle to the land, and coastal population density
Monitoring is conducted through:
Ships at sea transmit weather reports
Acquisition of images from weather satellites
Use of dropsondes carried by observation airplanes
Use of satellite images and radar data from land based stations
japan satellite helps ph to track typhoon
Angle of Hurricane Approach to Coast:
Coast-parallel Hurricane Track
Coast-normal Hurricane Track
less destructive
more destructive
Reducing Damages methods
Warning and Evacuation
Maintaining Beach Width and Dune Height
Engineering Solutions
Construction Codes
Zoning/Land Use Practices
Australia storm surge 1899
a rain of semi-spherical. concentrically layered ice balls that are dropped from some thunderstorms.
3 parameters to occur hail:
Large thunderstorms with high cloud tops
Upper-level cold air with a large temperature contrast
Strong updrafts
weak droplets
sudden and powerful electrical discharge in the atmosphere, typically accompanied by a bright flash of light and a loud crackling sound (thunder)
separation between positive and negative charges within the cloud
are funnel-shaped clouds that are associated with thunderstorms
70% of the tornadoes that occur on Earth occur in the great plains of the
United States.
(ENSO) system
El Niño-Southern Oscillation
the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. It typically occurs irregularly every _____ years and can last for several months.
El Niño
2 to 7
is the opposite phase of ENSO and is characterized by cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific
La Niña