Troe MLA Test Review Flashcards
Help students study for the MLA test.
MLA stands for …
The Modern Language Association of America
. (Kruse 121)
long indirect parenthetical reference
(Kruse 12).
short indirect parenthetical reference
short direct parenthetical reference
. (121)
long direct parenthetical reference
The top margin of an MLA report is set to
The bottom margin of an MLA report is set to
Left and right margins of an MLA report are set to
A long quote should be indented ____ from the left margin.
A title page consists of (hint 5 lines):
Title, Student Name, Teacher’s Name, Class, and Date in military format
A complete MLA report should be arranged in the following order:
Title page, outline, report with parenthetical references, and works cited
True or False. Cite a personal interview like this:
Troe, Penny. Personal Interview. 20 January 2014. Interview.
True or False. Cite a newspaper article like this:
Mikelson, Troy. “Sports.” Sports Illustrated 20 January 2013: 8-20. Print.
False. The magazine name “Sports Illustrated” should be in italics.
True or False. Cite a book like this:
Anderson, Michael, and Brooke Smith. Brittish Style Buildings in West Virginia. West Virginia: Brittish Publishers Inc., 2012: 121-140. Print.
False. The book title should be italics, the state should be replaced with the city, the page numbers should be removed.
In works cited, the color green represents
The first division in an MLA citation which is usally the author.
In works cited, the color red represents
The second division in an MLA citation which is usally the title.
In works cited, the color blue represents
The third division in an MLA citation which is usally the publication.
. (“Keyboarding Online”)
long indirect parenthetical reference
(England Tolkiens 42).
short indirect parenthetical reference
True or False. The widow/orphan command allows Word to leave at least 2 lines of a paragraph at the bottom of one page and have at least 2 lines of a paragraph at the top of the next page.
True or False. The heading (running head) of an MLA report is keyed into the header part of a document and contains the last name of the writer and page number.
True or False. The header (report header) of an MLA report is keyed into the header part of a document and contains the last name of the writer and page number.
False. The header is keyed starting on the first line of the document and includes student name, teacher name, class, and date.
True or False. Book, magazine, newspaper, and dictionary titles should be typed in italics.
True or False. Magazine article titles should be typed in italics.
False. The title should be typed inside quotation marks.
True or False. The entire MLA report should be double spaced.
A heading or running head should begin ____ from the top of the page.
True or False. If the author’s name has already been given (cited) before the quote, omit the name in the reference.
True or False. When the author’s name has not been previously cited, include the name in the parenthetical reference.
True or False. When typing a parenthetical reference or works cited entry, a source with four or more author’s names, should have the first authors name and then et al. (an abbreviation for “and others”).
(Ames et al. 42). for short indirect
Ames, David, et al. for works cited