Trivia Flashcards
How sensitive is PARR for the detection of lymphoma in cats?
80% sensitive
Withrow and McEwan text
Brand name for Mechlorethamine
Brand name for Cyclophosphamide
Brand name for Lomustine
Chemical abbreviation for Lomustine
Brand name for Doxorubicin
Generic name for Palladia
Generic name for Tanovea
Generic name for Laverdia
Mutations in what exons of the cKit gene can be a strong negative prognostic indicator in canine MCTs?
exons 8 and 11
What are 2 proliferation markers used to prognosticate MCTs?
Ki67 and AgNORs
What do you call the systemic form of mast cell disease?
What is the most common cutaneous tumor in the dog?
Mast cell tumor
What is the most common cutaneous tumor in the cat?
basal cell tumor
What is the second most common cutaneous tumor in the cat?
Mast cell tumor
What is released when a mast cell degranulates?
Heparin, histamine, proteases, cytokines, and chemokines
What is unique about mast cell tumors in young dogs?
They may spontaneously regress
Do dogs with primary GI mast cell tumors do well?
Nyoooo. In one study, only 40% of dogs were still alive at 30 days and only 10% were alive at 6 months after their first hospital admission.
What is Darier’s sign?
The eliciting of erythema and an urticarial wheal by stroking or rubbing a (MCT) lesion
Why do we put MCT dogs on famotidine?
They can develop GI ulcers due to histamine released from MCT granules acting on parietal cells via H2 receptors, resulting in increased hydrochloric acid secretion.
for Mast Cell tumors: What is the mitotic count (per 10hpf) break point important for prognosis ?
Decreased survival times have been reported with mitotic counts >4.
For Mast Cell Tumors: What tumor locations are associated with a worse prognosis?
preputial, scrotal, subungual, and at mucocutaneous sites
Is lymph node metastasis a major prognostic factor with mast cell tumors?
Not really. Dogs can have long MSTs even with metastasis to the draining lymph node.
Does visceral/disseminated MCT carry a good or bad prognosis?
Very bad. Aggressive treatment is necessary
What is the benefit of taking chest radiographs during staging for a dog with mast cell tumor(s)?
Thoracic radiographs rarely demonstrate metastasis; however, it is reasonable to procure them before an expensive or invasive procedure to rule out occult cardiopulmonary disease that could complicate anesthesia or unrelated disease processes (primary lung tumor, etc.)
Define myelophthisis
a type of bone marrow failure that occurs when abnormal tissue replaces hematopoietic bone marrow tissue
Medications that are poorly tolerated in dogs with the MDR1 mutation
Mitoxantrone (questionable)
Actinomycin D
Complete response to therapy is X% resolution of tumor
According to AAHA / RECIST
Partial response to therapy is what % change to tumor size?
> 30% reduction in overall tumor size
According to AAHA / RECIST
Progressive disease is defined as what % change in tumor size?
> 20% increase in overall tumor size
According to AAHA / RECIST
Stable disease is quantifiably defined as what?
<30% reduction or <20% increase in tumor size
According to AAHA / RECIST