Triune God Flashcards
Going out to help others
Preaching the gospel using words
What is the gospel
The good news of the teaching of Jesus and the message that God loves us all
Publicly announcing a religious message
What is the Nicene Creed
A statement of faith that presents what Catholics believe
What is traditional prayer
Prayer with set words. For example: Hail Mary, Nicene Creed
What is Spontaneous Prayer
Prayer with no set words. We make them up as we say them
Why do Catholics pray
- Catholics believe prayer is when we raise our hearts and minds to God
- When we pray we ask for God’s awnser
old testament quote
“The lord is our God, the Lord alone”
What does quote mean?
Confirms the existence of ONE God
(Note: Jews dont accept God as more thsn one person (monotheism))
What does the quote mean
“Because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his son into our hearts, crying ‘Abba! Father!”
Christians are children of God and they can have an intimate relationsip with God whom they call “Abba”
What happened at Council of Nicaea
- The father and son have always co-existed
- God the father created God the son
- the father and son are equal/of the same nature
Council of constantinople
- Holy spirit is third person of trinity and fully God
- Jesus is both fully God and fully human
Magisterium definition
The combined authority of Jesus giving both Peter and the 12 disciples authority to lead the church
‘You are peter and upon my rock I will build this church’ (Matthew 16:19)
Quotes about Triune God
“if you see charity then you see trinity” St augustine
“Those who love God love their brother and sister” John 4:20
Why is music important in mass (catholic view)
Unites us
Makes worship more beautiful
Helps us feel more involved
Brings us closer to God
Contrasting views of music in mass
Contemporary worship music is disrespectful
Words are important and dont need to be made into music
Can be seen as a distraction
What do Catholics believe baptism symbolises
- A new stage of life in a christian
- Joining in with Jesus’ desth and resurrectio
What does the water in baptism represent
- Cleansing the soul of sin
- Sharing in Jesus’ desth snd resurrection
- New life with God as a Christian