Incarnation Flashcards
What is grace
Grace is God’s love to us all
Incarnation quote
“I will be with you always, until the end of the age” (Jesus in Matthew 28)
Importance of the sacraments
They teach, strengthen and express faith
Baptism and effect
The act of Pouring water on head
Effect: cleaning of original sin sins
“I baptise you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit”
Eucharist and effects
Recieveing the body and blood of christ
Effect: Recieving the fullness of Christ
“This is my body, this is my blood”
Recieving the gifts of the holy spirit anoited with holy oil
“Be sealed with the gifts of the holy spirit”
Sacrament of the sick snd effects
Forgiven for your sins + holy communion
Effects: Strengthening and Forgiveness
“I absorbe you from your sins in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit”
The deliberate termination of pregnancy
The incarnation is when ….
God took on human condition to become Jesus
When god took on the human form to be Jesus
Titles of Jesus
Word (Jesus) of God
Son of God
Son of Man
Quote about Jesus incarnation
“And the word became flesh and liced among us, and we have seen his glory… full of grace and truth” (John 1:14)
What does Alpha (firstletter of greek alphabet) and omega (last letter of greek alphabet signify)
Shows God is involved in everything from beginning to the end
What does christ the redeemer represent
God’s continous love for all
Jesus’ love and obedience in death
What does the statue sacrd heart represent
Jesus’ burning love for us all
Jesus’ burning love for all
Contrasting views of religious art
Goes against second commandment (donot worship false idols)
We can’t portray an infinite God accurately
Art can be misleading
Catholic attitudes to religious art
Statues of Jesus help us focus on qualities, his life
Jesus was fully human
Jesus can be shown as any ethnicity
What does the quote “I have not come to abolish the law but fulfil it” (Matthew 5:17)
Jesus developed Jewish laws to make them more perfect