Triune God Flashcards
Value of music in worship
- Catholic Church uses music in its praise of God
- Bishops at 2nd Vatican Council:
• unites people in praise
• helps people feel more involved
The Psalms
- In the old testament
- Referred to often and is backbone of Divine Office (between 1st and 2nd reading)
- Centred around praise of God
- to help people focus (antiphons)
(Gregorian chant)
- ancient form of music > usually unaccompanied
- between 9th and 13th centuries
- used in monasteries for Divine Office
What is Divine Office?
Collection of psalms and readings that priests, monks and nuns must say at least 4 times a day
Mass settings
Music that enables people to sing certain parts of mass
The Gloria
A hymn of praise of God’s glory and goodness, which is sung early in the mass
- “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!” Luke 2:14 (NRSV)
Meaning - “Praise God”
- The easter proclamation (announcement of resurrection)
- Used before the reading of the Gospel at Mass
Hymn of praise to the three-fold holy God
- Used before the Eucharistic prayer in Mass
Mystery of Faith
Acclamation after consecration > when people acknowledge what Christ has done for them
Triune God
within one God there is a three-ness
Three persons in one God; the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit are seperate, but are also one being
Jewish prayer affirming belief in the one God, found in the Torah
Nicene Creed: God the Father
God the Father is almighty creator of all things, and the source of all life
Nicene Creed: God the Son
- “only begotten Son of God” > Son shares same nature as Father in unique way
- “born before all ages” > never a point where son did not exist
- “consubstantial with the Father” > no distinction in nature from Father and Son
- “By the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary” > God the Son, in Jesus, had no earthly farther but a human mother.
- Jesus rose from dead to heaven > takes place as Son of God, Judge and Lord of all. > was always God, limited himself to human nature while on earth
Nicene Creed: God the Holy Spirit
- Spirit or breath of God gives life to all things
- Spirit comes from both Father and Son, uniting them in love
- Spirit is equal in majesty, power and worship to the Father and Son
- Spirit inspires people to let them know the will of God
When someone shows their faith in their words and action
Preaching good news about Jesus to other people
Publicly announcing a religious message
The good news of the teaching of Jesus and the message that God loves all people
Youcat 122
“The triune God himself is ‘social’, a communion, an eternal exchange of love”
Dei Verbum 21
“Therefore, like the Christian religion itself, all the preaching of the Church must be nourished and regulated by sacred scripture”
The idea that humans can only know God through what God has chosen to show himself
Paul’s letter to the Galatians
Paul wrote his epistles to the various churches that he had preached at
- written from 51 CE (around 20 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus) up to his death (around 67CE)
- Galatians written around 57CE
St Augustine of Hippo
- Lived from 354CE to 430CE
- Was bishop of Hippo in North Africa for 34 years
- 1 John 4:16, states “God is love”
St Augustine of Hippo
- Lived from 354CE to 430CE
- Was bishop of Hippo in North Africa for 34 years
- 1 John 4:16, states “God is love”
Catherine LaCugna
(1952-1997) - died of cancer aged 44
- famous for re-examining Christian understanding of the Trinity
- everything that can be known about God is based on God’s self-relevation
St Augustine vs LaCugna
Both express love found in the Trinity.
LaCugna : Humans can know the Trinity through what the Trinity reveals.
St Augustine : Focuses on relationship within the Trinity, believes the inner relationship of the Trinity is essential.
Authority Of The Magisterium
Laying on of hands passed on apostolic authority.
Pope is the head of the church.
When bishops of the Church gather together to discuss a teaching, their decision is accepted as binding for all believers. It is believed that their decisions are infallible as Catholics believe it is the Holy spirit guiding the Church.
Council of Nicaea
Bishops of Church met in turkey to discuss the eternality of Jesus as son of God.
Teachings :
Son is eternally begotten from the Father.
Father and Son have always existed together.
Council of Constantinople
After council of Nicaea - position of Holy Spirit in Trinity.
Bishops declared that :
- Holy Spirit is the Lord, giver of life
- Jesus spoke through the prophets.
Origins Of Baptism
Jesus ordered his disciples to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.’
This wording is used in Baptism.
Symbolism Of Baptism
Best when the person is totally immersed.
Going down into the water symbolised joining Christ in the tomb.
water is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit. The believer is filled with the Holy Spirit : the same Spirit that worked in Jesus during his life on earth.
Importance Of Baptism
Sign of initiation.
Believer becomes a member of the Church.
The person being baptised is a sharer in the life of the Father, Son and Spirit.
Traditional Prayer
- Prayers passed down over generations, like the Our Father and the Hail Mary.
- People do not need to think of words to use, people can be open to the presence of God rather than focusing on the words.
- When people are upset, they can use familiar words and phrases. Can bring focus to those who want to focus on God.
Spontaneous Prayer
- Without any set format, people choose what to say. The Spirit guides them in what to say.
- Sometimes, people speak in glossolalia (tongues) where the person has been overcome by the Spirit.
- Spontaneous prayer comes from the heart and reflects how the person is feeling at that moment. Truly reflects a person’s relationship with God.
Prayer And Posture
Kneeling - submissive to will of God - asking for forgiveness.
Genuflecting - one knee as sign of respect. Acknowledges Christ’s presence.