Incarnation (P1) Flashcards
Meaning of incarnation
God took on limitations of the human condition as Jesus
God loves humans so it helps us understand this.
The annunciation
Angel Gabriel asked Mary to have Jesus
Luke 1 ‘You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus’
Despite Mary being a virgin
God’s gift of unconditional love (represented by Jesus)
Role of Joseph in incarnation
He is husband to Mary but is not described as being the father to Jesus, therefore it is the first indication that Jesus is not simply of human parentage.
Matthew vs Luke’s account
Matthew: wrote for Jewish Christians. Women were not main focus so is why he focused on the role of Joseph
Luke: Non-Jewish Christians - value for women was higher.
Both: Mary = virgin. Jesus conceived by power of Holy Spirit. Angel announced Jesus’ birth
Jesus as word of God
John 1: ‘the Word became flesh and lived among us’
‘In the beginning was the Word’ (Jesus always existed)
‘Word was God’ - Jesus is a part of God.
Co-existed but there is distinction between them.
How is the Word and expression of love?
Love for humans
‘Grace’ as Jesus is God’s free gift (Grace) to humans.
Jesus as son of man
Evangelists show that Jesus experienced everything that is felt by humans.
He endured suffering but if he was not fully human, this would have not caused Jesus such suffering and discomfort.
Jesus as son of God
‘Are you the messiah, the son of the blessed one?’ Jesus: ‘I am’. (Mark 14:61)
In the resurrection, Jesus sits on right hand of the father taking his place as God but no human can do that because God has no beginning or end.
Christian symbols
Ichthus (fish) : used to identify someone that was catholic when people were persecuted for their faith.
Alpha and Omega : First and last letters of Greek alphabet indicated God and Jesus are involved in everything beginning to end.
Chi-Rho : reminder of the death of Jesus because when the Greek word for ‘Christ’ is spelled out, it’s first 2 letters are ‘XP’. Could be used as an alternative to a crucifix or cross.
Reasons against religious art
God is infinite. It is not possible to show the infinite using limited means like art.
When someone prays in front of a statue then people could get the impression that they are praying to the statue rather than God.
People can mistake a picture for the real thing.
Influence of the incarnation
God has taken on the limitations of human form, therefore it’s acceptable to prevent him in a limited form.
God was a man with all the human qualities.
Artistic representations can help people focus on spiritual ideas and aspects of God’s work.
Christ the redeemer in Rio de Janeiro
Overlooks Rio de Janeiro, reminds people of the continuity of God’s love.
Outstretched arms are a reminder that Jesus accepted death.
Also, he will take in all people because he shares his characteristics with God.
Sacred Heart
Holes in his hands (nailed to cross)
Expression of peace and love
Crown of thorns surrounding the heart at crucifixion.
Piercing through the heart ‘one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear’ John 19:34
A call to people to change their attitudes.
‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ Matthew 5
If people have the right attitude towards God and humans then they will be pleasing God.
‘Love thy neighbour’
If you are careful over the smaller issues, the bigger temptations will not develop.
Parable of the sheep and the goats
Care for other people.
‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me’ Matthew 25
People must care for those in need - anyone who follows Jesus but does not help people in need will be damned and those who help will be rewarded and placed in heaven.
Importance of Tradition
People can understand more about what God has fully revealed.
We believe that the Holy Spirit has guided these speakers.
St Irenaeus’ teachings about Jesus
Jesus is the meeting point between God and humanity.
‘He revealed God to men and men to God’ St Irenaeus, Adversus haeresus 4:20
The son was with the father from the beginning.
The son was the one who spoke through the Old Testament prophets and inspired people through dreams and visions.
St. Irenaeus passage teachings (continued)
It is through the Word that humans receive God’s gift (grace)
Jesus is the perfect human being, totally open to the working of God in his life.
Qualities that people see in Jesus are those that are seen in God. Therefore people get a limited view of the nature of God through the acts of Jesus.
Jesus as fully God and fully human
This has created a lot of controversy because people tend to only focus on one and not the other but the magisterium have managed to create documents which emphasise that God is fully Human and fully God simultaneously.
Dei Verbum 4 : ‘The Word made flesh, was sent as a man to men’ ‘God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death’
Verbum Domini 12 : ‘The son himself is the Word…small enough to fit in a manger’
In this apostolic exhortation (letter from Pope about religion), Jesus is both the Word of God (fully God) but able to fit in a manger as a human baby (fully human).
More about grace
Grace can’t be earned
Can be received via sacraments
Sacrament is an ‘outward sign of God’s grace being infused in you’
Rites in which grace is received for Catholics and Anglicans = ‘outward sign of inward grace’
Baptism - cleansing of sins
Confirmation - Receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit
Eucharist - Receiving the fullness of Christ
Marriage - Husband/wife for life
Ordination - Conferring the dignity of the Priesthood
Reconciliation - The passing on of God’s power of forgiveness
Sacrament of the sick - Strengthening and forgiveness
Eucharist and Reconciliation can be received regularly whereas the others can not.
The concept of Imago Dei
God created humankind in his image and is therefore, ‘very good’
For Catholics, Luke 1:26-38 was clear proof that Jesus was truly present in the womb of Mary.
For Catholics, life begins at the precise moment of conception (when sperm meets egg). From this mmoment, the whole body of the person is present.
Development and changes take place but the idea is that it is the same person as it will be forever. Once the person is conceived, it is in Imago Dei every step of the way.
Catholic views about abortion
Everyone was made in the image of God so share his qualities and they are to be protected and not destroyed, therefore, Catholics believe that abortion is wrong. (“I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion” (Mother Teresa))
Gaudiem et Spes 51 : ‘From the moment of its conception life must be guarded with the greatest care while abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes’
Society would say it depends on economical state of a father and/or mother.