A one-way person movement by mechanized mode of transportation, having two trip ends (origin and destination)
TYPE OF TRIP: One end of trip is at home of trip maker
TYPE OF TRIP: Neither end of trip are at the home or trip maker
Origin end
Trip Production
Destination end
Trip Attraction
Allows engineers to predict volume of traffic that will use a given transportation element in the future
Travel Demand Forecasting
Necessary socio-economic indicators may affect _____
Travel Demand
Sub Models of the Four Step Forecasting Method
Trip Generation and Attraction
Trip Distribution
Modal Split
Traffic Assignment
Estimated total number and types of trips originating and terminating in areas/zones
Trip Generation and Attraction
Computes number of trips between one zone and all other
Trip Distribution
Percentage of travel of particular transportation mode
Modal Split
Concerned with the selection of routes/path between origins and destinations in a transportation network
Traffic Assignment
Used for a systematic analysis and easier presentation of trip generation and attraction
Origin - Destination Table (OD Matrix)
Simply shows the trips from one zone to another within the given study area
Origin - Destination Table (OD Matrix)
Zones within the study area defined by political and/or administrative boundaries
Internal Zones
Zones outside the study area which may greatly affect trip patterns
External Zones
Number of trips are assumed to be influenced by several variables such as population (P), income (I), vehicle ownership (V)
Growth Factor Method
AKA Cross-Classification Method
Category Analysis
Separates all households into categories classified according to a set of criteria and assign a constant trip production rate to each category
Category Analysis