Triggering of events Flashcards
Why do plants respond?
To increase evolutionary fitness as this maximises number of successful offspring
Why are plant responses needed?
The environment is uneven and variable both biotically and abiotically
How are plant responses coordinated?
By hormones which are released by cells
How are plant hormones released?
By the whole organism so are decentralised
How do plant hormones move?
By diffusion, active transport as mass flow so need to be small
What are the types of triggering events?
Timed events through life and protecting against biotic and abiotic factors
What are examples of time events through life?
Fruit ripening, seed germination, responding to abiotic stress and leaf loss
What are examples of protecting against biotic and abiotic stress?
Responding to abiotic stress and producing defences against herbivory
What controls fruit ripening?
What is a climacteric fruit?
It needs ethylene for ripening and continues to ripen after being picked
What are examples of climacteric fruits?
Apples, bananas, mango, peach, pears, avocado and melon
What is non-climacteric fruit?
Fruit that does not need ethylene to ripen
What are examples of non-climacteric fruit?
Citrus, grapes, watermelon and strawberries
How do supermarkets deal with ripening fruit?
They pick before ripe and keep cold so they can spend longe before becoming ripe and fruit is firm to reduce damage during transport
What controls seed germination?