Trigeminal Sensory Pathways Flashcards
What are the 2 nervous systems?
▪ Central Nervous System (CNS)
– Brain
– Spinal Cord
▪ Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
– Spinal nerves
– Cranial nerves
Label the diagram, in particular where V sensory/motor roots and IVth Ventricle are..

Label this diagram and draw the direction where the Trigeminal spinal tract would go…

What is Nucleus Caudalis the site for?
Nucleus Caudalis is the site for synapses for pain, hot and cold
What happens when there is damage to main sensory Nucleus (MSN)?
Damage to MSN:
– ipsilateral loss of touch to face
– still feel pain, hot or cold
What is Trigeminal Mesencephalic Nucleus (Vmes)
- Contain cell bodies for jaw muscle spindle afferents
- Primary afferent cell bodies within the central nervous system
- Nerves synapse in the V motor nucleus
Where is the Trigeminal Motor Nucleus
Medial to the MSN in the Pons
Where does the Trigeminal Motor Nucleus efferents exit?
Exit via motor root to mandibular division to supply muscles of mastication.