Trigeminal Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What is CN V
Mixed nerve
V1/V2 = sensory only
V3 = sensory and motor (muscles of mastication)
What is V1
Opthalamic division (through superior orbital fissure)
3 branches - frontal, nasociliary, lacrimal
What is V2
Maxillary division (through foramen rotundum, enters pterygopalatine fossa)
5 branches - nasopalatine, greater palatine, PSA, infraorbital (ASA + MSA), zygomatic nerves
What is V3
Mandibular division (through foramen ovale)
3 sections - undivided (muscular), anterior trunk (Long Buccal + motor), posterior trunk (IA, lingual and auriculotemporal nerve)
5 branches - long buccal, motor to mm of mastication, auriculotemporal, lingual, IAN (mylohyoid, mental and incisive)
What is CN VII
Facial nerve - mixed nerve
- motor to muscles of facial expression
- sensory to anterior 2/3 tongue (taste)
What is the path of the facial nerve
1) Through Internal Acoustic Meatus (temporal bond) –> branches = chorda tympani n. and greater petrosal n.
2) Exits skull via Stylomastoid Foramen (temporal bone)
3) Enters Parotid Gland –> branches = temporal n., zygomatic n., buccal n., mandibular n., cervical n.
Branches of facial nerve in parotid gland
What does external carotid a terminate as
Maxillary and superficial temporal
Where does maxillary artery run?
Begins within Parotid Gland at neck of condyle (mandible) –> runs between mandible and sphenomandibular ligament (lingula) –> enters infratemporal fossa –> gives off 4 branches –> enters Pterygopalatine fossa –> gives off 4 branches
What does maxillary artery branch into within infratemporal fossa
1) Middle Meningeal a.
2) Inferior Alveolar a. –> branches in Mental a. and Incisive a. and Mylohyoid a.
3) Branches to mm of mastication (Temporalis, Pterygoids, Meesseteric)
4) Buccal a.
What does maxillary artery branch into within pterygopalatine fossa
1) PSA a.
2) Infraorbital a. –> branches into ASA a.
3) Greater Palatine a.
4) Sphenopalatine a. –> branches into Nasopalatine a.
Pterygoid plexus
-VENOUS plexus of small anastomosing vessels
-Located around pterygoid muscles and surrounding maxillary a. and infratemporal fossa
**Protects the maxillary artery from being compressed during mandibular movement
**Associated with Hematoma and spread of infection during INCORRECTLY administered PSA injections