trigeminal neuralgia 1/7 Flashcards
what are the general cause of trigeminal neuralgia?
Degeneration or compression
Abnormal pressure on trigeminal nerve - eg. tumor or swollen blood vessel
Irritation of CN5- condition that cause demyelination eg. MS, friction with blood vessel, trauma
Are symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia unilateral or bilateral? Episodic or constant?
episodic or constant
What are symptoms of episodic trigeminal neuralgia?
Sharp, jolting, stabbing or sharp shock-like
spasms or tics
What are symptoms of chronic trigeminal neuralgia?
Persistent aching
Burning sensation
What type of activities trigger both episodic and chronic trigeminal neuralgia?
oral care, shaving, chewing
patient pop for trigeminal neuralgia?
women >50yr
Imaging studies for trigeminal neuralgia
Magnetic resonance angiography-to see blood flow near brainstem and identify any vessels that may be compressing trigeminal nerve
What are some potential sources of trigeminal nerve trauma?
Recent sinus or oral surgery
Facial trauma
symptoms CN5 neuralgia- sensory and motor?
- Motor is normal
- sensory PAIN, Facial pain, facial numbness
- Pain: mouth > nostril, eye, ear
- Abrupt onset, recurring frequently Pain along CN V: mandibular, maxillary
- Brief paroxysms of neurogenic pain (stabbing or shooting pain)
- Unilateral (may be B/L)
what exacerbates and relieves CN5 neuralgia?
- Exacerbated by stress, cold, overuse
- Relieved by relaxation
what does CN5 do?
Motor & Sensory
- Sensation of face
- Muscles of mastication - masseter, temporalis
- Jaw reflex
- Corneal reflex