Triangles of the Neck Flashcards
What are the 8 palpable bony and cartilaginous landmarks?
mastoid process of temporal bone, mandible, mental protuberance, hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, trachea, suprasternal notch
What are the parts of the mandible?
ramus, angle, and body
At what vertebral level is the hyoid bone?
At what vertebral level is the thyroid cartilage?
At what vertebral level is the cricoid process?
At what vertebral level is the trachea?
C6 (or C7) to T1
What is the Superficial Cervical Fascia?
fatty subcutaneous tissue between dermis and investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What does the superficial cervical fascia contain?
vv., nn., lymphatics, and platysma m.
what is the action of the platysma m.?
depress mandible and lower lip, tenses skin of neck
what is the innervation of the platysma m.?
cervical branch of the fascial n. (CN VII)
What is the Superficial Cervical Fascia?
fatty subcutaneous tissue between dermis and investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What does the superficial cervical fascia contain?
vv., nn., lymphatics, and platysma m.
what is the action of the platysma m.?
depress mandible and lower lip, tenses skin of neck
what is the innervation of the platysma m.?
cervical branch of the fascial n. (CN VII)
What are the 4 layers of deep cervical fascia?
investing layer, pretracheal layer, prevertebral layer, carotid sheath
what does the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia surround?
surrounds and encloses the entire neck deep to the superficial cervical fascia
what does the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia invest?
sternocleidomastoid m. and trapezius m.
what does the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia form?
the roof over the posterior and anterior triangles of the neck
where is the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia?
limited to the anterior part of the neck; extends from hyoid into the throax
what does the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
the infrahyoid mm., thyroid glad, thrachea, esophagus
what does the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia form?
forms a tubular sheath overlying cervical vertebral column and associated mm.
forms the floor of the posterior and anterior triangles of the neck?
what are the associated mm. that the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
anteriorly- longus colli m and longus capitis m.
laterally- scalene mm.
posteriorly- levator scapulae m. and deep cervical m.
what is the carotid sheath?
fascial tube that extends from the base of the cranium to the root of the neck
what does the carotid sheath contain?
common or internal carotid artery (anterior-medial)
internal jugular v. (anterior-lateral)
vagus n. (CN X) (posterior)
What are the superficial vessels of the neck?
external jugular v., anterior jugular v., fascial a. and v.
what does the external jugular v.?
drains most of the scalp and side of face
Where does the external jugular v. come from?
the union of retromandibular v. and posterior auricular v.
where does the external jugular v. drain to?
drains into the subclavian v.
where does the anterior jugular v. drain?
into the external jugular v.
what is the course of the fascia a. and v.?
curve around inferior border of the mandible to enter/exit the face
where is the nerve point of the neck?
midpoint of the inferior border of the sternocleidomastoid m.
what are the CUTANEOUS nn. of the cervical plexus?
lesser occipital n., great auricular n., transverse cervical n., supraclavicular nn.
what is the spinal segments of the lesser occipital n.?
what is the spinal segments of the great auricular n.?
what is the spinal segments of the transverse cervical n.?
what is the spinal segments of the supraclavicular n.?
What are the superficial mm. of the neck?
platysma m. and sternocleidomastoid m.
what is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
two heads: manubrium and clavicle
what is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
mastoid process and superior nuchal line
what is the action of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
unilateral: tilts head to same side and rotates face towards the opposite side
bilateral: flex or extend neck
what is the innervation of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
what is the course of the spinal accessory n.?
travels across floor of posterior triangle on top of levator scapulae m.
what results in congenital torticollis?
damage to the sternocleidomastoid m. or spinal accessory n. (XI) during delivery
what does congenital toricollis result in?
results in scarring (fibrosis) and shortening of the m. which cannot lengthen with the growing neck. the deficit resembles a normal unilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid m. causing head tilt towards the lesioned side and the chin turned superiorly towards the opposite, non lesioned side
what are the two major triangles of the neck?
posterior cervical triangle and anterior cervical triangle
what is the anatomic landmark dividing the two triangles?
sternocleidomastoid m.
what are the borders of the posterior cervical triangle?
anterior: sternocleidomastoid m
posterior: trapezius m.
inferior: clavicle
what are the borders of the anterior cervical triangle?
anterior: midline of the neck
posterior: sternocleidomastoid m.
superior: body of the mandible
what are the subdivisions of the posterior cervical triangle?
occipital and subclavian triangles
what are the boundaries of the occipital triangle?
sternocleidomastoid m., trapezius m., and omohyoid m. (inferior belly)
what are the boundaries of the subclavian triangle?
sternocleidomastoid m., omohyoid m. (inferior belly), and clavicle
what is the roof of the occipital triangle?
investing layer of deep cervical fascia
what is the floor of the occipital triangle?
prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascial overlying six mm.
what are the six mm. that make up the floor of the occipital triangle?
semispinalis capitis m. splenius capitis m. levator scapulae m. posterior scalene m. middle scalene m. anterior scalene m.
what are the cutaneous (superficial) nn. in the occipital triangle?
lesser occipital n., great auricular n., transverse cervical n., supraclavicular n.
what are the muscular (deep) nn. of the occipital triangle?
spinal accessory n. (XI)
branchial plexus
what does the spinal accessory n. innervate?
trapezius m. and sternocleidomastoid mm.
what results from damage of the spinal accessory n. (XI)?
weakness in the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid m.
how do you test if their is damage to the spinal accessory n.?
patient shrugs shoulders against resistance and turns head to opposite side against resistance
where does the brachial plexus emerge?
portion of it (usually C5, C6 roots) emerge between the anterior and middle scalene mm.
dorsal scapular n. (C5) often pierces through the middle scalene m.
what are the vessels in the occipital triangle?
transverse cervical a. (branch of thyrocervical trunk)
inferior part of external jugular v.
what are the contents of the subclavian (omoclavicular) triangle?
anterior scalene m., lower roots of brachial plexus, phrenic n. (C3-C5) which courses inferiorly on anterior surface of anterior scalene m., suprascapular a. (branch of thyrocervical trunk), subclavian a. and v.
what are the 4 subdivisions of the anterior triangle?
submental, submandibular, muscular, and carotid triangles
what are the boundaries of the submental triangle?
digastric (left and right anterior bellies) and hyoid
what are the boundaries of the submandibular (digastric) triangle?
digastric (anterior belly), digastric (posterior belly), body of mandible
intermediate tendon attaching the anterior and posterior digastric mm.
what are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
omohyoid (superior belly), sternocleidomastoid m., midline of the neck
what are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
omohyoid (superior belly), digastric (posterior belly), sternocleidomastoid m.
what are the contents of the submental triangle?
mylohyoid m., submental lymph nodes (which drain the tip of the tongue), small vv. uniting to form anterior jugular v.
what are the suprahyoid mm.?
mylohyoid m.
digastric m.
stylohyoid m. (styloid process to the hyoid)
what are the contents of the muscular triangle?
tyroid and parathyroid glands, infrohyoid mm. (strap mm.)
what are the contents of the carotid triangle?
carotid sheath: common or internal carotid a. (external carotid a. is NOT in the sheath), internal jugular v., vagus n. (X)
hypoglossal n. (XII)
external carotid a.
what are the muscle categories of the anterior cervical triangle?
suprahyoid mm.
infrahyoid mm. (strap mm.)
what are the suprahyoid mm.?
mylohyoid m.
digastric m.
what are the infrahyoid mm. (strap mm.)?
sternohyoid m., sternothyroid m., thyrohyoid m., omohyoid m.
what is the origin of the mylohyoid m.?
mylohyoid line of mandible
what is the insertion of the mylohyoid m.?
mylohyoid raphe and hyoid bone
what is the action of the mylohyoid m.?
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth
what is the innervation of the mylohyoid m.?
n. to mylohyoid (mandibular n. [V^3])
what is the origin of the digastric m.?
anterior belly: digastric fossa of mandible
posterior belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone
what is the insertion of the digastric m.?
intermediate tendon to hyoid bone
what is the action of the digastric m.?
depresses mandible; elevates hyoid
what is the innervation of the digastric m.?
anterior belly: n. to mylohyoid
posterior belly: facial n. (VII)
what is the origin of the sternohyoid m.?
manubrium and clavicle
what is the insertion of the sternohyoid m.?
hyoid bone
what is the action of the sternohyoid m.?
depresses hyoid
what is the innervation of the sternohyoid m.?
ansa cervicalis
what is the origin of the sternothyroid m.?
what is the insertion of the sternothyroid m.?
thyroid cartilage
what is the action of the sternothyroid m.?
depresses hyoid and larynx
what is the innervation of the sternothyroid m.?
ansa cervicalis
what is the origin of the thyrohyoid m.?
thyroid cartilage
what is the insertion of the thyrohyoid m.?
hyoid bone
what is the action of the thyrohyoid m.?
depresses hyoid and elevates larynx
what is the innervation of the thyrohyoid m.?
C1 via hypoglossal n. (XII)
what is the origin of the omohyoid m.?
suprascapular notch of scapula
what is the insertion of the omohyoid m.?
hyoid bone
what is the action of the omohyoid m.?
depresses and retracts hyoid
what is the innervation of the omohyoid m.?
ansa cervicalis
what is the ansa cervicalis?
motor root of cervical plexus
what are the spinal segments of the ansa cervicalis?