Triangles And Fossas Flashcards
Posterior triangle boundaries
A: posterior border SCM
P: anterior border trap
I: middle third clavicle
Floor: splenius capitus, levator scap, scalene mm (covered by prevertebral fascia)
Posterior triangle contents
External jugular v, cervical plexus cutaneous brr, lesser occipital n, great auricular n, CNXI, phrenic n, subclavian v and a; a, brachiocephalic v, cervicodorsal v, occipital a, brachial plexus roots, suprascapular n and a
Anterior triangle boundaries
A: neck midline
P: anterior border SCM
I: inferior border mandible
Floor: pharynx, larynx, thyroid
Anterior triangle contents
Infra and suprahyoid mm, common and int/ext carotid aa, int and ext jug vv, retromandibular v, CN X, XI, XII, cervical plexus
Roof of all triangles
Skin, superficial fascia, platysma, deep fascia
Carotid triangle boundaries
M: superior belly omohyoid
S: posterior belly digastric
L: anterior border SCM
Floor: hyoglossus, thyrohyoid, middle and inf constrictors of pharynx
Submandibular triangle boundaries
S: inferior margin mandible
A: ant belly digastric
P: post belly digastric
Floor: mylohyoid, hyoglossus, middle pharyngeal constrictor
Submandibular triangle contents
Submandibular gland & lymph nodes, CN XII, mylohyoid n, parts of facial a and v
Carotid triangle contents
Carotid sinus, carotid body, common carotid and int/ext carotid, IJV, vagus n, ansa cervicalis, deep cervical lymph nodes
Muscular triangle boundaries
SL: superior belly omohyoid
IL: anterior border SCM
M: median plane of neck
Muscular triangle contents
Infrahyoid mm, thyroid and parathyroid glands
Submental triangle boundaries
I: body of hyoid
L: right and left anterior bellies of digastric
Floor: mylohyoid muscles
Submental triangle contents
Submental lymph nodes and small vv forming AJV
Popliteal fossa boundaries
SL: biceps femoris
SM: semimembranosus & semitendinosus
IL/IM: 2 heads of gastrocnemius
Floor: popliteal surface of femur, joint capsule of knee
Roof: skin, superficial fascia, deep/popliteal fascia
Popliteal fossa contents
Popliteal a and v, tibial n, common fib n
Femoral triangle boundaries
Inguinal lig, add longus and sartorius
Femoral triangle contents
Med to lat NAVEL: nerve (femoral), artery (femoral), vein, empty space, lymph node