Muscle anatomy Flashcards
Superior nuchal line –> anterior of manubrium (sternal head) and superior of medial third of clavicle (clavicular head)
Teres minor
Superior lateral border of scapula –> greater tubercle of humerus (inferior facet); lateral rotation of shoulder, axillary nerve (C5,6)
Infraspinous fossa of scapula and inferior portion of the spine of scapula–> greater tubercle on humerus (middle facet); lateral rotation of shoulder; suprascapular nerve (C5,6)
Supraspinous fossa of scapula –> greater tubercle on humerus (superior facet); abduction of shoulder; suprascapular nerve (C5,6)
Ext occipital protuberance, medial superior nuchal line, nuchal ligament and SP C7-T12 –> lat third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scap
Lat third clavicle, acromion & spine of scap –> deltoid tuberosity of humerus; abduction, flex/ext, horizontal abd/add; axillary nerve (C5,6)
Subscapular fossa of scap –> lesser tubercle of humerus; medial rotation of shoulder; upper and lower subscapular nn (C5,6)
Teres Major
Inferolateral border of scap –> medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus; medial rotation, add, extension from flexed position; lower subscapular nerve (C5,6,7)
Serratus Anterior
Lateral surface if ribs 1-9 –> costal surface of medial border of scapula; protraction & upward rotation of scap; long thoracic nerve (C5,6,7)
Pectoralis Major
Medial half of clavicle, anterior sternum, costal cartilage ribs 1-6 –> lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus; add, med rotation, horizontal add of shoulder; medial and lateral pectoral nn (C8, T1)
Coracoid process of scap –> medial shaft of humerus in the middle third; flexion, add, horizontal add; musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)
Biceps Brachii
Superglenoid tubercle & glenohumeral labrum (long head), coracoid process of scap (short head) –> radial tuberosity & bicipital aponeurosis; flexion, supination of elbow, flexion at shoulder; musculocutaneous n (C5,6)
Anterior distal half of humerus –> ulnar tuberosity & coronoid process of ulna; flexion of elbow; musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)
Triceps Brachii
Infraglenoid tubercle & neck of scapula (long head), upper half of posterior humeral shaft (lateral head), posterior humeral shaft (medial head) –> olecranon process of ulna; extension of elbow, add & ext of shoulder; radial n (C6,7,8), axillary n (long head)
Pronator Teres
Medial epicondyle via common flexor tendon (humeral/superficial head), coronoid process of ulna (ulnar/deep head) –> pronator tuberosity on lateral radial shaft (middle); pronation of forearm; median n (C6,7)
Medial epicondyle via common flexor tendon–> base of MC 2 & 3 (anteriorly); flexion & radial deviation of the wrist; median n (C6,7)
Palmaris Longus
Medial epicondyle –> palmar aponeurosis & flexor retinaculum; flexion of wrist; median n (C7,8)
Medial epicondyle (humeral head), medial olecranon & prox 2/3 of medial ulna –> pisiform, hamate, base of 5th MC; flexion & ulnar deviation of wrist; ulnar n (C 7,8)
Medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna, UCL (humeral-ulnar head), oblique line of radius (radial head) –> base of middle phalanges 2-5; flexion of wrist & fingers 2-5 (PIP, MCP); median n (C7,8, T1)
Anteromedial ulna (prox 1/2) & interosseous membrane –> base of distal phalanges 2-5; flexion of fingers (DIP, PIP, MCP) & wrist; median n (C8, T1) to radial 1/2, ulnar n (C8, T1) to ulnar 1/2
Middle anterior radius & interosseous membrane –> base of distal phalanx of thumb (anteriorly); wrist & thumb flexion (CMC, MCP, IP); median n (C7,8)
Pronator Quadratus
Distal 1/4 of anterior distal ulna –> distal 1/4 of anterior distal radius; forearm pronation; median n (C7,8)
Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus –> radial styloid process; elbow flexion, forearm supination when pronated and vv; radial n (C5,6)
Lower lateral supracondylar ridge –> base 2nd MC; wrist ext/rad dev; radial n (C5,6)
Lat epicondyle–> base 3 MC; wrist ext/radial dev; radial n (C7,8)
Extensor digitorum
Lat epicondyle–> 2nd-5th phalanges; ext fingers 2-5 (MCP, PIP, DIP), wrist ext; radial n (C7,8)
Lateral epicondyle–> middle & distal phalanges of 5th digit; 5th digit & wrist ext; radial n (C6,7,8)
Lateral epicondyle –> lateral posterior olecranon process; elbow extension; radial n (C6,7,8)
Lateral epicondyle (numeral head), posterior ulnar shaft (ulnar head) –> base 5th MC; wrist ext/ulnar dev; radial n (C6,7,8)
Lateral epicondyle & supinator crest of ulna –> prox 1/3 of radius; forearm supination; radial n (C6,7)
EOP, medial S nuchal line, nuchal ligament & SPs C7-T12 –> lateral clavicle, spine of scap & acromion; elevation & add of scap, upward scap rotation, lateral flexion & extension of head; spinal acc n & ventral rami C2-4
Gluteus medius
Outer ilium btwn A & P gluteal lines –> greater trochanter; hip abd, A fibers - flexion and med rot, P fibers - ext and med rot; superior gluteal n (L4,5,S1)
Gluteus minimus
Outer ilium between A & I gluteal lines –> anterior of greater trochanter; abd, A - flex & med rot, P - ext & lat rot; superior gluteal n (L4,5,S1)
Anterior sacrum –> superomedial greater trochanter; lat rotation & from flexed position, abd; n to piriformis (L5,S1,S2)
Fib/per tertius
Distal 1/3 of A fib –> dorsum of base of 5th MT; dorsiflexion & eversion; deep peroneal n (L5,S1)
Fib/per longus
Head/prox lat shaft of fibula –> medial cuneiform & plantar surface of base of 1st MT; superficial peroneal n (L5,S1)
Fib/per brevis
Lateral distal 1/2 of fibula –> lateral of base of 5th MT; eversion & plantar flex; superficial peroneal n (L5, S1)
Above med & lat femoral condyles –> calcaneus via Achilles; plantar flexion (weak knee flex/foot inv); tibial n (S1,2)
Soleal line of tibia, upper fib –> calcaneus via Achilles; plantar flexion (weak inversion); tibial n (S1,2)
Middle 1/3 posterior ulna, radius & IO membrane –> lateral of base 1st MC; thumb abd, wrist rad deviation, assists w thumb ext & rot and hand flex & sup; radial n (C7,8)
Posterior distal 1/3 of radius & IO membrane –> base prox phalanx of thumb; extension prox phalanx & MC of thumb, wrist abduction; radial n (C7,8)
Posterior middle 1/3 of ulna & IO membrane –> thumb distal phalanx; ext of thumb @ CMC, MCP and IP jj, assists wrist ext & abd; rad n (C7,8)
Extensor Indices
Posterior distal 1/3 of ulna & IO membrane –> base middle & distal phalanx of index (via ext expansion & ED tendon); ext of index @ MCP, PIP & DIP, wrist ext, index add; rad n (C7,8)
Scaphoid & trapezium tubercles –> lateral of base prox phalanx thumb; thumb abd @ trapeziometacarpal j; median n (C8,T1)
Trapezium & flexor retinaculum –> lateral of base prox phalanx thumb; thumb flexion @ tmc j; median n (C8,T1)
Opponens pollicis
Trapezium & flexor retinaculum –> anterolateral thumb MC; thumb opposition @ tmc j; median n (C8,T1)
Pec minor
Ribs 3-5 –> coracoid process (scap); depress/downwardly rotate scap; medial pectoral n