Tri 3, Test 1 Flashcards
When is the Apostolic Creed used
Daily Prayer
When is the Nience Creed used
Why is it called the Apostolic Creed
because it is 12 statements of faith coming from the 12 apostles
Which creed is longer
The Nicene Creed
What 3 parts is the Creed divided into
I believe in God the Father, I believe in the Son of God Jesus Christ, and I believe in the Holy Spirit (and the Church)
Although each divine person is equal, each has a different _______
What is the mission of God the Father
creating the world
What is the mission of the Son of God Jesus Christ
redeeming the world
What is the mission of God the Holy Spirit
sanctifies the world
How do we reach the conclusion that there are 3 divine persons
through Divine Revelation
Why is God the Father
because a father guides/leads his children
Why is Jesus Christ the Son
because a son fulfills the mission given to him by his father
Was Jesus created by God
No, that would be Arianism (a serious heresy)
When was the “beginning” of the Son of God
he doesn’t have one, he exists eternally
What does “Jesus” mean
God saves
What does “Christ” mean
Messiah/Anointed One
Why is Jesus the only one who could unite humanity with God
because Jesus has divine nature and human nature
Why does Jesus have divine nature
because he is God
How does Jesus have human nature
by being incarnate of the Virgin Mary
What is Jesus’ incarnation
Where Jesus, the Divine Son of God becomes *fully man *while remaining fully God
Is God the Father Jesus’ biological father
no, he has no biological father
What are the 2 requirements to be Christian
Accepting the Apostolic Creed and Nicene Creed
When and by who was the Nicene Creed composed
The Council of Nicaea in 325
What is the definition of the Holy Trinity
1 God in 3 Divine persons
When and by who was the Apostolic Creed first referenced
By St. Ambrose in 390
Explain the Holy Trinity according to St. Augustine
God is Love. Love is giving oneself totally to another. God the Father and the Son of God mutually Love one another. This Divine Love that unites God the Father and the Son of God is Itself God- we call “It” the Holy Spirit.
What is the relationship between God the Father and the Son of God based on
the roles which They have with respect to to one another
What do we know about God the Father
He is almighty, infinitely perfect, and the creator
What does Jesus save us from
the slavery of sin and death
What was St. Joseph to Jesus
his guardian
What does Jesus redeem us to
union with God (in heaven)
What is Original Sin
When we claim that what is right/wrong is a matter of our own personal decision
What does Original Sin lead to
the fall of mankind
What does the fall of mankind lead to
loss of original goodness (Damaged Human Nature)
What are the 3 correct understandings of Salvation
Recapitulation, ransom, and satisfaction
What is the Recapitulation understanding of Salvation
Jesus Christ, as the new Adam, succeeds where Adam failed
and makes right the wrong that Adam committed.
Who promoted the Recapitulation understanding of salvation
St. Irenaeus
What is the Ransom understanding of salvation
Jesus pays ransom to the Devil in the form of his life (resurrects afterwards)
Who promoted the Ransom understanding of salvation
St. Augustine
What is the satisfaction explanation of salvation
Jesus Christ satisfies the Justice owed to God by baring a satisfactory punishment for out sins
What scene from The Lord of the Rings connects to the Recapitulation understanding of aalvation
Aragorn gathering the dead army: Jesus harrows hell and redeems those in hell (fixed where Adam went wrong)
Who promoted the satisfaction understanding of salvation
St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas
What is penal substitution
God justifies sinners merely by declaring them righteous
on account of Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice. (basically a pile of shit covered in snow, both sinner and justified; we continue to be sinners)
Who promoted penal substitution
Martin Luther and John Calvin
Which Protestants (generally) accept penal substitution
conservative protestants
What are the two incorrect understandings of salvation
penal substitution and moral influence
What is the moral influence understanding of salvation
Jesus as a moral example (hes God so its impossible to replicate his perfection)
Who promoted the moral influence understanding of salvation
Peter Abelard
Which Protestants (generally) accept the moral influence understanding of salvation
liberal protestants
What is the paschal mystery
the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ
Why does Jesus go to hell before ascending to heaven (harrowing of hell)
to redeem those who await his salvation in hell (because they lived before the salvation of Christ)
Who is the Giver of Life
the Holy Spirit
How does the Holy Spirit give us life
nourishes and sanctifies us (helps us become holy)
What does the Holy Spirit bestow upon us and why
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, to evangelize us
What does evangelize mean
to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Love of God through our words and actions
What is the love that unites God the Father with the Son of God
the Holy Spirit
Through who were the Sacred Scriptures written
the Holy Spirit
Who is the primary author of the Sacred Scriptures
Who spoke through the Prophets about the coming of Jesus Christ
the Holy Spirit
Who did the Holy Spirit speak through about the coming of Jesus Christ
The Prophets
By the _____ ______, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
What are the 3 pillars of Lent
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
How does the Dark Knight rises give an example of the satisfaction understanding of salvation
Batman tows the neutron bomb (the punishment) away from Gotham where he sacrifices himself to restore Justice
How does James Bond: Skyfall, give an example of the Ransom understanding of salvation
James Bond give himself up so that the girl would be let go, and he blows the place up
How long before Christmas is the Annunciation of Jesus
9 months
What is another name for the Annunciation of Jesus
The Immaculate Conception of Jesus
Is St. Joseph the biological father of Jesus
no, he is his guardian
How was St. Patrick’s faith before being kidnapped at 16
he was MTD
What century did St. Patrick live in
the 5th Century
How many times would St. Patrick pray every day and night
100x a day and 100x a night
Even though St. Patrick was a starved slave he would still ____ from his food
How long was St. Patrick enslaved in Ireland for
6 years
Although unfamiliar to the land, having the odds against him, and being hunted God lead this saint out of slavery
St. Patrick
Why does St. Patrick become a bishop
To spread Christianity to Ireland
Why did people doubt that St. Patrick would be able to spread Christianity to the Irish
Because no one has succeeded in doing it
Did St. Patrick succeed in spreading Christianity to Ireland