Tri 2, Test 1 Flashcards
What is the definition of God from the perspective of faith (i.e. Moses and the burning bush)
Being “I AM”; Divine Word/ Sacred Scripture (God supernaturally revealing himself to us)
What is the definition of God from the perspective of reason (i.e. Aristotle)
God is “BEING ITSELF” (-Aristotle)
What is the (general) definition of God
Being itself, God is, I Am
What is the most important word in any language and why
“To be”; Speaks of Identity
What is the second most important word in any language and why
“To have”; Speaks of atributes
God is not _ being ot the ________ being, he is simply _____
A, supreme, Being
How do we know that there is only ONE God
Because God is Existence/Being (itself) and there can only be one Existence/Being (itself)
“Our holy Mother, the Church, holds and teaches that God (the
first principle and last end of all things) can be known with
________ from the ________ world by the ________ light of ______ _______.” -FIrst Vatican Council
certainty, created, natural, human
St. Thomas Aquinas’ starting point for proving God’s existence is structured how
an observation and deduction from the natural world
What were St. Thomas Aquinas’ 5 points for proving God’s existence
(Argument from) Motion, Cause and Effect, Necessity, Perfection of Being, and Design, Purpose & Governance of the World
Explain The Principle of Infinite Regress
Things cannot go back infinitely; they need a STARTING POINT
Explain the second proof: Argument from Cause and Effect
Something cannot move without being moved by something else; there needs to be a cause for an effect; Ex. a painting can’t paint itself
Explain the third proof: Argument from Necessity
if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have
been impossible for anything to have begun to exist
Explain the fourth proof: Argument from Perfection of Being
Because we measure the perfection of things as “better” or “best” there has to be something of maximum perfection, this this God
Explain the fifth proof: Argument from Design, Purpose & Governance of the World
lacks intelligence cannot move towards an end, unless it be directed
by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence; as the
arrow is shot to its mark by the archer
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s conclusion on the Argument from Motion
God as the Unmoved Mover
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s conclusion on the Argument from Cause and Effect
God as the First Cause Uncaused
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s conclusion on the Argument from Necessity
God as Necessary Being
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s conclusion on the Argument from Perfection of Being
God as Perfect Being
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s conclusion on the Argument from Purpose & Governance of the World
God as the Source of design, order, and purpose in the world
What is St. Albert the Great the patron saint of
scientists and philosophers
Who was St. Thomas Aquinas’ teacher
St. Albert the Great
What did St. Thomas Aquinas write
the “Summa Theologae”
What is Advent
A 4 week long period of patient preperation with prayer and penance for the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas
What is the symbol of Advent
the Advent Wreath
What are the 4 advent words
prayer, penance, patience, and prepare
How many of each color candle are there on an Advent Wreath
3 purple and 1 pink
What does the Evergreen circle on a Wreath represent
The Everlasting Love of God
Why do we have 4 weeks of Advent
Because the difference between the Hebrew and Gregorian calandars is about 4000 years and Advent “sums it up” in 4 1000 year long weeks
What does AD stand for
Anno Domini (In the uear of the Lord)
Who was the first of the Apostles to meet Jesus
St. Andrew
Who was St. Peter’s brother
St. Andrew
What cross was St. Andrew crucified on
an X shaped cross
Who introduced St. Peter to Jesus
St. Andrew
What is Santa Claus derived from
St. Nicholas
Who remade the image of ST. Nick
Who was a protestant political artist who was against Catholicism
Thomas Nast
Where does the Christmas tree come from
Who brought Christianity to Germany
St. Boniface
Where does the Nicene Creed come from
Council of Nicene
How did St. Boniface convert Germans
by cutting down a tree they worshiped to show that it couldn’t even defend itself
Who converted and baptized St. Augustin
St. Ambrose
How did the idea of Santa bringing presents start
From St. Nicholas throwing money through the windows of a guy’s house who was going to sell his daughters into prostitution so he could afford their wedding
How fast did St. Augustin become a Bishop after his conversion
one day
What was St. Augustin before becoming a bishop
a politician
What does the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrate
St. Anne’s pregnancy with the Virgin Mary
What was special about Mary’s birth
she was born sinless
Who did St. Juan Diego see
Our Lady of Guadelupe
How did Our Lady of Guadelupe appear
As an Indian maiden dressed as an Aztec princess in the clouds
What happened after the appearance of Our Lady of Guadelupe
9 million Hispanics converted to Catholicism over the next 10 years
Where and how many times did Our Lady of Guadelupe appear
4 times Mexico City (Dec. 9-12, 1531)
What did Our Lady of Guadelupe do to St. Juan Diego’s tilma
Made a specific image with impossible to recreate colors with messages hidden in
What sex is St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Where did St. Frances Xavier Cabrini want to spread ChristianityP
After being denied her passion of becoming a missionary in China, Pope Leo XIII sent her where
Why did Pope Leo XIII send St. Frances Xavier Cabrini to the USA
to help Italian immigrants
Who was the first US citizen to be cannonized
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Who invented the hospital
St. Basil the Great
What did St. Frances Xavier Cabrini have a fear of
bodies of water
What did St. Frances Xavier build in the US
schools, orphanages, hospitals, etc.
Who was the first American born saint
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Who was the first American citizen saint
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
What did St. John Neumann make
the first Catholic school system in Philly and 98 Catholic schools in the Philly diocese
Who was St. John Neumann’s friend
Bishop James Roosevelt Bailey
What did St. Elizabeth Ann Seton convert from
Who founded Seton Hall Prep
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s nephew Bishop James Roosevelt Bailey
Who was St. Agustin’s teacher
St. Ambrose
What does Fr. B call the first argument (Argument from motion) of St. Thomas Aquinas
the science argument
What does Fr. B call the second argument (Argument from Cause and Effect) of St. Thomas Aquinas
the parent argument
What does Fr. B call the third argument (Argument for necessity) of St. Thomas Aquinas
teen argument
What does Fr. B call the fourth argument (Argument for perfection of being) of St. Thomas Aquinas
language argument
What does Fr. B call the fifth argument (Argument for design, purpose, and governance of the world) of St. Thomas Aquinas
everything happens for a reason argument
When was the Council of Neicea
325 AD