TRF Revision Flashcards
What happens in the morning?
In the morning, the intense heat from the sun heats up the ground. Nutrients and water from the soil rises, as water vapors in the environment. This is because warm air rises. The water vapors are hot and humid
Why does it rain so heavily in the afternoon?
The water vapours that accumulated over the rainforest cools and condense, when they do they burst causing heavy rainfall. This all takes place in the afternoon, as during the morning the ground is being heated.
What % of the worlds land surface is covered in TRF?
Why are rubber tappers a sustainable development?
The wood and timber can be collected to craft furniture.
Explain how TRFs help control the earth’s climate
Trees cover the whole area, in tropical rainforests.They take in carbon dioxide, and in turn releases oxygen. When we cut down, or often times burn them down the carbon dioxide stays in the air. In turn, when we burn them down more carbon dioxide is added into the air. Without trees, all these carbon dioxide is left in the air which then contributes to climate change and more specifically greenhouse gases.
Why is the air moist in rainforests?
The air is moist from evaporation, which happens from rivers, and vegetation. These then evaporate, and since warm air rises these water vapours add to the humidity in the air.
Rainforest soil is not very fertile. Why?
Rainforest soil is not very fertile, instead they are infertile. This is because all of the nutrients in the soil does not stay for long and they constantly get reused. In order to support the wildlife, a lot of the nutrients get distributed throughout the rainforest.
Name reasons why trees in the amazon forest are being cut down.
mahogany, mining, cattle ranching, and resettlement
Expand on Mining
When mining in the Amazon forest, the main metals found are gold, tin, copper and iron ore. Usually, the soft layer of rock gets pressure hosed and the deeper more stiff rock gets mined by hand.
Expand n cattle ranching
Cattle ranching is a common reason, and are taken up by most Brazilians who resettled in America and was promised land.
How many hectares of land can house 2000 cattles? Is this considered small sized?
3000 hectares of land, and 2000 cows are considered a medium sized cattle ranch.
Cattle ranching: Often times, why do owners cut them even more of their ranch?
Often times, the soil can be unproductive and infertile which causes the owners to cut down even more trees to expand their ranch.
Expand on resettlement
1 million Brazilians have taken up resettlement in America, as they were promised land only to receive unproductive fields. Mahogany is another reason, it’s when mahogany trees are cut down to make wood and craft cheap furniture.